What is the temperature of a child with sore throat?


High temperature during sore throat often causes parents to be completely confused. Improve the condition of the child can not only with the help of drugs. If you want to know how much the temperature of a child keeps at a sore throat, read this article.

Special features

In medicine, several terms are used at once to reflect the severity of body temperature. Raising to 38 degrees is called subfebrile condition. When you reach 39 degrees, doctors talk about febrile. Raising to 39-40 is called pyretic fever, and over 41 degrees hyper hyperthyroid.

In most cases, body temperature in angina rises to febrile numbers. Much less often it remains subfebrile. In severe cases of the disease, cases of pyretic fever are characteristic. Hyperpyretic forms are extremely rare and require the mandatory hospitalization of the child in the intensive care unit and resuscitation.

Typically, the temperature in angina does not last long. On the first day, it reaches its maximum value. Typically, such an increase lasts for 3-4 days, and then the temperature gradually begins to decline.

Catarrhal sore throat is characterized by the most mild. The fever with it lasts no more than three days. With lacunar tonsillitis, the increase can be up to 5-6 days. Follicular variants are accompanied by high temperature (within 3-4 days). Simanovsky-Vincent disease in most cases occurs without changes in this indicator. Very rarely, an increase to subfebrile values ​​is possible. Within a couple of days the temperature drops to normal values.

Usually subfebrile condition persists during the presence of plaque on the tonsils. TOAs soon as the rash or purulent plugs begin to disappear, the body temperature will immediately return to normal. At this time, the child feels much better. Normalization of body temperature indicates a speedy recovery.

What is a “temperature tail”?

After recovery, some babies may have a small subfebrile condition for a few weeks. This symptom should not cause concern to parents expressed. As a rule, this manifestation is residual in nature and does not require additional treatment.

For full normalization of body temperature at this time should pay attention to strengthening the immune system.

For a quick recovery after an illness, your baby should be given more warm drink containing vitamin C. For this, a perfect brew of rosehip and black currant, as well as herbal tea with honey and lemon, is perfect.

How to reduce?

Use drugs should be only when the temperature rises above 38 degrees. Paracetamol-based and ibuprofen-based antipyretic agents are used for treatment. These tools are approved for use in children's practice and practically do not cause side effects.

Such drugs can be used in the form of tablets, suppositories, and various sweet syrups. The choice of dosage is based on the age of the child - according to the instructions for the drug.

Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin should not be used to normalize the temperature. Such funds can cause a very dangerous side effect - Leia syndrome.

How to knock down at home?

Treat angina should be using different methods.Rinsing the throat will help reduce the raids on the tonsils. As soon as all purulent plugs are removed, the body temperature will also begin to return to normal. The use of antibiotics and painkillers for throat lozenges will also improve well-being.

With a rise in body temperature to subfebrile values, you should not use drugs. Wiping with a wet towel is fine. It should be moistened with water and carry out active rubbing of children's skin. This method helps to quickly reduce body temperature and improve the health of the baby.

Some mothers add some diluted vinegar to the water. It helps to enhance the effect. However, care should be taken when adding vinegar to water for rubbing. This may lead to a more pronounced decrease in temperature. If your baby has too tender and sensitive skin, you should also not use this method. If the vinegar concentration is not correct, chemical burns may occur.

To reduce the high body temperature, you should give your baby a lot of warm, abundant drinking. Very good if the drinks contain more ascorbic acid. They will help remove bacterial toxins from the body, which will also contribute to a strong decrease in temperature. Being in this period under a warm blanket will also help enhance the effect of the treatment.

Bathing during high temperatures should not be. This can lead to poor health and aggravate the course of the disease. After a hot bath, the heat transfer is disturbed, which leads to a quick supercooling in the future. At very high temperatures, it is better to wipe off. You can return to hygiene procedures 5-6 days after the onset of the disease.

To normalize the performance of the body will also require regular airing of the room. So that the child does not experience overheating, which contributes to an even higher temperature, it should not be overwhelmed. For normal breathing, be sure to air the room. It will be better if the baby is in the next room during ventilation.

For young children, rubbing of the folds with a soft cloth is appropriate. The best sites will be the cubital fossa, as well as the lateral surface of the neck. You can attach to these places a cloth dipped in water. Such compresses will help to normalize the temperature of even the smallest children - without harm to health.

Excess food in large portions can also make it difficult to normalize the temperature. In the acute period of the disease should feed the child as gently as possible. On the first day it is better not to overfeed the baby. For food, perfect soups and boiled porridge.

Heat effects

Angina is dangerous due to the development of complications. With the spread of purulent process can develop lymphadenitis, as well as an abscess - and even phlegmon. These diseases require high doses of antibiotics. With the spread of infection, inflammation may occur in the kidneys and heart muscle. This leads to the appearance of pyelonephritis, myocarditis (or even encephalitis).

In some cases, after a long course of the disease, low body temperature may persist. This situation does not require special treatment. This symptom will pass on its own. For the normalization of body temperature requires only the strengthening of immunity.

Learn more about when to churn the temperature of the child and what you will learn from the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


