Berodual for children's inhalations: instructions for use
Healing inhalations are one of the effective ways to combat respiratory diseases, because they deliver drugs directly to the respiratory tract of a child. One of the groups often used for inhalation drugs are bronchodilators. These include Berodualprescribed for coughing and other symptoms of bronchial obstruction.
This medicine is most often administered to children through nebulizer inhalation. If he was prescribed to a child, parents should know how to breathe properly through a Berodual nebulizer and other nuances of such treatment.

Composition and form for nebulizer therapy
The drug is sold in dark colored bottles, the volume of the drug in which is 20 ml. The bottle is supplemented with a dropper made of polyethylene. The liquid has almost no smell and color. In addition, there should normally be no suspensions in such a solution.
As part of this medication, you will see two active ingredients - fenoterol hydrobromide. (it contains 500 µg in 1 ml of the drug) and ipratropium bromide (in every milliliter of the solution it is presented in a dose of 250 µg). Such active ingredients are supplemented with purified water, sodium chloride, hydrochloric acid, edetate disodium, and benzalkonium chloride.
How does it work?
The main influence of medicinal components, which are part of Berodual, is the expansion of the lumen of the bronchi due to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchial tree.
At the same time, the main advantage of this medication is the speed of action. (after 15 minutes, the child's breathing is easier). The effect of the drug lasts up to six hours.
In addition to eliminating bronchospasm and relaxation of smooth muscles in the bronchi, inhalation with berodual:
- Reduce the secretion of mucus in the bronchi.
- Stimulate breathing.
- Relaxes smooth muscles in the vessels.
- Do not impair the process of breathing.
How old can you do?
Parents should be aware that Berodual for inhalation at 1 year old, for a child 2 years old or at the age of 4 years, is prescribed only by a doctor, given the weight of the baby. The use of this drug at the age of six is permissible only after examining a small patient and assessing his condition.
A video demonstrating how to prepare Berodual for inhalation in children, see below:
The purpose of inhalation introduction of Berodual is carried out at:
- Bronchial asthma.
- Obstructive chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
- Emphysema
- Obstruction with tuberculosis.
Breathing with Berodual is not recommended for:
- Individual intolerance to medication.
- Diabetes mellitus.
The drug should be used with caution in heart disease and high blood pressure, as well as with pheochromocytoma and hyperthyroidism. Besides, the procedures are not performed at elevated body temperature, bacterial infections of upper respiratory tract, acute stage of pneumonia, detection in the sputum of blood or a tendency to nasal bleeding.
Side effects
Berodual, like any other drug, has its negative effects and risks of use. This medicine may cause skeletal muscle tremor, dry mouth and increased nervousness.Also during inhalation dizziness, tachycardia, headaches and other negative effects may occur. Therefore, the use of Berodual using an inhaler should be only according to the indications and be prescribed by a doctor. It is unacceptable to give small children to breathe berodual without control from the pediatrician.
Instructions for use
Inhalations are made only in a nebulizer, and the doctor should select the exact dosage of Berodual. Usually it is 1 drop per 2 kg of child weight. It is very dangerous to increase the dose over the recommended by the doctor. In addition, the constant increase in dose can worsen the course of the disease.
- If the bronchospasm is moderate, then Berodual is prescribed in a dosage of 10 drops (0.5 ml) per procedure.
- In severe bronchospasm and severe asthma, a single dose for a child under 12 years old can be 40 drops (2 ml), and for a child over 12 years old - 50 drops (2.5 ml).
- In a particularly severe condition, inhalation is carried out with 60 drops (3 ml) to children under 12 years old and 80 drops (4 ml) to children over 12 years old.
- The maximum dose per day is 4 ml for children under 12 years old and 8 ml for children over 12 years old.
The number of drops prescribed by the doctor is only diluted with saline. Distilled water for the breeding of Berodual is not used. The preparation divorced with saline should be used fresh (it cannot be stored).
To dilute Berodual, saline is added to a volume of 3-4 ml. For example, at the age of 7 years or 9 years, the doctor prescribed 1 ml of Berodual for inhalation, then 2 or 3 ml of physiological saline was added to it. If the child is more than 12 years old or the course of the disease is severe, the proportions will be different, therefore, the ratio of Berodual and saline solution for each child must be specified individually.
Most often, the procedure is performed twice a day, but depending on the pathology, the pediatrician may prescribe inhalation once a day, or three times a day. In severe condition, it can be done up to 4 times a day, but with a break of at least 4 hours.
The duration of treatment with Berodual on average is 5 days. The duration of one procedure is 6-7 minutes until the solution is completely consumed. The drug during inhalation should not fall into the eyes.
Quite often, inhalations with Berodual are simultaneously administered with the inhalation administration of Lasolvan. In this case, the child breathes with Berodual first, so that the bronchi become dilated and the sputum becomes more active. This procedure should not be carried out at night, because after inhalation the child will cough, and the mucus from the bronchi will be more active.
Drug interaction
- The effect of the expansion of the bronchi with simultaneous use of Berodual and other drugs, including anticholinergics or beta-adrenomimetics, will increase. However, this combination of drugs will also increase the risk of side effects.
- If you assign beta blockers to your child, the effect of Berodual will decrease.
- When treating diuretics, corticosteroids or xanthine derivatives, the use of Berodual will provoke hypokalemia.
- Glucocorticoid drugs and cromoglicic acid increase the therapeutic effect of Berodual.
Terms of purchase and storage
You can buy the drug at the pharmacy only after presenting a prescription from a doctor. The cost of one package (20 ml) varies from 250 to 290 rubles. At home it is important to keep the bottles with Berodual in a place inaccessible to children. The temperature in it should not be lower than 0 ° С or higher than + 30 ° С. The shelf life of the drug is a period of 5 years.
Many parents praise inhalation with Berodual, noting their effectiveness in expanding the bronchi, ease of use and relatively low cost. However, quite often mention about the side effects of the drug, for example, dizziness and increased heart rate.
Opinions of doctors about the use of such drugs in children also differ.However, most of them prefer Berodual for severe bronchial obstruction, as a fast-acting and very effective drug. Dr. Komarovsky calls this medicine a good choice for asthma and other obstructive pathologies, but focuses the attention of mothers on the need for consultation with a doctor.
If you want to replace Berodual with another medicine with a similar effect, you can use for inhalation:
With bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis and other diseases with a dry or wet cough, the doctor may also prescribe inhalations with other medicines. For example, with ambroxol (Lasolvan, Ambrobene) or glucocorticoids (Pulmicort, Budesonide).
We recommend to watch the release of the program of Dr. E. Komarovsky, from which you will learn all the nuances of inhalation in children: