First of all, you need to consult with a neurologist, the child may have increased anxiety as a result of the effects of neuroscience (high sensitivity of the nervous system), hence the possible emotional anxiety, tearfulness. This most often happens in children in spring and autumn.
Secondly, a child may have a delayed crisis of 5 years, it is usually accompanied by unjustified fears, self-doubt, irritability, sudden aggression and hysteria. A child at this age learns to be independent, to control his emotions, wants to be meaningful. Therefore, it is important to him that everything worked out for him. And children often use tears as a weapon against adults, it is also worth paying attention to.
The main thing is for parents to be always close by and learn to bypass all the manipulations and tantrums of the child.
You can also pay attention to the type of temperament, according to your description suitable melancholic type. They are always always whiny, they are afraid of everything, they are constantly in an alarming state. Read the recommendations for this temperament.
And finally, it is necessary to analyze the style of your upbringing and the situation in the family, maybe something has changed lately, children react to everything quickly with their behavior.
You can go to a psychologist for a consultation with your child, the psychologist will help your child to come to a stable emotional state there on the spot with the help of conversation and diagnostics. All the best!