First of all, the period when you want to interrupt breastfeeding should be calm for you and the baby. Especially, if the child has hypertonia and problems with sleep, you can continue to use drugs that the neurologist has prescribed. It is better to avoid stressful situations, as this only provokes the child to HB, because it is not only a source of food for the child, but also a means of sedation.
Secondly, choosing the time of year, stay better on the cooler months, as in hot weather, the child will constantly ask to drink (but this is optional).
Be sure to watch the baby and his health. During illness or even the common cold, no feeding can be completed. It is best to complete the GW in a phased reduction of day feeding and then night feeding, but this is individual.
Many have difficulties with night feeding. To wean the child off nightly feedings, one to two weeks before feeding stops. think up some ritual which you will spend at bedtime: you can drink a baby with warm milk or kefir or tell him a bedtime story. At the time of laying the child attract a husband or grandmother.
Weaning the child from the breast, try as often as possible to promote the independence of the child, Give him a spoon, a good example of older children in the family or with friends.
Much depends on the psychological attitude of the mother, because it is so hard to tear the baby away from herself, many perceive it on an emotional level.
Try to adjust yourself to the fact that this stage of feeding is completed, but you will still give the child warmth and affection in other tactile ways. And the habit of pulling at the chest after the termination of HB will pass with time, the main thing is to not abruptly stop at the very beginning, but if possible reduce these moments by switching attention. Needless to wear closed t-shirts.
You can try to replace those moments when the child asks for the chest, on the bowel and of course constantly switch attention, play. These methods are more or less sparing. But if all the same they do not help, use folk methods: anoint with brilliant green or wormwood chest and give a try, of course, there will be tantrums, but without them in any way.
Put the baby in the stroller, you can temporarily give a bottle of water, Experience has proven: 3 days of hysterics - and the child calmly refuses to feed.
I think you will be able to choose the most benign way to complete HB for your baby.
Try to complete the GW before the adaptation to the garden. Daytime sleep can be carried out in the summer on the street in an unusual setting for a child, since it is there that she does not require a breast. Then gradually transfer to sleep at home, possibly using a stroller.
The girl has a very sensitive nervous system. In addition, breastfeeding very strongly binds the child to the mother. Usually, after its completion, children become more independent, their sleep and appetite improve.
All the best!