Warts in children


Skin diseases in a child can cause a real shock in mommy, because such diseases look, as a rule, unpleasant. The most common are warts. They can occur in different places and at any age. You can cope with warts at home, if you know what to do in this situation.

Causes of

In childhood, many people believed that a wart could be infected by touching the toad or washing one's hands in a puddle. However, these actions cannot cause wart infection at all. Scientists have determined that this skin disease has a viral origin.

The human papilloma virus is to blame for everything. Currently, various subspecies of this microorganism, there are several dozen. Different viruses can cause many kinds of warts, which differ significantly in appearance.

After the penetration of the papillomatous virus into the children's organism, it quickly spreads through the bloodstream. These pathogens have a negative effect on epithelial cells. Viruses, settling in epithelial cells, can be there for quite a long time. If there is no treatment, they cause rapid growth and development of warts in the future.

Baby warts are not easy to treat, but they can still be treated. In order to completely clear the skin of warts, you need to be patient.

How does the infection occur?

Often, babies become infected through a household contact, for example, playing with common toys in kindergarten. Not always the source of infection will be the baby who has warts on the body. Often, human papillomavirus can manifest itself slightly or even proceed in a latent form. Even small warts can be a source of infection.

Very often there are family cases of infection with human papillomavirus. This occurs as a result of personal hygiene. The most common route of infection is the use of the same towel by all family members. Viruses are perfectly preserved in warm and humid rooms in the bathrooms, and they are easily contaminated when in contact with skin.

The use of common cutlery also contributes to infection. Viruses accumulate in saliva and can remain viable for a long time in the environment. If there is not enough quality washing of the mugs or cutlery, contamination may also occur.

Another frequent infection method is the transplacental tract. In this case, while still in the womb, the future baby may become infected. In some situations, the baby may become infected at the time of delivery. This occurs when various pathologies of gestation are created during pregnancy.

The theme of the occurrence of warts in children Dr. Komarovsky will reveal in the next video.

What contributes to the appearance of warts?

Even in the presence of papillomatous infection in the body, skin growths do not appear in all cases. For a long time, an infected baby remains completely healthy. At the same time, it is practically impossible to identify such children, since there are no various manifestations on the skin.

The most frequent factors that contribute to the appearance of warts include:

  • A strong decrease in immunity.

  • The trauma gives a stressful situation or stress.

  • Violation of personal hygiene.

  • Chronic diseases of the digestive system, as well as endocrinological diseases.

  • Not enough good nutrition, not getting vitamins A, D and E.

  • Violations of the integrity of the skin as a result of chronic skin diseases. For example, on too thin areas of the skin - a thin wound surface promotes rapid infection with viruses that cause the disease.

  • Severe dryness of the skin, which leads to frequent trauma.


Warts can appear at very different ages. However, they are extremely rare in newborns. In a one-year-old child, immunity is formed due to incoming maternal immunoglobulins G, which enter the children's body during breastfeeding. This causes a smaller number of cases of infants.

Warts can appear on almost all parts of the body. From the localization also depends on the course and characteristics of the disease. The number of warts can be from several pieces to tens. It depends on the subtype of virus that caused their appearance, as well as the age of the baby and the initial state of the immune system.

By the form and localization of all warts are divided into several groups:

  • Plantar. Appear on the foot. The process can be one-way or two-way. Usually such warts are small, up to 5-7 mm. Often they are dark in color with small depressions in the center. Warts penetrate deep into the skin. At large sizes or localization on the heel can cause severe pain when walking.

  • Vulgar. They may appear on the hands, on the face, as well as on the forehead and on the nose. These warts look like separate nodules. They can be of various sizes: from a couple of millimeters to a centimeter. As a rule, they are flat. Can also appear on the elbows and on the back. In some cases, even occur on the knee.

  • Okolonogtevye. Appear on the finger, around the nail. Often look like protruding above the skin of the formation. May be brownish or gray.

  • Youthful Often there are many. Appear, as a rule, on the legs and on the palms. Practically slightly elevated above healthy areas of the skin.

What do they look like?

Warts appear in babies at different ages. Even a one-year-old child can detect signs of infection with papilomatous infection. The appearance of warts depends on the subtype of the virus that caused them. Usually they look like flat or rising above the surface of the skin overgrowth.

In most cases, several warts appear on the skin at once. They have a dark brown or even black color. Sometimes they are pale pink, resembling healthy skin. In this case, only a dermatologist will be able to distinguish a wart.

The size of warts is from 2-3 mm to 1 cm. Quite often, the infection manifests itself with numerous rashes. In this case, one wart first appears, and after a while their number increases. Basically, this occurs in cases where treatment is not started or the child has pronounced disorders in the immune system.

Who to contact?

When identifying the first signs of the disease should show the child to a dermatologist. The doctor will conduct all the necessary tests and examinations and will be able to say for sure whether the child has a papillomatous infection. Currently, a wide range of different studies are used to determine the presence of a virus in the body.

In order to clarify which subspecies of the virus caused the disease, conduct laboratory tests. The material for the study may be venous blood or a piece of damaged skin. Usually, in order to investigate such a biopsy, the doctor sends a piece of wart for histological examination. The histologist gives a detailed description and makes a final diagnosis.

Outgrowths on the skin may not always be warts. This is how several dermatological diseases appear, including no less infectious than papillomatous infection. In some cases, fungal lesions are masked under the warts. In such a situation, without a histological examination, it will be difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis.


Methods to cure warts, currently there are quite a lot. Among them are both traditional medicine methods that have been widely used for many decades, as well as modern physiotherapy techniques and medicines. Such a variety of therapeutic treatments for warts allows you to successfully cope with this unpleasant disease in children.

Each of these methods has its own positive and negative properties. Some mothers, if you read the reviews, consider some method of treatment as a real panacea in the treatment of warts, while this method absolutely did not help others. This is due to the fact that in the world there are a huge number of various human papilloma viruses that cause diseases. Treatment in this case should be selected strictly individually.

How to effectively get rid of warts can be found in the following video.

Cauterize the wart at home can be a few methods:

  • Use celandine. The juice of this plant has a destructive effect on the human papillomavirus. With regular processing of juice from celandine, you can clear the baby's skin from warts. Please note that this method can be used in the absence of allergy in a child to a plant. Before using all over the skin, check for an allergic reaction in a small area.

  • Acetic acid treatment. For cauterization, vinegar diluted in water or food grade vinegar is used. Using a cotton swab, vinegar is applied to the surface of the wart. Such a chemical reaction causes a small chemical burn. With regular treatment of warts in this way you can achieve a good result.

Thanks to traditional medicine, it is possible to eliminate the adverse symptoms by no means in all cases of the disease. As a rule, they successfully cope with small warts. However, if there is a lot of growths on the skin, then one cannot do without the use of special medicines and physiotherapeutic methods.

For the treatment of warts in modern medicine are used:

  • Special remedies that cause a chemical burn on the skin surface. This allows you to kill the human papilloma virus, which causes the appearance of warts. Such means include “Ferezol”, “Super Cleaner”, “Duofilm”. These drugs are used with great care. Careless use can cause severe burns on the skin, leading to scarring.

  • Treatment of the affected areas with antiviral ointments and solutions. Such funds cause the death of viruses, which helps cleanse the skin from warts in the aftermath. These drugs include oxolinic or tebrofin ointment. They are used to eliminate adverse symptoms. Usually a positive effect occurs after a couple of weeks of use.

  • Cryodestruction In this case, the warts are treated with liquid nitrogen. It is better that such a manipulation was performed by an experienced dermatologist. This will help reduce the risk of possible complications due to incorrect tactics of the procedure. With the help of liquid nitrogen, all the warts that have appeared on the skin are treated. This method is quite painful, however, has a good effect. Most babies do not develop repeated warts after cryodestruction.

  • Laser therapy With the help of laser radiation, you can remove damaged skin. Such an effect allows the laser to penetrate the skin to a sufficient depth. Even warts that penetrate deep into the skin layers are well exposed to this removal.As a rule, they are eliminated completely. Only in 5-10% of cases can relapses appear.

  • The use of surgical treatment. With massive warts in some cases, doctors may resort to the appointment of a small excision of skin with multiple lesions. This method of treatment is used extremely rarely.

What are dangerous?

Usually warts do not bring serious consequences for the health of the child.

However, after removing these growths with the help of various chemical or physiotherapeutic methods of treatment, ugly scars may remain on the skin.

Such manifestations are especially unfavorable if the warts were on the face. Girls such cosmetic defects bring pronounced discomfort. In such cases, consultation with a cosmetologist and a whole set of procedures to eliminate scars are required.

With the location of warts in the area of ​​the skin folds or in places that are subject to frequent injury, the risk of possible injury increases. In this case, there is a slight bleeding. A secondary bacterial infection can enter the wound, resulting in suppuration. In this case, the treatment requires the appointment of antibiotics that help eliminate bacterial inflammation in all layers of the skin.

Treatment of warts in babies under three years old can be quite painful. The skin of a child at this age is very sensitive to various methods of exposure. Even the use of solutions and drugs with a small concentration of active agents can cause a strong allergic reaction or a severe chemical burn in a baby. In this regard, doctors do not recommend treating warts at home in children under three years old and newborns.


Every mother wants to prevent the appearance of warts in a child. Preventing such diseases can be of immense benefit. After all, the treatment of warts is a very troublesome task. Often you can not remove them the first time. But even with the complete disappearance of warts, recurrences of this disease may appear after some time. It depends on the level of immunity the child will have in the future.

In order not to get infected with the human papillomavirus, the following tips should be kept in mind:

  • Watch for personal hygiene. Each family member needs to have their own set of towels and bed linen. They should be regularly stretched in hot water with the use of detergent, and also ironed on both sides with a hot iron. Such processing of textiles reduces the risk of possible infection within the family.

  • The child should have their own cutlery and dishes. If there are several babies in the family, then each child must have their own. Using someone else's dishes may lead to infection.

  • Avoid contact with babies who have warts. If your child has lowered immunity or has a chronic illness, then he can easily get infected from sick children. In order to minimize this, try to limit such contacts until full recovery of babies who have warts. Be sure to ensure that when coming from the street or after kindergarten, the baby carefully washed his hands with soap.

  • Strengthen immunity. A strong immune system is a guarantee that a child will not have warts even when infected with a papillomatous infection. To strengthen the immune system, the baby must walk on the street and actively spend his free time.

  • Full nutrition enriched with vitamins and trace elements. This contributes to the excellent functioning of the immune system and prevents infection by various infections, including the human papillomavirus. Try to include in the children's diet more fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.They contain a large amount of natural vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for the body of babies.

  • Compliance with the regime of the day and rest. Strong psycho-emotional stress contributes to the activation of viral infection and the reappearance of warts on the skin. If the child gets very tired at school or after the sports sections, be sure to review such loads. The depletion of the body can disrupt the quality of the immune system and cause the appearance of the disease.

To treat warts in a child is a rather difficult and troublesome task. To prevent the disease is much easier than later to cope with the elimination of unpleasant growths that appear on the skin.

By following the rules of personal hygiene, you can significantly reduce the risk of possible infection and even prevent the occurrence of warts in a child.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


