White point on the gum of a child


An attentive mother will immediately notice white bumps or dots that appear in the baby’s mouth, especially in infants. There are several reasons for such changes in the gums of the toddler. Some of them are innocuous, but a white pimple on the gums or a white coating on its surface may be a symptom of a disease that should definitely be treated. Therefore, parents should find out why a white dot can form on the baby’s gum and what to do in such situations.

Possible reasons


Some reasons for the appearance of white spots or spots on the gums do not harm the health of the child and often do not require any treatment. These include:

  • Nods Bon. They are represented by small round specks that do not disturb the child. According to its structure, such nodules are the tissue of the dental plate or salivary glands. Because they resemble pearl beads, such nodules are popularly called pearl mussel. Gradually, they completely dissolve and disappear from the gums of the toddler.
  • Epstein pearls. So called cyst formed from epithelial tissue in the palate for their external similarity to pearls. It is not necessary to treat them, as over time, these cystic formations disappear on their own.
  • Natal teeth. This name was given to teeth, which are found in the child immediately after birth. If the teeth "hatch" in the first month of life, they are called neonatal. In both cases, they look like small white bumps on the gum. A child with such teeth should be shown to a doctor, since they can be both too early cut through by milk teeth, as well as additional teeth that can prevent the eruption of normal teeth. In addition, these teeth are often too fragile and mobile, so they fall out earlier and pose a danger to the child (the crumb can choke), which will also be the reason for their removal.
  • Insufficient cleaning of the child’s mouth. If you do not care for the teeth of the toddler's gums on a daily basis and thoroughly enough, they can form a white patina. Dentists advise starting to clean the crumbs mouth even before the first tooth appears, so that the rest of the mixture or breast milk does not remain on the gums and does not provoke their diseases.
White dots on the gums do not always signal pathology.


In some cases, a white spot that appears on the gum or a white sore is a sign:

  • Calcium deficiency in the diet of crumbs. If the mother’s milk doesn’t have enough of this mineral, the mother smokes, takes alcohol, or is poorly fed, the child will miss him, which leads to problems with gums and teeth.
  • Herpes stomatitis. The cause of its appearance is the herpes virus, which causes the appearance of groups of white spots on the gums, which burst and leave in their place areas of erosion with a white-yellow patina. Additional symptoms of the disease are fever, enlarged lymph nodes, refusal of food.
  • Aphthous stomatitis. The disease is triggered by various factors, including bacteria, vitamin deficiencies, mucosal injury, reduced immunity, allergic reactions, stress, poor-quality fillings and others. On the mucous membrane of the gums there is a slight swelling and redness, after which a white spot or several white spots, called aphta, appear. In addition, the child becomes whiny and capricious, he is marked by increased saliva secretion, unpleasant smell from the mouth, fever and poor appetite.
  • Candida stomatitis. With such an infection caused by the Candida fungus, painful and itchy areas with a white coating are found on the gums of the crumbs. Also, with this disease, the gums may bleed, and from the mouth of the child an unpleasant smell appears. If you try to remove white bloom from the gums, there will be a wound underneath it, from which blood will begin to flow.
  • Cysts filled with pus. Often, it is caused by the penetration of bacteria inside the dental roots, for example, if caries is complicated or when dentists make mistakes during dental treatment. Under the dental root a cyst is formed, inside which pus accumulates. Gradually, he begins to look for a way out, which looks like a swollen red area with a white dot inside. If the baby is not shown to the dentist, the pus will accumulate, after which an abscess on the gum will open and a fistula will appear in the mouth of the crumbs.
Calcium deficiency can cause white spots on baby’s gums.

Somewhat less often, a white dot or several dots of white are a symptom of a wen (if it grows, such a formation is removed) or a malignant neoplasm.

What to do

If you find a white spot on the gum of the crumbs or a lot of white dots, be sure to go with the child to the doctor. Only a specialist will determine whether such white dots are dangerous and whether they are not a symptom of inflammation that should be treated. Do not try to eliminate white spots or dots exclusively folk remedies. Such treatment can only act as an adjunct to therapy prescribed by a pediatrician or dentist.

Only a dentist can determine the cause of white spots on the gums.

How to treat

The doctor’s tactics in detecting white spots on the child’s gums will depend on their cause.

With stomatitis

  • If the cause of white spots on the gums is aphthous stomatitis, it is important to give the child a lot of drinking, rinse the mouth, moisten the air in the room and change the kid's menu (give warm fresh liquid or puree food). The doctor may prescribe antihistamine, antibacterial, multivitamin, immunomodulatory or antiviral medications to the child. Local treatment of aft is carried out with analgesic gels and antiseptic solutions.
  • If white spots appear due to herpes stomatitis, it is important to isolate the child from other children, since this disease is highly contagious. The room in which the crumb is located is constantly aired, and the dishes and towels must be separate. For treatment, you should consult a doctor so that he prescribes an antiviral agent that is effective for such stomatitis. Additionally, in the treatment using gels with painkillers action and frequent rinsing with herbal decoctions and antiseptics.
  • If gum changes are associated with a candidal infection, it is important to anesthetize the affected gum areas, change the food of the crumbs (exclude hard, sour and hot foods) and rinse your mouth with a solution of soda. When confirming this form of stomatitis, the doctor will prescribe fluconazole or nystatin antifungal drugs.

What is aphthous stomatitis, how to treat and recognize it, can be seen in the next video.

With a cyst

When a pus filled with pus appears next to the baby tooth, it is often removed, after which antibacterial agents and rinses are prescribed to the baby. If the tooth under which the cyst is located is permanent, the doctor will try to save it. He will dissect a cyst and remove with it a part of the root of the tooth, after which he will install a filling.


To prevent the appearance of white dots on the gums of a child, it is recommended:

  • Pay attention to the oral hygiene of the baby.
  • Monitor the cleanliness of the dishes and toys of the child.
  • Balance the diet of crumbs and limit sweets, especially sugary drinks.
  • Time to treat any diseases of the teeth.
  • Avoid contact with people with stomatitis.
  • Avoid exposure of allergens to the baby, as well as burns and injuries of the gum mucosa.
  • Strengthen the immunity of the crumbs.
Rinse your child’s mouth after every meal.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


