A bump on the gum of a child
Gums in a child may become inflamed or damaged due to various factors, such as teething, infection or injury. Sometimes babies have a lump that causes panic in their parents. What can indicate such a change in the mouth of a daughter or son, and what should be done when it appears?
What does the appearance of a bump on the gum
The two most common causes of the formation of a bump in the child’s gums are:
- Untreated caries.
- Teething.
The most frequent factor causing the formation of a bump on the gum is infection of a milk or permanent tooth with caries. Such a disease is caused by poor hygiene, poor nutrition and other factors, affecting the tooth enamel first. If untreated, the deep tissues of the tooth are affected and the formation of an abscess, which is called a flux, is possible.
Toxins from caries infected pulp penetrate through the dental root inside the gums. This provokes the appearance near the apex of the root of the inflammatory process, in which pus is formed. He demands an exit outside and gathers under a mucous membrane of a gum near to a sick tooth. This forms a cyst with pus, which looks like a bump on the gum.
In infants and children of the second year of life, a lump on the gum may appear as a result of the eruption of a new tooth. It is called a teething cyst, since such a cyst occurs in an infant before the appearance of a tooth, as a result of its advancement to the surface of the gum. Such a bump can be very painful and severely disturb the crumbs until the eruption of the tooth.
Less common causes of lump formation on the gum are:
- Tooth infection under a temporary seal.
- Jaw injury which caused the inflammatory process.
In what places can appear and how it looks
The appearance of the bumps is possible anywhere in the gums, especially if it is a sign of a cutting tooth. Such a bump can be seen both on the upper gum and on the gums of the lower jaw. Wherein most often it is provoked by a chewing tooth being cut. When teething or incisors erupt, the appearance of a lump is much less common.
With flux, the lump often appears above the tooth and looks like a purulent white swollen area. If you touch it, the child will complain of pain. Gradually, the swelling quickly grows in size, which is why the baby feels a swelling in the gum. Often these symptoms are associated fever, deterioration of general condition, refusal to eat.
The lump that appeared as a result of the injury is often represented by a hematoma, so it will have a dark color - burgundy, blue or purple-black. It can appear on any part of the child’s gums, depending on the injured area.
What to do with a bump on the gum
The treatment of the bumps on the gum will be determined based on the cause that caused its appearance. That is why when a baby has a lump on the gum, the first correct action of the parents should be a visit with the daughter or son to the dental clinic.
With flux
If the baby has developed inflammation next to the roots of the milk or molar, it should certainly be treated by a dentist. The active formation of pus inside the gums increases the risk of a lump breaking and the appearance of a fistulous canal in the gum tissue. Through it, pus can fall on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tonsils, causing frequent colds and sore throats. Even if the fistula itself is delayed, you can not leave it without treatment. As soon as the protective forces in the body of the karapuz decrease, the inflammatory process is activated.
When purulent damage to the baby tooth is often carried out to remove it so that the infection does not penetrate to the germ of a permanent tooth. In addition, the bacteria from the purulent bumps can penetrate the lymph nodes located under the jaw, resulting in their inflammation.
In some children, the penetration of toxins from the affected tissues of the tooth into the blood can provoke allergic reactions.
If the flux is detected on a permanent tooth, the features of its treatment will be determined by the degree of tooth decay. Sometimes the tooth can be saved, but in some cases, the removal can not be avoided, so it is important to prevent the development of flux in children over 6 years old, so that they do not lose permanent teeth. You can not pull on a visit to the dentist, and also should not be used in the treatment of purulent bumps any popular methods. As soon as a daughter or son has an education on the gum, it is important to immediately go to the dentist.
With teething
If the appearance of a bump is associated with the eruption of a tooth, then, as a rule, this situation does not require any action. It is not considered a problem and often disappears as soon as the tip of the tooth crown “pecks up” through the gum. For complacency, parents still need to show the child to a specialist, so that the doctor confirms the absence of diseases of the oral cavity.
In case of injury
If parents notice a hematoma formed on the gum after a fall or trauma of the mucous membrane with a hard object, their actions should be determined by the size of this hematoma and the health of the child.
With a small blue in the face, which does not bother the little one, they usually take a waiting position. As a rule, in such situations the hematoma soon resolves itself. If the injury is strong enough and the swelling has dramatically increased its size, and the baby complains of pain, the baby should immediately be taken to a doctor.

What not to do
Having found a lump in a child’s gum, parents should not:
- Try to open it yourself.
- Give the child, without a doctor's prescription, any medications.
- Stop brushing your child's teeth.
- Rinse your baby's mouth with hot broths.
- Apply to the swollen place a hot compress.
How to prevent
In order to prevent the appearance of a bump on the gum, it is recommended:
- Carefully monitor baby's oral hygiene.
- Start brushing your teeth from the moment the first tooth appears.
- Limit sweets on the baby’s menu.
- Regularly go with the baby for a visit to the dentist.
- Time to treat tooth decay.
- Do not give your child nibble sharp objects.