Children's bed


Since a healthy sound sleep helps the growing organism most of all in its main occupation, it is necessary to select the bed for it with special care and according to all the rules. A baby bed must meet the age, the individual characteristics of the baby, meet its taste, the interior of the room and, last but not least, the orthopedic standards that exist for both children and adults.

Types and models

Modern manufacturers offer such a rich variety of models that it is easy to get lost in them. In fact, the main thing is to comply with the matching of the bed to the age of the child, and the models and types are adjusted exactly to this indicator.

  • Multifunctional transformers. This is the most popular type, even for adults today such models are produced, what can we say about baby beds. A striking example of such a transformer is the mini bed. These models are single or double - in the second case, the second bed comes out from under the first one. And in any such model there are built-in storage boxes. More complex transformers are also endowed with a workplace (sliding table), built-in open shelves or cabinets. As a rule, such beds are a choice. for a child from 3 years.
  • Bed-dresser. Similar to the previous model. But its functionality is limited only by providing the child with a bed and drawers for storing things. Such models can be made for children of any age.

Also under this name fits and folding bed, which when folded looks like a chest of drawers. It is advisable to purchase these models for children up to 10 years old, otherwise such a chest of drawers may take up too much space.

  • Classic. This is the most familiar model for all. It looks just like a regular adult bed, but in size it fits a child of a certain age. Such models are better for choosing for children from 8-10 years. They can be only with a headboard, or with fences on both sides.
  • Rocking bed Most often, this model is found in the form of a cradle for babies. But some models for children from three years old are equipped with a special mechanism that allows the child to be slightly rocked to make him fall asleep better.
  • Bed couch. Another very popular type of children's bed. Such a bed is good because at night it is a bed, and during the day it is a comfortable place to sit thanks to the backrest.
  • Bed-sofa. This model is similar to the previous one, but differs in some design features: the back is an obligatory attribute, but the armrests are not. They may or may not be present, in whole or in part. Also, models can be with a soft back or hard - the choice is for parents.
  • Bed-curbstone. Another folding model, but more compact than the option discussed above. The berth is transformed by the principle of the “folding bed” familiar to everyone from the Soviet past. Built in a graceful cabinet, such an assembled bed takes up little space and serves as a stylish piece of furniture.
  • With protective mesh. This important element can be present on any model of a cot: baby’s cradle, classic, bunk. There are two types of nets for functional purposes: one protects the baby from insect bites, and the other prevents it from falling accidentally during sleep, that is, it is a kind of limiter.
  • Portable. This model is designed for the smallest.It can be in the form of a bag, a basket, a playpen. In the latter case, the choice is so wide that you can even pick up a model on wheels.
  • Bed for several children. Bunk beds for two kids - this is not all that modern manufacturers are capable of. The double bed can be so compact that it will perfectly fit even in the closest nursery, the triple bed can be no less original and ergonomic. Modern models for four children also occupy much less space than can be assumed. In addition, designers beat every square centimeter of these products to the maximum, so that parents with many children need to adopt such an option.
  • Corner. This model is a great option for compact placement of two beds. Such beds for children are ordinary and bunk beds. The second option is preferable because it allows you to place a working area and storage sections under the sleeping places.
  • Growing bed. The model, equipped with a special sliding design, allows you to buy a crib for a three-year-old baby who just gets used to sleeping in a cradle. She will "grow" with him.
  • Combined. Many of the models described above fall into the category of combined beds. Variations of combinations can be very different: this is a bed with a mezzanine, and a model with a table or an entire work area below. The second option involves a bed with a ladder.
  • Upholstered. This option is ideal for the nursery, as it minimizes the possibility of injuries to babies during games in their room. A similar option is found in almost every type of crib.
  • With orthopedic base. A necessary condition for a children's bed is an orthopedic mattress. Sometimes, in an effort to save money, parents may not give due importance to this important component of the bed for their children. Most quality beds are equipped with a special mattress that meets all requirements. Children from three years old are recommended to sleep only on an orthopedic surface, otherwise health problems may arise.

Read more about the subtleties of choosing a children's mattress - on the advice of Dr. Komarovsky.

  • Suspended. When at the disposal of parents the room is not very large, but with high ceilings, a great option is a hanging bed. Under it you can conveniently arrange the shelves and storage boxes, and there is still enough space for the playing area.


In addition to the differences in the functional plan, this or that bed is made in different styles. To understand exactly what is needed for a particular interior, one should understand the characteristic features of styles.


A classic-style interior bed is a traditional model with two or four legs, with a headboard and a footboard (the latter is optional). This model will have a natural color. Universality of such a bed will play into the hands - it will fit into any interior.


This style is characterized by the demonstration of innovative innovative ideas. A bed in the spirit of modernity can be forged, or located in a fantasy bed. And there are models that are very similar to the classic ones, but the combination of wood and metal, more modern design solutions give out modern beds in these beds.


This is a very light and natural style, it is inherent in furniture of light shades of wood. The bed in the style of Provence can be made in any modern variety, but should be deprived of even a hint of luxury or pretentiousness. Provence is the atmosphere of a provincial town or even a village.


The easiest way to create a nautical style in a child’s room is to use blue, white, red, and brown colors in its design, as well as add some characteristic symbolism. But the most spectacular would be to purchase a bed in a pirate style.Modern manufacturers are literally competing with each other, trying to invent more and more new, more believable copies of these ship beds, to the delight of young adventurers.


Children's room in a sports style is a personal mini-complex for active kids. Ropes, ladders, rings, and even a small slide - today, every little athlete has a personal playground for playing right in his room.


The nature of the northern peoples gave the world a beautiful "cool" design, which is quite appropriate in the nursery. A Scandinavian-style bed is black forged models or variations of white wood with fur. veil. Style traits: the contrast of white and dark, the neighborhood of cold and warming. Style for serious boys or dreamy girls.


In the first years of the baby’s life, the space he needs for sleeping is constantly increasing. In order to choose the bed correctly at every stage of growth and development of the child, you need to know the standard size of a berth for a given age.

  • Cradle. A newborn baby will need a very tiny cradle for sleeping: a bed in it can take no more than 80x40 cm. However, many parents prefer models that are suitable for babies up to one year old or even up to three years old. From six months, the child will need a sleeping place 120x60 cm, the cradle should have high sides, in modern models they are made removable - this simplifies the process of caring for the baby.
  • Single bed Most often, this bed is chosen for a child aged from three to seven years. Standard single beds have a bed width of 70-80 cm, and length varies from 130 to 160 cm.
  • One and a half Such a model should be acquired when the child is 8-10 years old. Its dimensions are 90x180 cm. It will serve the child until the onset of an older one. teenage age


It is logical that preference should be given only to natural and environmentally friendly materials. But they have recently become so many that it is not difficult to get confused. About the merits of each can be said in a nutshell.


Beautiful and inexpensive material. One of the most environmentally friendly types of wood. Pine furniture has a pleasant smell, it will create in the child’s room a microclimate conducive to his health.


Oak furniture, even without special treatment, perfectly tolerates high humidity and many other harmful environmental factors. This bed will create a special soothing atmosphere in the nursery, will help reduce the risk of headaches. Wenge breed will be very high quality and very expensive.

Birch tree

Birch beds are incredibly durable. In addition, this is the most common tree in our country, and therefore the cost of such a product will be significantly lower than on models from other types of wood.


Another excellent eco-friendly material. A beech bed will give your child comfort, peace and well-being while sleeping.

Economical options

Compared with natural wood, which is a very expensive material, there are many common economical varieties: Laminated chipboard, MDF, chipboard, veneer. Make children's beds and plywood. Furniture with good upholstery in any of these options will also last for a long time with proper care.

But that's not all. Modern manufacturers today offer other options suitable for children: iron or plastic furniture, a bed made of eco-leather - if we are not talking about the smallest ones, then it is quite possible to choose one of these options.


Although on sale you can find options for all colors of the rainbow and each of their shades, the parents have their own "favorites." So, the most frequent purchase for a modern nursery is a white bed. Although it is a brand color, this furniture allows you to make the nursery lighter.

In the room for the girl most often there is a pink bed. This color often becomes the predominant in the interior of a small lady, because it has a positive effect on a small child: it soothes, relaxes, gives a feeling of joy.

For a child of any gender, a green, blue, pale yellow or lilac bed, as well as any shades of natural wood, will do.


Original design decisions contribute to the fact that today you can buy a children's bed in the form of anything: it can be a butterfly or a heart, a bed-bus or a car. And, if we talk about cars, then the types of beds that imitate them exist, probably no less than real cars: “Ferrari”, “Mercedes”, Makvin from “Wheelbarrows” - in a word, everything that a child can want. Popular fictional characters - a very frequent plot for the design of the crib, for example, Luntik or Teddy Bear.

Modern sleeping places for babies are available with a roof, curtains and even illuminated. All this contributes not only to comfortable rest, but also to exciting games during the day. Especially popular with children is the bed-tent.

Manufacturers and factories

  • "Ascona". Leader in healthy sleep products. The factory offers its customers excellent quality at an affordable price. Orthopedic mattresses from Ascona meet all the requirements and guarantee the preservation of correct posture.
  • "Ormatek". Less well-known, but not inferior in quality of its products, manufacturer. A wide range of models for any age and taste.
  • Giovanni. English brand specializing primarily in children's furniture. Cots of this brand will provide a good sleep and well-being of the baby.
  • Pali. Domestic manufacturer of children's furniture. It has an advantage over the English brand in the form of a price that is more acceptable for a Russian buyer.
  • IKEA. Swedish company, known worldwide. It is famous for its eco-friendly, light, stylish, durable and compact furniture. Bed from "Ikea" You can choose for a child of any age. And the brand loves to pamper its fans with big discounts and sales.

How to choose?

  • For babies. Ideal bed for newborns It resembles a domestic stroller: it is small in size, has high sides and wheels.
  • For children from the year. Classic bed arena suitable for sleeping and waking baby.
  • From 3-4 years. Small single bed with protective sides will gradually wean the crumbs from the cradle in which he spent the first years of his life.
  • For preschoolers. It's time to get an ordinary single bed, a good option would be a model with soft upholstery.
  • 7-9 years. At this age, the child can sleep on a classic single bed.
  • 10-12 years. On the threshold of transitional age, children start to grow faster, and therefore they need one-and-a-half beds for a comfortable sleep.

Beautiful models

Ordinary bunk bed is no surprise. Models called "attic" can be calculated to sleep one or two children. In any case, in any case, they will give a lot of opportunities for fun games for the baby - both independently and in company with a brother, sister or friends.

A bed for a child of any age is much more convenient if it is endowed with a mass of additional useful functions and is not only a place to sleep, but also a piece of furniture that allows you to store things. If we talk about a crib for a newborn, then of course, in addition to drawers, there should be a changing table in such a multifunctional building. The model presented in the next photo is also good because the sleeping place in it is not made unreasonably large. When the baby is cramped in this crib, he will already be old enough to use a piece of furniture more suitable for his age to sleep.

The elegant bed shown in the next photo should be to the taste of a girl of 10-12 years old. This, still small, one-and-a-half model - this is not yet an adult bed, but it is very similar to her. The refined style of the product will help the growing girl to feel her femininity. In the meantime, it's still early to say goodbye to childhood, on such a bed it is appropriate to have fun bedding with a playful print.

Another great way to properly organize the storage of things in the nursery - to choose a bed with hidden drawers. The most popular mechanism of this kind - the rising mattress, which opens access to a spacious box. There may be stored things that are not so often used. At the same time, when the bed is in its usual position, no drawers are visible, and the impression of minimalism is created.

But if in the design of the room so few different elements and colors, the boxes that are built into the bed will not be superfluous, but, on the contrary, decorative elements. This is not only roomy lockers for toys and clothes for the baby, it is also a spectacular touch in the interior.

Every year, designers come up with more and more ergonomic bed designs that allow you to accommodate the maximum of useful functions in a minimum area. One example is the following model. In the "attic" here is a bed, at the bottom - a sliding console for practicing lessons, as well as spacious lockers and shelves.

For girls who have more things, the following model will do: the desktop here is made even more compact and mobile, which made it possible to add more storage sections.

Continuing the theme of ergonomics, consider the next version of the bunk bed. It does not provide jobs, but gives a lot of opportunities for comfortable storage of a large number of things.

The adherents of complete minimalism and open spaces will like the other option more, as shown in the next photo. This is a very simple bunk bed made of wood, painted white. It is suitable for a light and light in its essence relaxing interior.

Single beds for children from 3 years often have a side back. This makes the place for the night more secluded for the crumbs, getting used to the new type of furniture. They are also equipped with storage boxes, because modern manufacturers do not like to waste space.

But to avoid problems when getting used to a new bed, it can have low sides from all sides, as in the photo below, so that the transition is gradual.

Another very convenient option for a compact bunk bed is a model with a pull-out second berth. The stylish bed also has storage boxes, that is, in the daytime, in the tiny space, there are two full-sized beds and a chest of drawers - in the realities of small-sized housing this is a very valuable quality.

The tender bed for a child of 3-5 years reminds us of a bench, which brings associations with the summer, the sun and other pleasant memories. The baby will feel calm and protected in it.

Already more than one generation of boys grew up in cots in the form of a car. This trend does not lose its relevance for about half a century, only the details of the appearance of the car are changing, because progress creates more and more new modifications.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.