Baby wall with a bed


Any nursery requires a fairly large amount of furniture, each item of which must be well combined with the rest of the interior. It is not easy to assemble a complete picture of individual parts, especially if the space is significantly limited, and there is not too much money. If you need to solve all these problems at once, you should pay attention to the children's wall with a bed.

Features, Pros and Cons

A children's wall with a bed is a fairly wide set of furniture, the main and indispensable element of which, as the name suggests, is a children's bed. In addition, the creators add something else that a child might need, such as a cupboard or just a shelf, a desk, or a computer desk with drawers.

The specific equipment depends only on the chosen model and the imagination of the designer who created it, therefore something from the described may not be, but it is possible that there will be something else and no less useful.

Naturally, this solution has a number of advantages:

  • Do not have enough artistic taste to elegantly furnish the nursery? Buy a wall with a bed - there will be everything you need, designed in the same style.
  • Little space? This is not a problem if you prefer a wall, because it is compact enough to fit in any room, and according to its functionality it can replace several individual pieces of furniture at once. Moreover, if the dwelling is so small that there is no possibility to allocate a separate room for the nursery, and the child has to live in the same room with the older ones, this is the ideal solution to zone the space.
  • Do not have sufficient financial resources to immediately get everything you need? It does not matter, because wholesale is cheaper: a wall consisting of a bed, a wardrobe and a table will be much cheaper than all these items separately.

The only possible disadvantage that can be attributed to the children's wall with a bed is related to the possibility of expansion as the child grows. If the bed has a child size, then the small owner will outgrow it sooner or later, and at this point, instead of replacing one bed, you will have to change all the furniture in the room.

True, usually the walls are produced in a modular version, that is, they can be disassembled, and then the table and the cabinet can be left, but the question remains whether they will normally be combined with the rest of the furniture.


There is no clear classification of children's walls, despite the rather significant diversity of models. To simplify the search for the required, we will try to understand in more detail the specifics of the varieties of such furniture.

We should start with the fact that a bedroom set with a wardrobe does not necessarily have to be equipped with a bed - the sofa can perform its functions quite well, especially since such a solution looks a bit more presentable. Particularly functional walls are equipped with a bed and a sofa at the same time - the last element is hidden hiding inside the first one.

However, most of the models are equipped with a bed, although there are options here - some walls are made for boys, others for girls, plus a gradation by age - for preschoolers, schoolchildren and teenagers.

Designers did not miss the moment that there could be more than one child in a family, and in this situation, saving space and money is even more relevant.For such cases, modular walls with two beds are created, and if the areas are critically small, the design can be equipped with a built-in folding bed - in this case, the button controls the mechanism for lowering the front wall. There is also an alternative option for small squares - a bunk bed.

By the way, bunk beds provide additional opportunities for equipping the wall with various additional bonuses, in particular, one of the children will still have to climb up the ladder regularly, but the Swedish wall for both children can successfully replace it. Fantasy designer can give the second tier the appearance, like a village house or in any other way add to it a bit of mystery. In some cases, the slide is also adapted for descending from the second tier, but this decision is relevant only if the children are still small, and the choice in favor of the wall is made not because of the size of the nursery.

Finally, there is also a division according to form. In addition to the straight, classical wall, there is also an angular variety, and even U-shaped - the one that covers two adjacent corners of the room.


The style of children's walls is very dependent on who gets this furniture. Usually allocate headsets for boys and girls.

Headsets for young ladies are usually characterized by delicate, typically ladies' colors, as well as by particularly soft lines and subtle charm. The models decorated with a manual list are very much appreciated. The plots, again, are purely girlish - fantastic heroes for the youngest, flowers and butterflies - for those who are a little older. Since girls will always have many different cute knick-knacks, they will appreciate the large number of lockers, and the open shelves will allow you to put your favorite exhibits on display. And, of course, what girl will not appreciate the built-in mirror?

Headsets for boys look somewhat stricter, even if they are created specifically for kids - this is usually expressed in a shape that looks more rigid. Design often corresponds to the hobbies of the child: from the nautical style for small pirates and explorers to racing cars and sports number one - football. Sports equipment, such as wall bars, rings or parallel bars, will also be much more enthusiastic for boys.

Material and color

For many centuries, the optimal solution for durability solid wood durable breeds - especially since this material has a natural origin and is absolutely safe for children. The second place is held by the material that was invented relatively recently - MDF plates, which are made of pressed wood under high pressure. Such a solution is somewhat inferior in strength to a classic tree, but it costs much less. Regardless of the choice of base material, it is important that it be adequately reinsured with metal fasteners and reinforcements.

As for other materials, they are much less common. The metal would perfectly withstand the expected load, but it is too cold, therefore it does not fit. Plastic is allowed except in the form of a decorative material, and even then - only on the condition that there are all certificates of its safety. But the chipboard has recently been subjected to merciless criticism for its relatively high toxicity.

If we talk about colors, then the main requirement here is the correct color matching of the headset with the walls and textiles. The colors do not have to be the same, but the gamma as a whole should leave a pleasant impression. Pink, white, lilac and beige tones are recommended for girls, although other colors are applicable to teenagers, everything is permissible for boys of any age, except for pink and lilac.

How to choose a room?

The variety of models allows you to choose the perfect option, but, on the other hand, is able to confuse the buyer. In order to simplify his choice, we will give some practical advice:

  • Choosing a coloring, be guided by age of the child. Kids love bright colors and beautiful pictures, but a teenager is no longer interested, it will be better for him to be a plain version. For schoolchildren buy something to which of the above he is closer, taking into account the near future.
  • One of the main advantages of the wall is its ergonomics, so pay attention to how convenient shelves and cabinets, do not be lazy to check them before you buy.
  • Unpleasant smell - an indicator of poor quality, and even toxic finishes, so do not expect that the stench will disappear.
  • Do not buy furniture for your child at your sole discretion. - ask his opinion about the model you like. Try to come to a common denominator, and if the points of view on a future purchase are radically opposed, do not push, but try to convince the child with arguments.
  • If you are not ready to change furniture every few years, Try to buy a universal wall suitable for all ages. For the same case, furniture of the new trend can be useful - allowing repainting.

Furniture requirements

For ease of use, headsets must meet some generally accepted requirements that you should pay attention to when buying. Here they are:

  • Convenience and spaciousness. Walls are chosen precisely for these qualities, if the model does not correspond to them - do not take it.
  • Environmentally friendly materials. Check certificates - only so you will be sure in the durability of the furniture and its non-toxicity.
  • Reliability of accessories. It is this piece of furniture that brings the most often - apparently a good wardrobe has to be thrown away because of broken knobs or hinges that have nothing to replace. These elements must be of high strength materials.
  • Safety construction. Sharp angles are always dangerous, and in the case of children who love to indulge in indulgence, even more so. Mirrors and glass are particularly dangerous, so if they are, there should be a protective film on their surface.
  • The optimal size for the child. This requirement applies to the parameters of the bed, as well as the table and chair, if they are in the set. The ideal option is to acquire such furniture that allows you to change its size as the child grows up.

Ideas in the interior

Choosing a headset for girls, pay much attention to the tenderness of design.. In the presented photo, she looks through everything - in the colors, and in the flower print on the bottom of the folding bed, and even in the sophisticated cosmetics table with a mirror and a neat high chair.

Girls need twice as many things as boys, so roomy cabinets are required. However, not all things need to be hidden, because with photos and soft toys you can decorate the room - for this you will need open shelves.

For a boy, tenderness in design is unacceptable, because even the smallest child is a future man. Children's wall for a boy may look cute, but in no case is not corny.

Young gentlemen usually have fewer things, so they are more willing to make room if circumstances so require. At the same time, it is possible to make their common bedroom not like a hostel, but a very cozy and stylish corner, where you are not ashamed to bring guests.

Review the children's wall with a bed, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


