Chairs for feeding Leader Kids


When a baby reaches the age when it is already possible to switch to complementary foods, a problem arises in front of the mother - how to feed the baby so that it is convenient for both, and at the same time not soiling everything around. It is difficult to hold the baby in the hands during the feeding process, because it breaks out, which may cause it to fall down or overturn the plate.

To solve the problem will help special children's furniture, for example, highchair Leader Kids. This brand is not the only one in the domestic market, so parents should be more careful in choosing this product.

Who releases?

This company is a rare symbiosis of the ubiquitous prevalence and complete lack of information about yourself. For those who in recent years have been actively interested in various children's products, this name is probably known, because the range of products manufactured under this brand and sold in our country is very wide. Another thing is that there is practically no exact information about the brand itself.

Some sources indicate that this brand has Russian roots, which is why we are represented in such a huge variety - it is initially focused specifically on this market. At the same time, it is usually written on the packaging that the country of origin is China, and there are no references to Russian origin can not be found.

What is it like?

In stores you can find several different models of highchair for this company, but after a more detailed study, it turns out that we are talking about several modifications of the same product differing in design. Typical Leader Kids are transformer chairs for children.which as the child grows up can turn from a classic highchair into a table with a free-standing highchair.

This design is made of plastic, but you should not worry about the strength of the product - the material is quite reliable and is able to withstand any pranks of the baby. As befits any decent product of this type, the backrest is adjustable so that the baby is as comfortable as possible, for the same purpose there is a cover made of fabric.

The concept that the tray, traditionally removable in such products, does not look like a table as a whole, but only is set on top of it, looks somewhat unusual. This unusual decision allows the child to continue to sit or play at the table while the mother is cleaning the dining surface. Accordingly, the tabletop and the tray itself are somewhat different - if the first one has a flat surface, the second one is equipped with a special round stand for the cup, as well as raised sides, designed to prevent the spillage of fluid with further soiling.

Why this particular manufacturer?

Perhaps there is not a single product that everyone would like without exception, but a product that has a large list of qualities approved by the overwhelming majority of people is considered good.

It should be noted that Leader Kids brand highchairs are praised by many consumers. for a large variety of amenities, among which are the following:

  • The possibility of transformation. The wider the functionality of any purchase, the more justified its purchase. The normal lifespan of an ordinary highchair is from 6 months to 2-3 years, while the subsequent separate use of the table and highchair is also possible at an older age - if only it is convenient for the child and does not harm his posture.The ability to disassemble allows you to use such furniture more versatile, because a full-fledged children's table in any case provides more space for play and creativity than a small table top for feeding.
  • Correctly selected material. Although very many of our fellow citizens do not trust plastic recently, the quality of raw materials used by this manufacturer is usually not particularly complained. The material is durable, able to withstand the mischief of the baby. At the same time, the plastic as a whole is significantly better than many other materials, since it does not absorb contaminants, which means it can be easily cleaned with the help of an ordinary damp cloth.
  • Easy to clean. Some manufacturers of highchairs do not want to use soft covers to simplify the care of furniture, but the manufacturer acted more wisely by choosing an easily washable fabric as the material for such a cover. Reviews show that it is rather soft, so that the baby is comfortable, and at the same time, it is not necessary to even wash it - many stains are removed from its surface using the same cloth.

However, at difficult pollution the cover easily is removed, its material is unpretentious in the conditions of washing and quickly dries.

  • Safety care. Since the kids of this age do not yet understand the dangers they put on themselves because of their own heightened activity, children's furniture manufacturers have to take care of and safety. First of all, Leader Kids, like any other good highchair, stands on legs wide apart — this is very practical because it prevents the baby from shaking and knocking over the structure. Special five-point belts firmly fix the child on the seat, not allowing him to slip out.

The chair itself is attached to a high support (which is an inverted table) with the help of reliably snap-in slots.

  • Various adjustment. If the regulation of the backrest is, though very important, but still quite familiar convenience, the manufacturer of high chairs Leader Kids has guessed to add another rather rare option - adjusting the proximity of the tabletop to the baby. In most models of other companies that are deprived of this opportunity, adjusting the position of the backrest is rather a bonus for intervals between meals, because the child cannot lean back too far - he will be uncomfortable to eat, he simply will not get it. The chairs of the company in question do not have this problem.
  • Nice design. Perhaps this moment is the most subjective, but some competitors, such as Ikea, absolutely did not care about the attractiveness of the furniture for the child, while Leader Kids still remembered that childhood should be bright and beautiful. It cannot be said that the range of colors is so great, however, it is possible to choose the design according to the color of the cover, which contributes to better fitting the purchase into the interior of the apartment, and even corresponds to some of the first preferences of the child.


To be honest, to find critical reviews in relation to the products of this company is also not difficult. Although, in general, critically-minded commentators assess such a product as “average” or “acceptable for such money”, it has a number of shortcomings that can completely discourage a potential buyer from spending money. Not everyone mentions such inconveniences, but it is impossible not to say about them:

  • Inconvenient tabletop. This is the part that is most criticized. Judging by the numerous reviews, it is inclined to the child, which is why it is actually not suitable for their independent use of food. Moreover, the very high sides, which reliably protect the crumbs from the shedding of liquids, in practice decently interfere with eating or playing.
  • Unreasoned backrest adjustment. The fact that the backrest is adjustable is an obvious plus, but the question is how it works.Some parents complain that it is impossible to switch accurately from one position to another - the transition is abrupt, so it will not work to provide a more comfortable sleeping environment for the sleeping child - he will wake up. Moreover, the provisions themselves are criticized - strictly vertical and not at all, and the intermediate seems strange, because there the passenger does not sit or recline.
  • Problems with fixation. The stool is equipped with a step, and stoppers for the wheels, but according to some commentators, all this is not very reliable. A strong kid can push the footboard down and make the chair move despite the locked wheels, and the stopper, by the way, can be installed without permission.
  • Bulkiness and inconvenience of transportation. This design, alas, does not add up in any way, and in the conditions of the kitchen takes a lot of space.
  • The possibility of breaking plastic parts.

See the following video for an overview of the Leader Kids highchair.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


