Wallpaper in the nursery for children of different sexes


Creating a room with your own hands, which the little owner of the nursery will like, is not an easy task, and even if two children live in the same room, and even different sexes, it becomes even more complicated. Even if the relationship between brother and sister is warm, all the same their hobbies certainly differ even in something, moreover, it is necessary to stimulate the development of the boy’s male hobbies and qualities, and the girl’s female. If you are going to start a practical solution of the issue, be sure to study the theoretical part. Wallpaper in the nursery for children of different sexes should be chosen as carefully as possible.

Special features

The difficulty of creating a common interior is not to correspond to the interests of a boy or a girl, but to do it in parallel so that the overall result looks normal while the room itself remains holistic. A modern range of wallpapers will allow you to get out of any situation, but you need to have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you need to look for. And you need to look for about the following:

  • Secure wallpaper. The primary requirement for finishing the room is safety (regardless of the number of children living in the nursery and their gender). Manufacturers today are trying to avoid harmful materials in the production of coatings for residential premises, however, in the case of children, the requirements are special, because they very much like to pull everything into their mouths. It is wiser to choose not just natural materials, but also the most simple - paper or non-woven.
  • Short-lived repair. It's no secret that children (especially small ones) have a palpable craving for destruction. In this regard, many parents are looking for something really durable so that the repairs made can withstand the onslaught of children's curiosity - and in vain.

The fact is that none of the wallpapers will stand the test of two children for many years, and yet you need to remember that kids grow up, their hobbies are changing. It is easier to choose the same paper or non-woven wallpaper, which are inexpensive and safe, and just change them as they wear to more relevant.

  • Matching interests. If you appreciate the fact that you are lucky to have both a son and a daughter at once, but there is no possibility to settle them in separate rooms, remember that your children are of different sexes. Even if one of the children is several years older than the second, one should not allow the younger to grow up in the shadow of the older one.

Sleeping places should clearly correspond to the interests of children - do not even try to get off with some kind of general neutral option, this happens very rarely.

At the same time carefully monitor the selection of colors - they should be properly combined with each other. Common parts of the room (for example, a game zone) are often trimmed with a third type of wallpaper. Do not forget also about age - for teenagers, children's wallpapers are not suitable, as well as vice versa.

Even strict compliance with all of the above will not be the only salvation, but it will significantly reduce the number of possible options, simplify the choice. In any case, you should prepare for the fact that you have to buy wallpaper of different colors.

Color solutions

Parents should be warned that the well-known stereotype “a boy is blue, a girl is pink” should be avoided.The fact is that blue is a rather cold color that is not sufficiently cozy for a child’s room, whereas pink is in fact far from being liked by girls so much, and for a boy (especially at a transitional age) it will cause poorly concealed irritation.

When choosing colors, preference is given to soft pastel tones. On the one hand, they should not interfere with rest, on the other hand, it is undesirable for them to be dull, because children dream of living in a beautiful fairy tale. However, this all concerns only the “personal” spaces of each individual child in their common room, while the working area (regardless of age) must be kept in slightly more strict colors.

The play zone of the preschool room is simply unthinkable without bright colors. In order not to plan too motley a combination of three or four types of wallpaper, pay attention to the fashion trend of recent years - designers are increasingly advised to abandon the emphasis in the wallpaper in favor of accents on various accessories.

If we talk about the specific color combinations of wallpaper, then the special success in our time are the duets of light pink with gray, lemon with blue, or gray with purple. It is not necessary to zone a room with the help of two colors - they can be scattered throughout the room in a certain order (but preferably in approximately equal proportions, without monochrome spots), then the division into zones will occur due to accessories. In general - the room can be much brighter and more colorful.

The maximum brightness will remain specifically for the gaming zone. It can be called something else, but its meaning is that it is equally enjoyed by both children. Here they meet, communicate, play, learn. The presence of individual sleeping areas, as it were, divides the little ones, therefore the play zone should unite them - after all, they are neighbors in the fullest sense of the word.

The idea of ​​zoning a room

The general perception of a room as a whole is a very important aspect, but it is still a little more interesting for an adult visitor, whereas children are less inclined to pay attention to such things. For kids it is much more important - how their part of the room looks, how much it is adapted to their immediate needs.

Sometimes it is possible to slightly disturb the integrity of the image of the whole room in favor of unusual solutions for the child - if this does not single out anyone. For this reason, it is always worth repelling itself from the design of the bed of each child.

The task of parents is to try hard and find any interest that would be common to both. In the case of younger children, this issue is resolved quite easily - you just need to pay attention to which cartoon kids like to watch together and stick in the play area. photo wallpapers with the image of your favorite characters.

Options for boys

Discussing options for boys, you should never forget about the age characteristics of the child. The newly born baby sleeps most of the time, this is its basic need, therefore there should not be hindrances for restful sleep. He's not just not sleeping himself, but also interferes with his sister.

For a baby boy, choose wallpaper of soothing shades, like beige, turquoise or pastel yellow; Bright pictures are not needed at all. Preschooler donate an element of a fairy tale or game, add to his sleeping area the elements of imitation of the cabin of a car or spacecraft. Boys of school age love sports very much, they often take this hobby with them and into adulthood, so that when they are replaced with certain accessories, the interior, properly decorated in childhood, easily becomes an adult.

Options for girls

Options for girls on periodization in life are somewhat similar to those for boys. At the first stage of the path of life - no bright colors, only calm shades, but more ladies: vanilla or pale pink.

Preschoolers will enjoy beautiful bright wallpapers with flowers, butterflies. At school, the romantic nature may want three-dimensional landscape wallpaper or all the same flowers, but plain solutions are very popular, provided that the color is sufficiently rich. Actual emphasis on the wallpaper can make a big image of an idol - an actor or a musician.

Universal options

If the room is quite small, the division into zones is possible only thanks to accessories, but for wall decoration you will have to choose only universal options. Of course, they also exist, but they do not reveal the individual preferences of everyone to the proper degree, and therefore they are relevant only when it is impossible to properly zone a room. In such situations, prefer colors such as beige, orange or mint.

Much attention should be paid to the choice of wallpaper just soothing shades, because it is not a fact that the kids, being in constant crampedness, do not get tired of each other and do not experience stress. Arguing about the choice of wallpaper pattern, it should be recalled that even a slight bias towards a boy or girl is unacceptable - strict balance is necessary! If you want the wallpaper to be bright and beautiful, for preschoolers, choose, for example, a colorful alphabet that both will visually like both and will accelerate learning.

In a situation where at least one of the children has already reached a transitional age, zoning is best done not only with wallpaper, but also with a partition, in order to select a corner for privacy. In any case, no matter how old your children are, be sure to ask how they see the interior of their common room.

Examples in the interior

Any talk about design does not make sense, if they are not supported by any visual information, because two different people can have very different ideas about the same thing.

  • The first photo shows the zoning of beds with wallpaper and a partition in a large room.. The room clearly belongs to children of primary or secondary school age. Parents encouraged the boy to learn, placing a huge map of the world above his bed. The corner of the girl is more standard, but meets the needs of the baby. The color palette looks holistic, even the carpet in the foreground is chosen perfectly, it also shows the brightness of the playing area and the unity of the two halves of the room.
  • The second photo is interesting because it shows the compatibility of the wallpaper is not just a different color, but also different types of patterns. If half of the boy is monophonic, then the girl has bright vertical stripes of different widths plus accents in the form of pictures.
  • The third frame is a clear example of how you can zone a room even in the smallest rooms.e, while choosing a neutral wallpaper without binding to one of the floors.

The original interiors of the children's room for two can be viewed in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


