11 months 2 years

The menu of the child in 1 year: the basis of the diet and principles of nutrition


The kid, who turned one year old, already eats quite varied. There are many different fruits, dairy products, meat, vegetables, fish in its menu. Dishes for crumbs are becoming more complex, but his diet is still very different from an adult. Let's look at what's important for parents to remember about nutrition for proper development of the child in 1 year and how best to build a daily menu for a kid of that age.

Features of the diet of one year old baby

Breast milk or formula may remain in the baby’s nutrition over the age of one. Pediatricians consider such food useful for the child's body and welcome breastfeeding for at least 1.5-2.5 years.

  • At the same time, many mothers choose the time for parting with breastfeeding exactly 1 year. If you also decide to complete this process, try to organize everything with a minimum of psychological discomfort for the crumbs. More preferable and for the baby, and for my mother's breast will be gradual weaning with the abolition of one feeding. Read more about this in our article about how to get rid of breast milk.
  • Food for a one-year-old baby can already be diversified with the help of greens and spices. Add chopped fresh herbs (dill, parsley, celery) to children soups, mashed potatoes, omelets. Bay leaf, garlic and onion can be used for cooking stewed vegetable dishes or soups. Raw garlic and onions should not be given to the child yet, as well as exotic seasonings.
  • From year on, you can start salting the food for the child, but the total daily amount of salt added to children's meals should not be more than 0.5 grams (the dish will still seem unsalted to you).

As for sugar, it can be added to dishes for a child older than a year; however, it is better to try to do without it. Let the child learn to eat savory food. Of sweets in the diet of a one-year-old child there can be not only baby cookies, but also marshmallow and marshmallow, but in small quantities.

Baby nutrition in 1 year

What should not eat a child?

Although the child is already one year old, his menu is still childish, so remember about products that should not be given to children younger than 2-3 years old. These include:

  • Fried food.
  • Fat meat.
  • Sausages and sausages.
  • Oily fish.
  • Exotic fruits.
  • Smoked products.
  • Caramel and gum (there is a risk of choking).
  • Products with artificial colors and flavors.
  • Mushrooms

Feeding schedule

A child who is 12 months old continues to eat five times a day at intervals of about 3.5-4 hours. It is recommended that the nutritional value of lunch and dinner be more than breakfast. For example, a child can have breakfast at 8 o'clock, the next feeding will be at 11-12 o'clock, then - at 14-15 o'clock and at 18-19 o'clock, and the last - at 22 o'clock.

Baby eat mashed potatoes
Diet, as well as the amount of food eaten, strongly depends on the temperament of the baby

How much should a baby be at 12 months old?

To determine the total amount of food for a one-year-old child, his body weight should be divided into 8 or 9. On average, children of one year weigh about 10-11 kg, so an approximate calculation of the daily volume of food will show the figure of 1100-1300 grams.Dividing it into 5 feedings, we get the average amount of food at one time - 220-260 g.

With regard to individual foods complementary foods, the one-year-old child is recommended such maximum quantities per day:



Dairy-free or milk porridge

200 g

Vegetable puree

200 g

Dairy products

200 ml

Fruit puree

110 g

Fruit juice

110 ml


80 g

A fish

60 g

Cottage cheese

50 g

Cracker, Cookies

10 g

Wheat bread

10 g

Vegetable oil

6 g


5 g



Sample menu

In a child who is still breastfed or adapted, the menu at 1 year will look like this:


Products and dishes

The first

Mother's milk or mixture


Milk or dairy-free porridge up to 200 g, half a yolk, butter up to 5 g, fruit puree 50 g, fruit juice 50 ml


Dish of vegetables up to 200 g, vegetable oil up to 6 g, meat in the form of meatballs, steam cakes or mashed potatoes up to 80 g (2 times a week fish puree or fish meatballs up to 60 g), wheat bread or toast 10 g, fruit juice 60 ml


Cottage cheese up to 50 g, fruit puree 60 g, 2 baby biscuits, fermented milk drink up to 200 ml


Mother's milk or mixture

In the baby, whom her mother decided to wean from her in 1 year, the approximate daily menu will be as follows:


Products and dishes

The first

Milk porridge to 150 g, half a yolk, butter to 5 g, fruit puree 50 g


Dish of vegetables up to 150 g, vegetable oil 3 g, meat in the form of meatballs or steam cakes 50 g (2 times a week fish sauce or fish meatballs up to 60 g), wheat bread or toast 10 g, fruit juice 60 ml


Cottage cheese up to 50 g, fruit puree 60 g, 2 baby biscuits, fermented milk drink 100 ml


Vegetable dish or non-dairy porridge up to 150 g, vegetable oil 3 g, meat dish 30 g, compote or juice 50 ml


Sour-milk drink 200 ml

Some useful recipes

Potato and cauliflower soup

Peel and wash two or three cauliflower blossoms and half of the potatoes, chop, cover with boiling water so that it only covers the vegetables, cook under the lid until done. Crush vegetables with a blender or pass through a sieve, add a teaspoon of grated cooked rice. Mix cabbage, potatoes and rice with half a cup of vegetable or beef broth, bring to a boil and salt. Before serving, add sour cream (10 g) to the soup.

The child eats with a spoon

Rabbit steam cutlets

Grind in a meat grinder 100 grams of rabbit meat. Separately, soak wheat bread (20 g) in water (30 ml). Combine minced rabbit meat with soaked bread, re-grind using a meat grinder. Beat the mixture by adding cold water. Make minced meat patties and boil them for a couple.

Potato and carrot puree

Separately, boil 150 grams of potatoes and 40 grams of carrots, chopping the vegetables into small pieces. Still hot, put them through a sieve, add butter (5 g) and a pinch of salt, as well as hot milk (50 ml). Whip the puree until it is pomp.

Rice porridge with apples

Peel the apple (100 g) from the peel, fold the peel in a saucepan, pour 50 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Strain the resulting apple broth, pour 100 ml of milk into it, pour in the washed rice cereal (25 g) and boil until the rice is ready. Add a teaspoon of sugar and grated apple to porridge, bring to a boil, and add butter (5 g) before serving.

Baby nutrition in 1 year

Fish Steam Pudding

Boil 40 g of fish fillets and cool. Grind another 40 g of fish fillet using a meat grinder, adding 15 g of wheat bread, which should be soaked in a tablespoon of milk. Combine raw minced fish with boiled fish, mix, add half the yolk of chicken eggs and 5 g of butter, mix again. Next, carefully enter into the fish mass half of the whipped egg protein. Put in the form and cook for a couple.

Potato zrazy with cabbage

Boil 150 g of potatoes in a uniform, peel, grind in a hot form, add 5 g of flour and one egg, mix.Separately chop the cabbage (80 g) and finely chop the onion (10 g), stew until done. From the potato mass, form small cakes, put a little cabbage filling inside. Blind zrazy, bake them in the oven until cooked.


For the first birthday the crumbs you want to please the baby with festive dishes, but still you should not give the child food that he has never tried before, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergies. You can well prepare a festive table of products that are already familiar to the toddler. And instead of a cream cake, treat the little one with cottage cheese casserole, which do not forget to decorate with a lit candle.

First Birthday

Consider the following guidelines:

  • Continue to teach the child to eat pieces. Crush in puree all the smaller number of dishes for the child. Give the crumbs meatballs, steam cakes, casseroles, steam omelets, sliced ​​vegetables, cottage cheese with fruit slices, vegetable salads and other dishes that will encourage your baby to actively chew.
  • Still cook baby food without frying. Products for a one-year-old child should be boiled, stewed or steamed.

Should I give vitamins for a child from 1 year? Read about it in another article.

11 months 2 years
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


