At what age can you give the child tea?
For children, it is important to get enough drinking each day. And if parents know about the benefits of ordinary water, fresh juices, house compotes or fruit drinks, then such a popular drink, like tea, is doubtful. Let's find out whether it is possible to give them a small child, at what age it is permissible to treat their baby and how best to prepare this drink for children.
Pros: a little about the benefits
Tea is considered a useful drink, but all its positive properties will be more appreciated by adults than babies:
- This drink invigorates and gives energy for a long time.
- Well helps to quench your thirst.
- Due to the content of tannins, helps reduce appetite, as well as eliminate diarrhea.
- Contains vitamins and valuable minerals, including a lot of vitamin C, magnesium, fluorine, zinc, B vitamins, manganese and potassium.
- Contains antioxidants that protect the body from harmful compounds.
- Normalizes the metabolism of fat.
- Eliminates swelling and prevents the formation of stones in the organs of the excretory system.

Drinking tea in early childhood can have such a negative effect:
- To cause an allergic reaction.
- To provoke hyperactivity and increased excitability.
- Worse sleep, cause insomnia and nightmares.
- To worsen the work of the heart (to increase heart beat).
- Poor influence on memory and attention.
- To provoke the appearance of anemia.
- To cause the accumulation of uric acid salts.
- Calcium Calcium.
- Change the color of tooth enamel.
Adults will notice such effects only when consumed in abundance every day, but a small amount of this drink can negatively affect the child.
Are there any contraindications?
Tea should not be given to a child with:
- Hypersensitivity to caffeine.
- Gastric or peptic ulcer disease.
- Increased temperature.
- Insomnia.
- Kidney disease.
Children's teas
All the above properties and effects are characteristic of black tea, but in the shops you will certainly see special teas designed for young children. These are products of brands Hipp, Grandma's basket, Humana, Heinz, Bebi and others. Some of them are soluble (represented by granules), while others are in sachets. All the ingredients of such baby tea are safe for babies.
Usually this is not just a drink, but one of the remedies, since such children's tea has its effect on the children's body:
- Dill or fennel - helps eliminate intestinal cramps and relieve abdominal pain.
- Chamomile - helps to quickly fall asleep, gives anti-inflammatory effect, improves digestion.
- Linden - a beneficial effect on sleep and the nervous system.
- Mint - will help calm the nervous system, relieve flatulence and swelling.
How many months can I put into the diet?
Nursing babies are allowed to give only special tea designed for small children. The age at which you can start giving it to the baby is indicated on the packaging.Usually fennel tea is given from 1 month, chamomile and linden tea - from 4 months, and vitamin tea with berries and fruits, as well as mint and ginger - from 5-6 months. Newborn tea is not recommended, and the introduction to the diet of any baby tea should first be discussed with a pediatrician.
Black tea is not recommended for children younger than 2-3 years of age. After two years, the child can brew a weak drink and give it in limited quantities. Due to the high caffeine and tannin content, familiarity with green tea should be postponed until the age of 10-11. or even transfer the sample of such a drink to a later period.
How to brew?
The drink that the child will drink should be infused very weakly. For 200 milliliters of boiling water, take half a teaspoon of tea leaves. Insist drink a maximum of two to three minutes to the concentration of active substances was low. After treating the tea, cool it to the desired temperature and offer it to the child.
Consumption rates
- Babies from 2 to 3 years old can be given weak, black tea up to 4 times a week. A single portion of the drink - 50 ml.
- For babies over 3 years old and 6 years old, a single portion of a non-strong drink can be increased to 100 ml.
- For children older than seven years, the tea may already be stronger (take a teaspoon of raw materials for 200 ml of boiling water). One serving at this age is 200 ml.
Recipes and their benefits
With milk
Supplement milk recommended for preschoolers and children of lower grades. Babies of 2-3 years old should dilute brewed tea with milk 50 to 50, and for children over 3 years old, milk is added to the drink in any amount.
The added milk makes the concentration of compounds harmful to the baby lower, and also neutralizes tannins and oxalates. In addition, milk does not allow tea pigments to interact with tooth enamel.
With ginger
Cooked from ginger tea normalizes digestion, helps with nausea, headache, runny nose, colds. He noted the property to strengthen the immune system and eliminate cough. To make a piece of ginger root, about 3-5 cm is cleaned and cut or rubbed, then pour boiled water (0.5 l). insist drink should be 30-60 minutes. In this tea, you can add sugar, honey, a slice of citrus.
With lemon
This tea is rich in vitamin C, so it is a wonderful prevention of colds. Prepare a weak black tea, reduce its temperature to 50 ° C, and then add a slice to the drink lemon juice or a spoonful of lemon juice. Sweeten it can be honey or sugar.
With raspberries
Such a drink has a positive effect on the digestive system, as well as an antipyretic effect. Add dried, frozen or fresh raspberry berries to tea leaves, brew with boiling water and let it brew for 10 minutes.
With thyme
This tea supports the immune system, acts as a source of vitamins (group B, vitamin A, vitamin C) and mineral compounds, as well as organic acids, resins and other beneficial substances. Thyme tea It is recommended to prepare for children older than 2 years of age for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, cough, rhinitis, flu.
To brew it, add a teaspoon of dried plant to the brewing of black tea. This amount is enough for an average kettle. You can use this tea as a prophylaxis for colds, however, like any other herbal tea, you can not drink it daily.
- If you are going to give your child black tea, buy it in a specialty store. It is best to take it without any additional ingredients.
- Brewing tea to a child is not worth it, as its composition is questionable.
- Any tea should be introduced into the children's menu with caution, like any other products unfamiliar to the child. For the first time, give it to your baby for breakfast and watch the child’s reaction for the rest of the day. If the drink has affected the behavior and sleep, or caused some other negative effects, discard it for a while.
- Be especially careful with any herbal teas, as an allergic reaction may develop to the medicinal herbs in a child.
- Hibiscus can be given to a child from 3 years of age. Such a drink is noted to strengthen the immune system.
- You can not give tea to the child in the afternoon, because its stimulating effect can worsen sleep and sleep.
- Do not give it to a child with a fever, as a drink can raise the body temperature even more.
- Let the child drink it in a warm form, as a hot drink damages both the teeth and the stomach, while the cold one absorbs absorption.
Always offer your child a freshly brewed drink, because after an hour the concentration of beneficial substances in brewed tea is reduced, and if you drink the drink, it can form harmful compounds.
For information on when to give tea to a child, see the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky.