Bromo for stopping lactation
Reasons to stop breastfeeding can be many, but if you complete lactation has to dramatically, there may be problems with the breast. To prevent them help different means affecting the production of milk. Women who want to finish breastfeeding women are often recommended bromocamphore. How does this drug work and does it help ease the process of stopping lactation?
What is it?
This tool is a synthetic medicinal product, which have a calming effect. Its basis is the combination of camphor and bromine.
Mode of action
Influencing a woman’s brain, bromocamphor slows down the work of that site, which is responsible for the production of lactation-supporting hormones. Thus, the effect of this medication on the lactation process is mediated and rather mild. Bromcamphor has been used in neurology and psychiatry for a long time, since this remedy slows down the speed of processes in the brain, reduces anxiety, and improves sleep.
- The drug is a non-hormonal agent, so it does not violate the hormones of a woman.
- Thanks to the soothing effect, bromocamphor improves sleep, eliminates nervousness.
- After using this drug, lactation can be easily restored.
- The medicine is convenient to use and affordable.
Bromocamphor is not the drug of choice for stopping lactation, as it does not affect milk production processes directly.
- The reception effect does not occur immediately. Milk production begins to decline only from the third to fifth day, so the tool is recommended in the case when you do not need to urgently stop breastfeeding.
- The drug has a sedative effect, so its reception is not combined with work, which needs to be paid a lot of attention. Apathy, fatigue, drowsiness, and similar effects can prevent a mother from caring for her baby during weaning.
Bromcamphor is not taken when:
- Individual intolerance;
- Kidney disease;
- Hepatic insufficiency.
Side effects
Compared with other medicinal methods, Bromcamphor has the least side effects to complete lactation, however you should not take this remedy yourself. In some lactating mothers, the use of this medication is accompanied by loose stools, chills, and tremors of the legs and arms. Occasionally, receiving bromcamphor causes epileptic seizures. If you exceed the dosage of the drug, the woman may experience nausea, abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, breathing problems.

Instructions for use
The tool is presented in pharmacies in powder form, and in tablets (they are used more often). Dosage is recommended to check with your doctor. Often the dose of this medicine is 1-2 tablets two to three times a day. Bromcamphor is taken after a meal.
To interrupt lactation, taking this drug should be combined with a decrease in fluid in the diet, decanting to ease and kneading seals. Usually, the milk stops being released on the fifth or seventh day of consumption, but sometimes it takes 10-15 days to take the drug.
The drug affects different women in different ways. Someone notes a good state of health while taking bromo camphor and the effect of the drug in five to seven days. Some women feel worse, they complain of various side effects, so taking bromocamphor should be carried out only after consulting a doctor in recommended dosage. If there are negative effects, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and stop taking the drug.