What you need to eat to have a lot of breast milk?
To have milk for a nursing woman was enough, first of all, you need a balanced and complete diet.
Nursing mothers should follow the diet for such reasons:
- It is important for the newborn to ensure that all nutrients that are important for the growth of crumbs are supplied.
- The digestive system of the infant after childbirth continues to evolve, and the enzyme systems are deficient. And because some products in the mom's menu can cause colic, allergies, diarrhea and other problems in the crumbs.
Nutrition Features Nursing Mom
Caloric intake of a nursing woman should be 400-500 kcal more than women who do not breastfeed. Double portions and an abundance of fat in the menu are not at all necessary for better lactation. However, they also do not recommend nursing mom on a diet. It is important that there is enough protein, calcium and vitamins in Mommy’s food.
In the diet of a woman who feeds the baby's breast should be mainly natural products - cereals, meat, soups, boiled vegetables. Fresh bread is better to use little, and for soups use more green vegetables.

What to eat nursing mother every day?
The daily diet of a nursing mother should include:
- 150-250 grams of lean meat and fish;
- 700 ml - 1 liter of fermented milk products and milk;
- 100-150 g of cottage cheese;
- 30-40 grams of cheese;
- 300-300 g of fruits and berries;
- 500-800 grams of vegetables;
- 20-50 g butter;
- 20-30 ml of vegetable oil;
- 100 g sour cream;
- 200 grams of porridge;
- 400 g bakery products.
A woman should eat hot food at least three times a day. Together with small snacks, a nursing mother should eat 5-6 times a day.
Vegetable dishes for nursing mothers can be made from lettuce, cabbage, eggplants, zucchini, tomatoes, turnips, pumpkins, green peas. Vegetables should be boiled, baked or stewed. From fruit useful bananas, apples.
The best types of meat for a nursing woman are lean chicken, pork, beef, turkey, rabbit. They are advised to stew or boil. Fish is also recommended to choose lean, such as pike perch or cod.
The introduction of dairy products, fruits and raw vegetables should be gradual. Dairy products are better to choose without fillers and chemical additives.
About others ways to increase lactation read in another article.
What not to eat nursing mom?
In the first months of life, the mother should reduce as much as possible in the menu those products that can cause colic or allergic reactions. Also, do not eat large amounts of products that can change the taste of milk.
In the menu of mothers who are breastfeeding, it is desirable to limit or exclude such products:
- Citrus;
- Nuts;
- Peas;
- Beans;
- Corn;
- White cabbage (fresh and pickled);
- Chocolate;
- Fried foods;
- Pickles;
- Butter;
- Fatty sauces;
- Confectionery;
- Alcohol;
- Black bread;
- Coffee;
- Spicy spices;
- Garlic.
What to drink nursing mom?
A lactating woman should consume 2-2.5 liters of liquid - in the form of drinking and liquid foods. However, to drink through the force of a large amount of fluid is not necessary.Excessive drinking does not increase milk production. In addition, during the formation of lactation, when there is a lot of milk (usually the third or fifth day after birth) the amount of liquid, on the contrary, should be reduced to one liter.
Among the drinks recommended for lactating women, non-carbonated mineral water, black and green tea without additives, apple juice, dried fruit compote can be mentioned.