How to increase the fat content of breast milk?
The experiences of young mothers often relate to the topic of feeding babies. Many mothers are worried about enough crumb gets breast milk. And expressed milk, notice that it is very watery. But should breastfeeding mothers worry about milk fat content and can it be raised?
What determines the fat content?
For the composition of human milk was complete, it is important for mother to adhere to a healthy diet. On the table, nursing moms should have nutritious and varied foods. It does not need for the sake of fat milk there are huge portions. Enough moderate servings of dishes that will fill all the needs of women in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, as well as minerals and fats. Fats in the diet of a nursing mother should be about 30%, and proteins - about 20%.
Nevertheless, experts say that the fat content of breast milk is not affected by the products used by the mother, and daily and seasonal periods of feeding. In addition, the fat content of the baby’s food from the breast changes and during one feeding - at first the baby sucks the less fatty milk, and by the end of the feeding it receives food high in fat.
Can milk be unsightly?
Conventionally, the milk released during one feeding from the female breast is divided into “front”, in which the amount of water is greater, as well as “back”, characterized by high fat content. During pumping, it is usually the “front” milk that is received, which creates the impression that the milk is not fat in women. In search of reasons why the milk fat content is insufficient, the mother simply spends her strength, because each baby needs just enough milk to be developed in the mammary glands of his mother.
How to check the fat content?
The first difficulty for the mother will be the determination of the fat content of the milk that she has allocated. The composition of milk can change even during one feeding. And to determine the fat content of milk women in the laboratory will not work. So the only way to find out if milk is fatty from mommy is to assess the weight gain of the baby, its health and mood. Although a small weight gain can also be caused by not at all the insufficient fat content of milk, but other factors: the wrong feeding regime, improper breast grabbing, sucking only “front” milk and others.

What if the child does not satisfy his hunger?
In order for breast milk to be sufficiently fat for the baby, the mother should first of all make her nutrition rational and balanced to the maximum. In the diet of the mother should be enough vegetables, cereals, cottage cheese, fish, fruits, herbs and other healthy products. But with such a popular folk recipe, like eating a large amount of walnut, you need to be careful. This product, although it increases the fat content, but also often causes allergies. Read more about nutrition to increase the production of breast milk read in another article.
There are many ways to increase lactation. But, before you increase it, you need to find the cause of the lack of milk. More on this and that how to increase lactationread in another article.
Also, to increase lactation, mom should try the following measures:
- Increase the frequency of attachment of the baby to the breast.
- Feed the baby only on request.
- Take care of joint sleep with baby.
- Be sure to feed the baby at night.
- Discard the use of pacifiers.
- Strain the milk after feedings.
- Drink teas and herbal teas from anise, dill, cumin, fennel and other plants.
- Take vitamins and homeopathic remedies.
- Perform breast massage.
- Take care of a full sleep and rest, walks in the fresh air.
- Communicate less with people opposed breastfeeding.