Nutrition nursing mom for Dr. Komarovsky
During the period when the baby is born and after the baby is born, the woman is always advised to keep track of her own nutrition, so that all the nutrients that are important for her body come to the baby. However, opinions about the diet of a pregnant woman, and later - a nursing mom, differ. Let's consider the attitude to nutrition of the woman responsible for the fetus and the newborn, the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky.
What not to eat nursing mom?
A popular doctor advises to avoid products that are potentially dangerous to the body of the baby. First of all, these are allergenic products such as strawberries, cocoa, citrus, coffee and others. A nursing mother should always monitor the baby’s response to her menu. If mom hesitates about any food product, it is best to eat very little of it and see how the baby reacts.
Komarovsky also reminds that all food eaten by mom, in a certain form, gets into breast milk. So the products that can make the taste and the smell of breast milk worse, should be avoided. Such products are sour, salty and spicy dishes, garlic, various spices.
Mom-eaten foods that are difficult to digest and cause the formation of gases can also affect the baby’s digestion. For example, if a mother eats a lot of white cabbage and beans, the crumbs can develop diarrhea.
Komarovsky also does not recommend increasing the fat content of milk with food (fat sour cream, butter, pork, nuts). The more fatty the milk is, the harder it will be to stand out from the breast glands, and the harder it will be to digest the baby.
Nursing mother's diet
Composing the diet of a nursing woman, you should listen to the following recommendations:
Do not eat or drink |
Need to eat and drink |
Nutrition tips
Particular attention is popular pediatrician advises to give products that were not used by the ancestors of the pregnant and lactating women. If in ordinary life, an eaten orange, pineapple, or other exotic product is digested without problems, then when carrying an infant and after giving birth, the load on the woman's liver increases. Such products are not fully digested, their particles do not have time to neutralize in the liver and get to the fetus, and then to the infant, increasing the risk of allergic reactions.
And a few more tips from Komarovsky regarding the nutritional status of women during pregnancy and nursing mothers:
- It is necessary to exclude overeating. It is better not to eat than to eat something in abundance.
- If a product is very desirable, but it is in the list of prohibited, you can allow a little bit to be reluctant.
- If there is any doubt in any dish, it is better to abandon its use.
- At night there is not worth it.
- If circumstances are forced to drink alcohol, then a little bit of red wine or champagne is acceptable.
- It is worth taking vitamin complexes.
What to drink nursing mom?
The question of the drinking regime of the mother who is breastfeeding the baby is controversial. Although many experts argue that a large amount of drinking does not affect the production of milk, but many mothers on their own experience are convinced of the opposite. Komarovsky advises to follow the drinking regime in case of shortage of milk. If there is enough food for the little ones, there is no need to drink anything extra, beyond the woman’s desire.

Optimal drinks for nursing women are:
- Tea. Komarovsky advises to drink green, adding to it sugar and milk.
- The juice. You can from grapes, carrots, apples, but do not forget about moderation.
- Compote. The best option would be a drink of raisins, dried apples and dried apricots.
- Milk. It should be boiled. You can also drink baked milk and other fermented milk drinks.