How to combine breastfeeding and work?
When a nursing mother plans to go to work, more often she thinks that this will be an obstacle to breastfeeding. Nevertheless, it is quite possible to combine work and breastfeeding, although such a task cannot be called simple. It is only important to think about everything in advance, given the possible difficulties.
- A woman will know that even working far from a baby, mom has what a crumb pussy appreciates the most.
- The child will be able to continue to receive all the nutrients from human milk.
- There is no need for a sharp interruption of breastfeeding, which can cause digestive problems in babies and breast problems in women.
Going to work, but retaining breastfeeding at the same time, the mother will be able to continue to spend time alone with the crumbs, keeping close contact with the baby.
Continue breastfeeding after going to work in several ways:
- Breastfeed only while mother is at home. At another time, give the infant a mixture, that is, transfer the baby to a mixed type of feeding.
- Squeeze the milk in advance, so that another adult would feed the baby. Then the baby can be left completely breastfed. This option is more often chosen by mothers of babies under six months.
Choosing the second option, you need to be ready to give a lot of time to pumping, but if the baby is very small, then it is important for him to get mother's milk at every opportunity.
If the child is less than 6 months
The crumb under 6 months eats about 6-8 times a day, so during the absence of the mother the baby should certainly be fed by someone - grandmother, nanny or another person who supports the nursing mother in her desire to continue to breastfeed. It is important that the assistant starts to care for the baby and feed the baby about a month before the moment when the mother starts to leave the house.

Also, mother is recommended to start storing breast milk by expressing it in containers that can be stored in the freezer for several months. On each tank should write the date of decanting, and the volume of each portion should correspond to one feeding baby. Do not be surprised if the number of feedings at night increases. So the baby will try to fill in the missed daily feedings.
On weekends, mothers are advised to maintain the same feeding regime as on a working day. During the day, milk is better to express and store for the future. If you give a breast in the day off to the child and in the afternoon, then on Monday the baby will be capricious and can refuse a bottle during her mother's absence.
Pumping frequency
To maintain lactation, it is important to decant at work at least 1 time. If the baby is small, it is recommended to perform pumping in accordance with the food regime of the baby - every two to three hours. So mom can make milk for the baby the next day. If the mother can come to the break to feed the baby, then you can express the milk once - the second half of the working day is well suited for this.
The amount of milk required
To find out how much milk the baby needs during her mom's absence, you need to consider how much mom she misses for her work day. For example, if the child eats 3 times during the absence of the mother, the baby needs to leave 3 servings of milk for each feeding and one more reserve.
How to express at work?
Sometimes an employer gives young mothers the opportunity to express themselves at work, providing a separate room for this. He can also meet and arrange for a woman a free schedule, thanks to which she will be able to feed her baby more time.
The Labor Code guarantees working nursing mothers additional breaks in work every 3 hours for 30 minutes, in which you can both come to feed the baby, or simply retire for pumping. These breaks can be added to the time of the lunch break or subtracted from the total working time to shorten the working day. For decanting it is more convenient to use a breast pump, and to store the collected milk in a cooler bag.
Risk of mastitis
Mom, going to work, increases the risk of breast problems. Even if she uses a breast pump, it is still as much milk as a baby is able to suck, and it will not work out. That is why you need to be very attentive to your condition - if a lump or redness appears in your chest, it is important to immediately consult a doctor.
How to finish breastfeeding?
If continuation of breastfeeding is associated with great difficulties for a working mother, she should weigh everything and decide whether she wants to continue breastfeeding in such conditions. It is best to refuse breastfeeding gradually - this can take from 2 weeks to 2 months.
First, it is recommended to reduce the amount of breast milk collected during the pumping. Next, you need to increase the breaks between pumping, then every three to four days to remove one pumping. So you can avoid an excessive rush of milk, but if your chest is overfilled, by all means podtsezhivay her a bit (until relief).
Gradually, only breastfeeding in the evening and at night will remain. And this mode of feeding can be saved as long as it suits the mother and baby.
- Since feeding the crumbs at the time when the mother will work, usually carried out from a bottle, you need to teach the baby to drink out of it beforehand. Older children can be taught to drink from a drinking bowl or mug.
- If possible, do not go immediately to the whole working day. Leave home first for a few hours, and then increase the time of absence. So the baby will be easier to get used to staying the day without a mother.
- Periodically, the woman will have milk arriving, so when going to work you will have to use pads in the bra, wear mostly dark clothes, do not wear plain clothes and keep at work a reserve blouse or cardigan that will help hide milk stains.
- Be sure to put the baby on the chest in the morning before leaving for work and in the evening after returning. So you can maintain an emotional connection with the baby, which is especially strong and important for the baby in the first year of his life.
Prepare psychologically for parting with the baby for the whole day. Always say goodbye to your baby in a calm voice and remind you that you will return in the evening. The main thing is not to be nervous, and you will certainly succeed in combining breastfeeding and work.