What to do if the baby is not fed up with breast milk?
The goal of any mother is to improve the development of the baby, so the experience that the baby has enough nutrition from the mother's breast, so often appear in mothers who are breastfeeding the newborn. Let's understand, on what grounds it is possible to understand that the baby is not fed up, why this can happen and what should be undertaken by the mother.
How to understand this?
Signs that the baby is not eating are:
- Insufficient weight gain babies. Normally, the baby should gain weight from 500 grams per month.
- A small amount of urination. The shortage of milk can be judged by the number of diapers wetted by the child - if there are less than 6-8.
- The discrepancy in the number of sucking movements swallowing. If the nipple is captured correctly and the baby sucks comfortably, then for every four sucking movements the baby will take one sip of milk.
- Hungry crying. The baby asks for breast more often and may even react excessively sharply to the approach of the mother, feeling her smell.
- Inactivity, weakness and lethargy crumbs, as well as restless sleep.
- Rare chair.
Excessively dry skin of the baby also indicate a lack of nutrition. Since breast milk is the main drink of the infant and is largely water, the unborn baby will suffer from dehydration. Read more about how to understand Does the baby have enough breast milk?read in another article.

The reasons
Mother's milk may lack baby due to:
- Stress in a young mother and a difficult emotional situation in the family after giving birth.
- Unsuitable place for feeding.
- Poorly balanced and insufficient nutrition of the mother.
- Mom's psychological unpreparedness for breastfeeding, as well as postpartum depression.
- Lack of fresh air and physical activity in mom, as well as her fatigue and lack of sleep.
- Improper feeding techniques, in particular, attachment to the breast.
- Cracks and sore nipples.
- Runny nose in the baby, as well as colic and injuries of the mouth area of the child.
- Flat nipples.
- Excessive lactation caused by pumping, as a result of which the baby gets a lot of "front" milk.
What to do?
First and foremost, a nursing mother who discovered signs of malnutrition in the baby should not panic, but take the following measures, which are often enough to solve the problem:
- Adjust your own nutrition. There should be a mother often enough (at least three times a day, and preferably 3-5 times), and it is important to eat balanced at the same time, getting enough nutrients.
- Adjust the volume of liquid consumed by mom. Drinking a nursing mother is advised about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Often, special teas are recommended to stimulate the formation of milk.
- Do not use products that can impair the taste of milk.
- Walk with the baby in the green zone more.
- Try to rest more and take care of enough sleep. For this, mom should charge some of the care of the baby to their loved ones.
- Make sure that the technique of applying the crumbs to the breast is correct.
- Be sure to feed at night (this is important for the release of hormones that affect lactation).
- Feed the baby on demand.
- Do not feed the baby with water, and avoid pacifiers and bottle use.
- In time to treat chest cracks.
- Pay attention to the convenience of the pose in which the mother feeds, as well as the comfortable position of the baby. You can try to feed with a special pillow.
- To stimulate lactation to massage the chest, as well as warm baths for the mammary glands.
- Do not limit breast sucking time.
- If less than 1.5 hours have passed after the application, and the baby wants the breast again, give him the same mammary gland for a more complete emptying and for the infant to receive “back” milk.
If such measures do not work and the baby is still poorly gaining weight, produces little urine and is very restless, the mother should contact the pediatrician.