How to feed a newborn baby?
Use in feeding the newborn baby bottle has to be for various reasons. But in any case, it is important to know how to organize the process correctly and what important points to miss.
The proper feeding process for a newborn using a bottle includes the following steps:
- Prepare the child and all the necessary items.
- Feed the baby in the right position.
- Help baby to burp air.
From the bottle can be given as a mixture, and expressed breast milk. For proper preparation of the mixture, follow the instructions on its packaging. Dilute the mixture in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer.
If you add more water to the mixture, such a diluted mixture will not give the baby all the necessary substances for one feeding. If you mix the mixture with less water, you risk dehydration.

Before preparing the mixture, as well as before feeding the baby, an adult should wash their hands. It is recommended to prepare a fresh portion of the mixture for each feeding. If the mixture was prepared before and stood in the refrigerator, it should be heated. To do this, use a special heater or a bowl filled with warm water.
Check how the bottle flows out by tilting it. Flowing should occur in drops at a rate of about one drop per second. If the milk flows too much, the pacifier should be replaced.
About, how to defrost breast milkread in another article.
Special features
- Check the temperature of the mixture by dropping a bit of content on your wrist. The mixture should be warm.
- To prevent the baby from getting dirty, put on the breastplate. Take the baby in your arms and try to attract his attention by stroking the child's cheek. You can also drop a little mixture on baby lips.
- Do not let the baby fall asleep until he has finished his portion of the mixture. At the same time keep in mind that malnutrition of about 20 milliliters is normal.
- The bottle that has drunk all the baby’s milk needs to be picked up. If this is difficult to do, use a toy to distract.
- Do not rush to immediately put the child. Give him the opportunity to belch the air, for which hold the crumbs in the vertical position.
Feeding position
The pose should be comfortable for both the child and the adult. You can keep the baby in your arms in the same position in which the baby is breastfed. Make sure that the head of the baby is slightly raised and does not fall backwards or to the side (this will prevent the baby from swallowing). This position of the newborn when feeding from a bottle is the most correct. In this position, the baby feels the closeness of the mother and establishes a psychological connection with her, which is extremely important for the development of the child.
In the supine position, feed the baby is not recommended, to prevent the ingress of milk in the middle ear.
Keep the bottle under a slight slope so that there is always milk in the nipple. It should not be kept upright so that the crumb does not choke. With a very tightly twisted ring is worth it a little unscrew. If some air gets into the bottle, it will prevent the nipple from flattening. By the bubbles, you will understand that the baby sucks the nipple correctly.
Regurgitation of air
Together with a mixture or milk, crumbs swallow the air. And therefore the baby may have a feeling of fullness when he has not finished his portion. For this reason, it is worth taking short breaks during the process so that the child bursts out air. Such a break will help the baby again to feel hunger and finish drinking milk. Also, regurgitation of air will prevent colic.
During this break, give the child a half or straight position for a few minutes. It is best to put the newborn on your shoulder so that his hands are on your back. Do not forget to put a towel or a rag on your clothes, as the baby can belch some of the food with the air. Massage the baby back or pat a little on the pope.
What else needs to be considered?
- You can not start feeding the baby when the mother is tense, annoyed, upset or depressed. Try to calm down, take a few deep breaths, then settle down comfortably and only then begin the process. Do not forget that the newborn sensitively feels everything in his mom's soul. And if mom is tense, it will cause anxiety for the little ones.
- It is also not recommended to feed the baby if his condition is restless. In an agitated or crying baby, milk can get into the respiratory tract.
- Never leave the baby with a bottle and, especially, do not support it with something. In such a situation there is a big risk that the baby may choke on milk.
If your baby is mixed-fed and gets food both from her mother's breast and from a bottle, then first give the baby breastfeed, and then - feed the mixture.
Emotional connection
It is important for the newborn to feel mother's care and love. When mom is near, the crumb feels safe. And because the body contact of mother and small child is so important, and feeding is the most appropriate moment when you can establish a strong emotional connection with the baby.
Of course in the case of breastfeeding it is easier to establish a psychological connection, as the mother interacts with the newborn physically. However, when using the bottle, Mommy can also establish emotional contact with the baby, pressing the baby to her body. In addition, its use helps to leave the baby with a dad or another relative who will feed the child without problems.