How to make baby formula?
For a young mother, the procedure of preparing a portion of the mixture for the baby can be quite difficult. The most important points to follow are hygiene requirements and compliance with instructions. We will understand in more detail with the features of its preparation.
Mixtures that you can buy for an infant are divided into dry and liquid.
Dry ones are represented by powder form, which requires stirring with liquid before feeding, and the latter simply need to be heated. They are cheaper and are presented with a more extensive range (if the baby needs a medical mixture, most often it will be dry). Unsealed packages may remain in the closet for 1–3 weeks.
Liquid mixture is much more convenient as a food that you can take with you on the road. Due to the portion of the package, when feeding it eliminated errors with the dosage. However, such food is more expensive and can not be stored outside the refrigerator for a long time.
Before preparing a serving, as well as before feeding a baby, an adult should wash their hands thoroughly. Bottles, teats, caps and other items used for feeding the crumbs should be sterilized and dried after disinfection.
What is needed for cooking?
To prepare the mixture, you need to take:
- Boiled water (its temperature should be about + 40 + 50 degrees).
- Milk mixture.
- Measuring spoon.
- Sterile dry bottle (or several).
- Knife (it will help remove the excess mixture from a measuring spoon).
If you prepare a portion for the day in one container, then you need to take a sterile container, which has divisions.
To find out the required volume for one baby feeding, you should calculate the total daily amount of food taking into account the age and weight of the baby. For the baby of the first days of life (up to 10 days), calculate the daily volume using the formula: 70 * age (days) with a weight of less than 3200 grams. or 80 * age (days) with weight over 3200 g.
Further, the daily amount is calculated as follows: find the age of your child and use the formula in which a part of its body mass = volume of the mixture per day.
- from 10 days to 2 months - 1/5 of its mass in grams;
- from 2 to 4 months - 1/6;
- from 4 to 6 months - 1/7;
- from 6 months to 1 year - From 1/8 to 1/9.
How to prepare a liquid mixture
Having opened the packaging of the mixture, its contents should be poured into a bottle and heated to obtain the desired temperature. Opened packaging can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 12 hours.
How to make dry milk mixture
- Boil the water, it needs a little cool and pour into a bottle or other container.
- Having opened the packing of the dry mixture, type it in a measuring spoon and remove the “hill” formed on the spoon with a knife. Pour the required number of measuring spoons (refer to the instructions from the manufacturer) in the prepared water.
- Close the bottle tightly and shake it several times until the dry ingredient is completely dissolved.
If the mixture is prepared for the future, it is placed in the refrigerator (but not in the freezer), and heated in hot water before feeding.

- Before making a choice, consult your pediatrician.
- If she came to the baby, you should not change it without a serious reason.
- Water for cooking portions is better to take intended for feeding children, and not tap.
- It is best to prepare a serving for one feeding just before the food gets to the baby, however, it is permissible to prepare it for the future - for the whole day. In this case, the food should be stored in a refrigerator.
- You can not measure out a portion of the dry mixture "by eye". If the product is more concentrated, it can affect the digestion of the baby, its weight gain and kidney function. If the crumb gets diluted food, it will cause malnutrition.
- If you cook it at once for the whole day, it is more convenient to immediately place it in as many bottles as the baby will feed.
- If you are giving a baby a new mix, the introduction of a new product into the diet should be gradual.
- It is best to pour out the uneaten mixture, as well as the product that was in the refrigerator for 24 hours.