Night feeds for Komarovsky
Feeding at night is waiting for almost all parents of newborns, as babies just born are not yet aware of the difference between night and day. Modern medicine considers waking up at night to satisfy hunger completely normal for a baby. Let's find out how pediatrician E. Komarovsky treats night feeding.
Feed at night?
The well-known doctor emphasizes that the advice to be sure to take a break in feeding at night is directed against natural feeding. If mother persists in not trying to feed the baby at night, she risks losing her milk quickly.
In most cases, listening to the cry of a child for several nights in a row will give the mother an understanding that she is harsh on the baby and the sleepy dad will not be able to work normally during the day. So for the whole family it will be better if the infant is given food at night, mom spends half an hour on feeding, and then everyone falls asleep again.

Does the baby wake up for night feeding?
According to the pediatrician, to interrupt the sleep of the crumbs, if you decide that the time has come for the next feeding, you should not. At the same time, Komarovsky clarifies that there are exceptional cases.
The child should be awakened and fed if:
- Mom wants to give crumbs before nursing, for example, for exams or to the clinic.
- The baby is not gaining weight well, and the pediatrician advised to reduce the interval between feedings.
If the mother has cracks in the nipples, bring the baby to a strong hunger is not recommended.
How to wean from the night feeding?
According to Komarovsky, there is no longer any special need for feedings at night over 6 months of age. Therefore, if the mother is not satisfied with the mode of night feedings, it is realistic to reduce the number of meals the child will have at night, given the following recommendations:
- Arrange a baby later bathing at about 23 hours, before which you can get a baby a massage or several gymnastic exercises.
- Feed your baby tight after bathing. In this case, it is advisable to not feed the crumbs a little in the penultimate feeding, then the baby will eat more at night and will sleep longer.
- Check the conditions in the room in which the baby is sleeping. Baby can wake up due to hot and dry air, so the optimal conditions for a good sleep will be 50-70% humidity and + 18 + 20 degrees Celsius. If it seems to you that with such parameters it is cool in the room, you can wear pajamas on the little one or cover the toddler with a warm blanket.
- Consider how much the baby slept during the day. If the duration of daytime sleep was large, it is clear that at night the child will sleep less.