10 months 12 months

Menu of the child at 11 months: the basis of the diet and nutrition


In 11 months the child is already eating quite diverse. His diet includes different types of vegetables, cereals, meat, fruits, dairy products. What is important to know about the nutrition of a child of this age to parents and how best to build a menu for such a baby?

Features of the diet

The amount of solid food in the baby’s diet is already quite large, which makes it possible to minimize breastfeeding or a mixture, but most pediatricians are still advised not to wean the baby off of mom’s breast or to exclude the adapted mixture from the menu. It is optimal to continue to give such food twice a day - immediately after waking up in the morning, as well as before going to bed at night. The rest of the time the child will eat solid food.

Breastfeeding of a baby at 11 months
A baby of 11 months still needs breast milk or an adapted formula.

New products at this age are practically not introduced, so the main attention of parents should be directed to the existing dishes in the baby’s diet. Experiments with tastes and combinations are welcome. For example, from cottage cheese, fruit and eggs, an 11-month-old baby can make a casserole, and instead of juice, you can offer kissel.

Eleven-month baby can also offer raw fruits and vegetables. For example, you can grate a carrot and an apple on a grater, add a little sour cream to them and feed the kid with such a very vitamin dish.

Diet and how much should a child eat at 11 months

At 11 months, five meals a day are kept during the day, while twice a day it is advised to give the baby breastmilk or a mixture, which can be both adapted and sour-milk. The intervals between feedings at this age are three to four hours. For example, a breastfed baby first eats maternal breast at 7 o'clock in the morning, then breakfast at 10 o'clock, at 14 o'clock - lunch time, at 18 o'clock the penultimate feeding, and at 22 o'clock - the last (mother's milk).

The total amount of food eaten by a child per day is calculated based on the baby’s body weight. Weight crumbs divided by 9 and get the amount of food per day. Most babies at 11 months weigh 10 kg, so the approximate daily volume of food is 1100-1250 grams. It is divided into the number of meals and will recognize the average amount of food for one feeding - 220-250 g.

Baby feeding 11 months
Recommendations for the introduction of complementary foods are guidelines, they need to be adapted to the needs of your baby.

As for the individual complementary foods, a child at the age of 11 months is recommended for such maximum amounts per day:



Vegetable puree

200 g

Dairy-free or milk porridge

200 g

Dairy products

200 ml

Fruit juice

110 ml

Fruit puree

110 g

Vegetable oil

6 g


5 g


80 g

A fish

60 g

Cracker, Cookies

10 g

Wheat bread

10 g

Cottage cheese

50 g



Sample menu


A breastfed baby’s day menu at 11 months will look something like this:


Products and dishes

The first

Mother's milk


Porridge (milk or dairy-free) up to 200 g, butter up to 5 g, fruit puree 50 g, half of yolk, fruit juice 50 ml


Soup vegetables or vegetable puree up to 200 g, vegetable oil up to 6 g, meat puree up to 80 g (2 times a week fish puree up to 60 g), wheat bread 10 g, fruit juice 60 ml


Fruit puree 60 g, cottage cheese up to 50 g, 2-3 crackers or baby biscuits, dairy drink up to 200 ml


Mother's milk

When artificial feeding

A bottlefed baby at 11 months will eat something like this:


Products and dishes

The first

Adapted mix


Porridge (milk or dairy-free) up to 200 g, butter up to 5 g, fruit puree 50 g, half of yolk, fruit juice 50 ml


Vegetable soup or vegetable puree up to 200 g, vegetable oil up to 6 g, meat puree up to 80 g (2 times a week fish puree up to 60 g), wheat bread 10 g, fruit juice 60 ml


Fruit puree 60 g, cottage cheese up to 50 g, 2-3 crackers or baby biscuits, dairy drink up to 200 ml


Adapted or fermented milk mixture


Despite the significant expansion of the menu, children aged 11 months should not be given fried foods, smoked meat, exotic fruits, fatty meats, non-fermented milk products, oily fish, the nuts and many other products. Before you give any dish to the crumbs, always think about the benefits and safety of this product for the child's body.

Menu for a child of 11 months - mother feeds from a spoon
All new products should be introduced into the baby’s diet gradually and carefully.

Consider the following guidelines:

  • Prepare fresh food daily for your child, and if you use ready meals for children, make sure that the expiration dates match. To facilitate life, you can do the procurement of home-made semi-finished products for baby food. For example, one day you can make portioned fish or meat patties for your baby, freeze them, and in the future get one portion of the freezer and boil or cook the meat patty for a couple, which will take less time.
  • As often as possible, give the baby a spoonful in his hands and teach the baby to eat on his own, without worrying that the result will be spilled soup or mashed potatoes on the floor. Drink from a cup or glass, but only under the supervision of an adult.

Your child already knows so much, and his activity makes you think about the introduction of vitamins in 11 months. Should I do this, read in another article.

10 months 12 months
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


