4 months 6 months

Do I need a baby food in 5 months?


In the first months of life, the baby eats exclusively milk, either from mother’s breast, or in the form of milk formula, if it is impossible to breastfeed. An older toddler of this kind of food becomes scarce. Is it possible to start feeding baby in 5 monthsWhen it is justified, what products to enter and how to build a day menu for the toddler?

Breast milk as the best nutrition

Maternal breast milk is the most optimal food for any child. This is a perfectly balanced composition of food, containing not only carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and proteins, which are also in any mixture, but also special substances that are not in mixtures. These are immunoglobulins that strengthen the health of the little ones and protect the infant from infections, and special factors responsible for the maturation of the intestines, hormonal substances, and various enzymes.

That is why doctors recommend feeding only breast milk to babies up to 6 months of age. You should start feeding before this time only if there is no opportunity to breastfeed, in case of illness of the baby (for example, with rickets or anemia), as well as in hypogalactia in the mother.

Breastfeeding a baby at 5 months
When breastfeeding and no evidence is not recommended to introduce supplemental foods earlier than 6 months

New products in the diet of the child on artificial feeding

Babies who are fed a mixture, even at 4 months begin to introduce complementary foods and recommend to get acquainted with vegetable puree.

    At 5 months of age, the portion of vegetables increases slightly and such new products are introduced:

    • Porridge. Lure cereals begin with rice or buckwheat. Also, the baby can cook corn porridge.
    • Fruits. For the first fruit puree advised to take apples, bananas or pears.
    • Vegetable oil. It begins to add to the puree of vegetables in the amount of 1 gram, which roughly corresponds to 1/5 teaspoon.

    The introduction of the same products is recommended in the diet of babies, which the mother can not breastfeed in full. So babies breastfeeding begin to replace the feeding with a little earlier - from 4-5 months.

    Baby feeding on artificial feeding at 5 months
    Babies on artificial feeding in 5 months try many different dishes

    How much should a baby eat?

    The total amount of food per day for a five-month baby is calculated on the basis of its body weight. The weight of the child is divided by 7 and get the total amount of food that should be given to the crumbs per day. Dividing it by the number of meals, learn the amount of one feeding. On average, children 5 months eat 800-1000 ml of food per day. For one feeding the baby of this age receives 160-200 ml of food.

    As for the foods of artificial foods introduced into the diet of babies-artificials at 5 months, their norms will be as follows:


    The maximum amount for a child is 5 months.

    Vegetable puree

    120 g

    Dairy free porridge

    150 g

    Fruit puree

    30 g

    Vegetable oil

    1 g


    A five-month-old baby is already in the final transition from 6 feedings to 5 meals a day. The intervals between feedings are lengthened and begin to be about 3.5-4 hours.The baby can wake up for the first feeding at 6 am, then it needs to be fed at 9-10 hours, at 13-14 hours and at 17-18 hours, and the last feeding will be at 21-22 hours.

    Completion of the child in 5 months
    The diet of the crumbs and the amount of food eaten depends on various factors.

    Sample menu

    In a baby that is fed infant formula, at 5 months after the introduction of new products, the menu will look like this:


    Products and dishes

    The first

    Adapted mix


    Porridge to 150 g


    Puree vegetables up to 120 g and 1 g of vegetable oil


    Fruit puree up to 30 g and adapted mixture


    Adapted mix

    The child, whose mother, due to an insufficient amount of milk, started feeding from 4-5 months of age, will have a day menu like this:


    Products and dishes

    The first

    Mother's milk


    Porridge to 150 g


    Puree vegetables up to 120 g and 1 g of vegetable oil


    Fruit puree up to 30 g and mother's milk


    Mother's milk


    Give new foods at the beginning of feeding, and to make their taste more familiar to the baby, add to the new food that food that the crumb already knows (mother's milk or the usual mixture).

    Baby nutrition at 5 months
    New products in the diet of crumbs enter with caution

    Consider the following nuances:

    • Give the child only fresh food. Cook a serving at one time and do not store ready meals, and if you used ready-made mashed potatoes from the store, after opening the jar, you can make the jar in the refrigerator for no longer than 24 hours.
    • In cooking foods for a 5-month-old baby, a sieve or blender should be used so that the baby receives only homogeneous and well-ground food.
    • Always check the temperature of the food before giving food to the baby.
    • You can not force the child to try lure, if the crumb refuses, naughty or tired.
    4 months 6 months
    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


