At what age can you give chicken liver to a child?


Attitude to chicken liver is different. Some adults consider it a product of healthy nutrition, others say that it is harmful to eat the liver. Someone does not tolerate the taste of this product, but someone likes it very much. Moreover, if chicken liver periodically appears on the dinner table in a family with a small child, the question always arises as to when to include it in the baby’s diet. In addition to the recommended age of acquaintance with the liver, the mother should also learn how the chicken liver is useful for the child's body and how to prepare this product for the children's menu.

The benefits of chicken liver

The liver is a source of proteins, which contain all the essential amino acids for the child's body, including those that are not synthesized in the human body. In addition, children get different vitamins from chicken liver, including:

  • Vitamin A, important for the growth processes in the children's body, strengthening eyesight, teeth and hair.
  • Folic acid, without which the synthesis of cell structures such as DNA and RNA is impossible, and dopamine and serotonin will not be produced.
  • Vitamin D, which is involved in the process of calcium absorption, so that it helps to form a healthy skeleton.
  • Vitamin PP, which is involved in the synthesis of hormones.
  • Vitamin B12, important for the formation of red blood cells.
  • Choline, a beneficial effect on the nervous system, memory and brain function.
Chicken liver contains a large amount of vitamins and amino acids, so necessary for the growing body

Also in the liver there are vitamins B2, E, C, B1, B6, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, copper and many other elements valuable to the body of children. They are involved in the formation of new cells, ensuring full growth and good health. By consuming the liver, you can prevent anemia and increase the body's defenses. Separately, among the advantages of chicken liver for the children's diet, we note the speed of preparation and delicate texture.


  • Since the liver is a source of protein, this makes this product undesirable in the diet of children with kidney disease.
  • Sometimes an allergic reaction to chicken liver occurs.
  • A damaged or poor liver can cause digestive problems.
  • Some children do not like the taste of the liver in the form of mashed potatoes, but in many ways the rejection of the product depends on how to cook the liver and chop it. Trying new recipes, you can choose the one that will crumble to taste.

From what age can I give?

For the first time you can treat your child with a liver from 8-9 months of age, when the baby has already become acquainted with meat. Before switching on chicken liver in the children's diet is advised to first try beef or calf liver. To crumb did not refuse a new dish, you need to know how to boil and rub the liver correctly. It is important that the consistency turned out loose and homogeneous.

Liver can be offered with vegetables or cereals. It is advised to bake or simmer such a product in pieces no earlier than a year, focusing on the number of teeth and chewing skills of a particular child. For 1 child in 1 year, chewing a piece of boiled liver will not be a problem, and someone will need to grind this product to 1.5-2 years or longer. Fried liver dishes offer children no earlier than 3 years of age.

Do not rush to the introduction into the diet of the child's chicken liver

How to choose a liver for baby food

Such a by-product, like chicken liver, attracts adults with accessibility, as it is sold in many stores and is relatively inexpensive. To purchase a quality product, pay attention to its appearance and freshness. Buy a liver with a smooth color and a shiny, smooth surface. Refuse to buy if a raid or stains is found on the liver.

Make sure before buying that the bird was not given rasta hormones and did not inject antibiotics. It is best to buy chicken liver from trusted suppliers.

How to enter in the feed

The first dish of chicken liver, which is offered to the child, is mashed potatoes. If the baby tries it for the first time, limit yourself to half a teaspoon. Liver puree should be given crumbs in the morning, and then carefully monitor the condition of the baby. If no signs of intolerance appear, gradually increase the portion of the liver. By the year a child can be given 50-60 grams of such a by-product, replacing meat dishes 1-2 times a week.

If the child protests against acquaintance with the chicken liver, do not insist, but for a short while put off such food. After some time, cook the baby puree again, and if the reaction is still negative, try other recipes that are suitable for age. If any symptoms of allergy appear, liver food should also be delayed.

Liver mash

As noted above, children younger than a year are often cooked with a liver, after which they are mashed. Determining how much to cook the liver, you should remember about its consistency and small size. The optimal time for cooking chicken liver is 10-15 minutes. The recipe for making mashed potatoes from this by-product for a child up to a year can be:

  1. Rinse the chicken liver well under running water.
  2. Fill the product with water or milk, leaving it for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cut the liver into pieces, cover with cold water and set on fire.
  4. When water boils, reduce heat and cook chicken liver until tender.
  5. Grind the product in a blender or meat grinder, and then 2 times pass through a sieve.
  6. If the resulting texture is too thick, dilute with a small amount of liquid (water, milk).
Liver puree is ideal for dating a child with this new product.

Chicken Liver - recipes for kids after year

When the child is one year old and his diet is gradually expanding, the crumbs can offer many other dishes from chicken liver. The list of recipes from this type of by-products is quite extensive, including soup or meatballs, so there’s no problem how delicious it is to cook a dish with chicken liver. Consider the most popular dishes.

Liver Soufflé

This delicate chicken liver dish is popular with many children. To make it, take 200 grams of liver, one carrot and one onion, skip through a meat grinder, and then add to the mass a tablespoon of semolina and some baby cream or baby milk. When the liver mass is standing for 15-20 minutes, add the egg beaten with salt and mix. Fill small molds and place in a double boiler for 20-25 minutes.

Most children have a taste for a tender liver soufflé

Souffle from the liver can be prepared in a slow cooker. To do this, take 100 g of chicken liver and cut into small pieces. Put them in a blender, add 1/4 cup of milk and a small piece of white bread, a pinch of salt and 1 yolk. Beat all ingredients until smooth. Separately, whisk the protein until fluffy, gently add to the liver mass, place the dish in silicone molds and put in a slow cooker.Selecting the "steamed" mode and filling the device with water, cook the souffle for 30 minutes.

Liver with vegetables

Such baked in the oven liver can be included in the menu for 2-year-olds and older, when the child is already learned to chew. Wash 500 g of chicken liver and cut it into small pieces. Wash and peel 100 g of carrots and 50 g of onions, then cut into strips. Wash and chop 100 g of cabbage. In a greased form, put the liver first, and then a layer of vegetables. Salt the vegetables on top and pour in the milk or add a little sour cream. Cover the form with foil and simmer the dish for about 30 minutes.

Liver pancakes

Fritters made from liver can be included in the menu of a child over 3 years old. This recipe provides for the grinding of raw chicken liver with the addition of onions using a meat grinder or a food processor. To the resulting mass add a chicken egg and a little flour, then salt to taste and spread with a spoon on the pan, frying on both sides.

How to cook pate

This chicken liver dish can be offered to a one-year-old child by preparing one of the following recipes:

  1. With meat. Cook the liver, chicken fillet and carrots until tender, chop until smooth and salt to taste. If the pate is too thick, dilute with broth or butter.
  2. With vegetables. Beat in a blender boiled chicken liver, as well as boiled vegetables, such as onions and carrots. Add a little butter and mix well. For a thinner consistency, dilute with vegetable broth.
  3. With egg. Boil 2-3 eggs and 300 g of chicken liver separately. Whisk the finished products in a blender, add a little butter and salt to obtain the desired consistency and taste.
A child who crosses the threshold of 1 year can be given a liver plow test.

The following video presents another unusual recipe for making chicken liver for a child.

Why should be wary of buying a liver in stores, see in the next program.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


