From what age can a child be given semolina and semolina?
When it comes time for a child to familiarize themselves with cereals, most mothers prefer such hypoallergenic and healthy cereals as rice, buckwheat and oatmeal. But modern parents, who are so popular with our grandmothers, are wary. Recently it has been widely believed that there is nothing useful in semolina, and some mothers consider semolina harmful. Let's look at whether this is true and when it is possible to give semolina to children and what else can be made from semolina for a children's menu.
The pros of semolina
Semolina is obtained from wheat after threshing, therefore the composition of such cereals is in many ways similar to the composition of wheat. Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, such croup is an energy-intensive and saturating product, and because of the strong grinding, the absorption of semolina occurs rather quickly and easily. Also in semolina there are vegetable proteins, fiber, vitamins PP, group B and minerals. The advantages of decoying include the speed of cooking this cereal.
Disadvantages semolina
- The nutritional value of semolina is inferior to other types of porridge, as semolina contains less vitamin compounds and minerals.
- Semolina contains a lot of gluten protein, which young children are not easy to digest. Some babies are allergic to this protein.
- Due to the presence of fitin in the monkey composition, this croup impairs the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin D (such action of semolina is called richogenic), therefore, it is recommended to limit the diet of children up to a year.
- Semolina contains gliodin, which is able to adversely affect the work of the intestines when feeding decoys of young children.
- Since semolina is a fairly high-calorie dish, its frequent inclusion in the children's menu can lead to a child gaining excess weight.

Whether to give the child porridge?
After reviewing the rather large list of minuses of semolina, many parents begin to doubt whether it is worth starting to feed the baby at all. Nevertheless, porridge from this cereal has a lot of advantages, the most important of which is its high nutritional value, which allows us to recommend this dish for feeding underweight children.
Know the disadvantages of semolina should only be in order not to introduce this product into the child's diet too early and not to give such porridge daily. If you acquaint your child with semolina at the right time and cook him porridge from this cereal 1-2 times in 2 weeks, there will be no harm to his health.
From how many months to give semolina
Modern tactics of complementary foods does not provide for the introduction of any porridge into the diet of the infant-baby earlier than 6 months. Healthy babies breastfed porridge begin to give from 7 months of age. At the same time, it is advised to begin feeding the porridge with rice or buckwheat, as there is no gluten in such grains. It is because of the high risk of allergy that semolina is introduced into the children's diet a little later.
Most pediatricians believe that the minimum age at which a child can get acquainted with semolina is 10 months, and if the crumbs have a tendency to allergies, then this familiarity is delayed up to 1 year. In this case, at the age of 3 years, it is not advisable to get involved in semolina. Let it appear in the menu of the child only occasionally, alternating with other cereals.
Opinion Komarovsky
The famous pediatrician Komarovsky assures that semolina porridge is not at all a harmful product and can be included in the diet of the child along with other cereals. The popular doctor calls the property to swell as the main advantage of the monkey, thanks to which such croup is consumed very economically and creates a feeling of satiety for a long time. That is why he advises to feed children with semolina in the evening, who often wake up at night because of hunger.
Komarovsky's comment on semolina you can listen to in the following video.
How to enter into the diet
Like all new products, semolina is introduced into the child's menu gradually and carefully. Preparing the baby porridge for the first time give only one spoon. They do this in the morning feeding and carefully watch the baby until the end of the day. If no symptoms of intolerance have appeared, the next time the amount of porridge can be doubled. So gradually the volume of the dish is adjusted to the amount that is recommended for the child, taking into account his age.
How to cook porridge
Children under one year old boiled semolina in water without salt. Next, the kids begin to cook such porridge in milk, diluted 1: 1 with water. And only after a good portability of such a dish is to switch to cooking with whole milk.
The process of cooking semolina porridge looks like this:
- Bring water or milk to a boil (one glass).
- Pour in the boiling liquid semolina (3 tablespoons) with constant stirring.
- Reduce the heat and boil the gruel for a few minutes (usually 2–3 minutes is enough), continuing to stir.
- After removing from heat, add butter to the porridge, as well as salt and sugar to taste.
To avoid the formation of lumps, you can dilute the semolina with a small amount of water and in this form send in boiling liquid.
How to diversify semolina
To make semolina porridge even more tasty, you can:
- Add pieces of fruit or berries to it.
- Sweeten ready porridge honey.
- Decorate porridge with raisins, creating interesting pictures from it.
- Water it with homemade jam or jam.
- Cook porridge on a mixture of water and fruit or vegetable juice, for example, apple or carrot.
- Cook the savory semolina on vegetable broth.
- Add the yolk to the porridge.
Other recipes with decoys for kids
Manna-carrot soufflé (from 1 year)
To prepare such a dish, take 60 g of semolina and 400 ml of water, as well as one egg, 100 g of carrots, sugar to taste and 5 g of butter. Carrots in this recipe can be replaced with pumpkin or apples.
- Cook porridge from semolina and water.
- Divide the egg into yolk and white.
- Add butter to the semolina, as well as yolk pounded with sugar.
- Grate the carrots on a fine grater and add to the porridge, mixing well.
- Whisk the egg white and gently add to the manna-carrot mixture.
- Place the mixture in a greased mold and cook for about 30 minutes in a double boiler or in a water bath.
Potato soup with semolina dumplings (from 1.5 years)
This delicious nutritious soup will be a good dish for lunch. For its preparation you will need 1 liter of water, 2 potatoes, large carrots, a small onion, 1 egg, 2 tbsp.spoons of semolina, butter, salt and herbs.
Preparation will be as follows:
- Finely chop the onion and rub the peeled carrots on a fine grater. Extinguish them in a little water until soft.
- Peel and cut the potatoes into pieces, dip in boiled water and cook until half cooked.
- Boil semolina with boiling water to make a thick porridge. Cool a little, add the egg, salt and mix.
- Add stewed carrots and onions to the water with potatoes.
- Use a teaspoonful of semolina mix and dip it in boiling soup to make dumplings.
- Bring all ingredients to readiness.
- Sprinkle the fresh soup in the plate with fresh herbs.
Mannik (from 2-3 years)
This delicate and tasty pastry is made from semolina, kefir and sugar, taking 1 cup of each ingredient. Also in the traditional recipe there are 2-3 eggs and a teaspoon of baking powder. Apples, berries, dried fruits and other ingredients can be added to the dough.
Manna is prepared as follows:
- Fill the semolina kefir room temperature.
- In 30-40 minutes, combine the swollen cereal with kefir with the eggs beaten with sugar.
- Add baking powder, mix thoroughly.
- Pour the dough into a mold and bake for about 40 minutes in the oven until golden brown.
The opinion of experts from the “Live Healthy” program about introducing semolina into the diet of young children is given in the program.