What if the child does not eat complementary foods?


As soon as the baby is six months old, with enthusiasm, the mother begins to cook new dishes for him. And it is very upset if the crumb flatly refuses to open his mouth and try a new product, or spits out a porridge made by his mother. Why is this happening and how to act if the baby protests against complementary foods?

The reasons

A child may refuse to lure if:

  • He did not like the taste of a new product, because it is very different from breast milk.
  • The dish seems to him too thick.
  • The child did not like the temperature of the food offered.
  • The kid had not yet had time to get hungry after the previous meal.
  • The child is distracted by extraneous factors, for example, children playing or TV turned on.
  • The kid was already full.
  • The child has thirst.
  • Baby wants to eat on their own.
  • The baby has bad health, for example, discomfort in the tummy or a tooth is cut.
  • Mom is too actively persuading and the new food began to cause negative emotions in the baby.
  • The enzyme systems of the baby have not yet developed to the necessary extent.
  • If a child has lost interest in a product that he has eaten before with pleasure, it means that he is fed up with the dish.
The child does not want to eat lure
Some kids want to eat from a spoon on their own and they don’t like it when they are fed from a spoon

What to do?

Many babies need time to get used to the new food, so the period of whims when meeting with food is not uncommon. Parents can only be advised to be patient and allow the little one to get used to dishes that are new to him. Gradually, the baby will take and the consistency of the new food, and new tastes. Also, feeding for the infant can be given to give the father that the child is not distracted by her mother's breast, which has the desired food for him.

I do not like to eat with a spoon

Companion dishes are always advised to give the baby a spoon, which can be silver or plastic. If the baby is protesting against the spoon, it may be too big for his mouth. In this case, try to feed the crumbs with a coffee spoon, and later return to the teaspoon. If you feed the baby from a plastic spoon, attract the attention of the toddler to the bright colors of the device.

Strongly refusing to eat with a spoon baby give the opportunity to try to take the food by hand. Then give the crumbs a spoon in the handle. Of course, the cleanliness around the toddler in this case should not be expected, but such actions can change the attitude of the baby to this tableware.

The child tries to lure his hands
You can give your child the opportunity to first get acquainted with the consistency of complementary foods, allowing hands to evaluate the product. After that, give him a spoon in your hand and offer to try the product already from it.

I do not like the lure itself

Usually, babies have a positive attitude towards sweet foods, and often refuse vegetable, fish or meat foods. Take into account the tastes of peanut, but gently insist on samples of new products. Give new food only on an empty stomach. The appetite increases and walks, so a new meal can be offered after returning home.

At first, new dishes can be sweetened and crumbs made more familiar by adding mother's milk or a mixture of them. Do not rush to new dishes and combinations of products, let the baby get used to the new taste. Meals from one component immediately prompt the mother what kind of product the baby disliked.

We give the right to choose

No matter how you feel about the little goat spitting out the food you carefully prepared, it is impossible to give vent to your anger and discontent. This can only aggravate the situation. Better offer the baby a choice. If some dish did not attract the baby, replace it with a similar one, and return to the product that was rejected, in a week or two.

New for the child in the lure
Show patience, because feeding is something new for a child. Some children need time to become aware of and get used to it.

If the toddler refuses cottage cheese, give him a yogurt or kefirchik. If the child did not like some kind of vegetable, suggest other types of vegetables, as well as other ways of cooking them (steam or slice and stew). Baby, stubbornly rejecting meat, give other products in which a lot of protein, such as fish or cottage cheese.

If the child had already tried a certain product before, and then suddenly began to refuse it, stop offering it this supplement and return to it after a long break so that the interest in such food can recover.

How many months does the child like to try adult food?

Babies are beginning to be interested in adult food at a time when the requirements for breast milk, as in food, are reduced. This happens at about 8-9 months. To interest the baby lure, it should be seated at the table during a family lunch or dinner. Show what food you eat, and let the crumb see you like it. You can also give your child a few tiny pieces to try from his plate. This supplement is called pedagogical.

Lure in 9 months
From 9 months, children usually begin to try new products with pleasure.

What not to do?

You should not try to distract the child with a toy or a cartoon to give him a supplement at all costs. So you will create a wrong eating habit for your baby while watching TV or playing. Moreover, such feedings, when the crumb does not notice that he was given food, are also harmful to the digestion of the little ones. In such cases, less saliva is secreted in the mouth, and digestive juices in the stomach. All this leads to a violation of food digestion.

In no case should not give the child lure by force. Do not worry if the child does not eat anything from complementary foods, because this is only an addition to his main food and acquaintance with new products. If you do not lose composure and watch the baby, you will soon find ways to diversify the baby's diet.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


