At what age can you give pickle to children and how to cook it?
Rassolnik is loved in many Russian families, so when a small child arrives who starts to try dishes from a common table, mothers wonder whether it is worth giving such soup to children, whether it is harmful for children and how to cook pickle for the whole family, which can be a child.
What is pickle and when you can give it to children
Soup, called pickle, like its moderately salty and spicy taste, as well as a pleasant aroma. The basis of pickle are vegetables, with which the peanut gets acquainted before the year - carrots, onions, potatoes. They are boiled on meat broth, which is permissible to give one year old child and children older than a year.
Cereals are added to the vegetables, which can be represented by rice, barley or oatmeal. And if rice groats or oatmeal are in most cases harmless to children, therefore, they are introduced into complementary foods in the first year of life, that pearl barley croup is recommended only after 3 years.
It is also important to note another ingredient of pickle, with which you should be careful - pickles. It is he who gives the pickle its zest and without such a component the soup will be completely different. Giving such a product to young children is contraindicated, so it is included in the diet not earlier than 3 years of age.
Having estimated this information, it is possible to understand why rassolnik is not recommended for a 1 year old child or 2 years old babies. Despite the fact that soups appear in the diet of children in 10-11 months, with pickle should wait until the child is 3 years old.

- Vegetables from which pickle is boiled are a source of vitamins B1, E, C, PP, B6, B2, iodine, potassium, magnesium and other useful elements.
- The dish is rich in fiber, so it has a positive effect on the work of the digestive system.
- Calorie pickle is small, so it can include a diet with excess body weight.
- Rassolnik can cause allergies.
- The use of pickle can hurt in diseases of the stomach.
- This soup is also not recommended for pathologies of the kidneys.
How to cook pickle baby
- Vegetables for soup should be purchased in a proven place, making sure that they are fresh. You should not cook pickle from overripe or beaten vegetables. Before boiling the vegetables, they must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. Cut them too small pieces are not advised, since with more grinding after cooking in vegetables will be less useful. In many recipes, vegetables for pickle are first passed with butter, but for a preschooler, it is preferable to add vegetables to the soup without roasting.
- Broth for pickle should be cooked on meat with low fat content - beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey. In addition, it is best to boil it in the second water, that is, after boiling, it is recommended to drain the first water, and in its place pour fresh water.
- Water for baby soup must be filtered, since it is risky to give children unpurified liquid.
- Do not cook the soup ingredients for too long to keep more vitamins in them.
- Do not store the finished soup for a long time in the refrigerator. It is best to give the child fresh soup.
Pickle recipes for kids
Rassolnik with rice
To prepare pickle with rice, you will need:
- 500 g beef pulp
- 2-3 medium potatoes
- 1 medium carrot
- 2 pickled or sour cucumbers
- 1 small onion
- 2 tbsp. spoons of rice
- 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream
- Salt
- Dill or parsley
Rinse the meat and cut into small pieces, cover it with water and, putting it on high heat, wait for boiling. Drain the water, add 2 liters of water to the meat and boil for 1.5 hours. Strain the broth, salt and bring it to a boil in another saucepan. At this time, cut the cucumbers into cubes or cubes, and then add them to the broth.
While the cucumbers will be cooked for 5-7 minutes, peel and wash the vegetables, then chop them and lower into broth. Finally add the rice to the pan and wait for all the ingredients to cook. After making the soup for 30 minutes, add sour cream and greens to it before serving.
Rassolnik with barley
To cook such a delicious soup with pearl barley, take:
- 450 ml chicken broth
- 240 grams of potatoes
- 30 g carrots
- 45 g salted cucumbers
- 15 g onions
- 1 tbsp. spoon of pearl barley
- 12 g butter
- 25 g sour cream
- Salt and herbs to taste
After going through the pearl barley, rinse it and put it in boiling water in the ratio of 1 to 3, then boil until done. Cucumbers for baby pickle clean from the peel, and if they have large seeds, they are also recommended to be removed. Sliced or grated cucumbers for 10-15 minutes, place in boiling broth or boiling water in a small amount.
After cleaning, carrots and onions chop and paste in butter. Bring the broth to a boil, dip the diced potato in it, add barley, carrot and onion. When all the ingredients are boiled for about 10 minutes, add the pickles. Boil it still 10 minutes, season the soup with sour cream, add the greens to it and bring to a boil again. The result should be a dish in which there will be soft vegetables and soft cereals, and pickled cucumbers will remain slightly crispy.
Video recipe pickle with pearl barley see in the next video.