How to give the child a yolk and introduce it to the supplements?


Yolks appear in the children's diet before the year, as they are a source of valuable nutrients for the development of the crumbs. What exactly they are useful for, whether they have a harmful effect, when you can enter them into the baby’s menu and how much is it permissible to give to children? Let us examine these and other questions in their relation in more detail.

Egg yolks
Egg yolk is very useful and is introduced early in the feed


Egg yolk is a valuable food product primarily because of its composition. These are the substances that it is rich in and what effect they have on the body:

Vitamin A

Participates in the formation of bones and teeth

Improves eyesight

Affects skin condition

Facilitates the flow of infectious diseases

Vitamin D

Strengthens bones

Affects the overall health of the body

Important for calcium absorption

Strengthens muscles and relieves muscle pain


Refers to "good" cholesterol.

Helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins

Important for the synthesis of hormones and the formation of bile


Promotes cell regeneration

Important for the development of speech, as well as psycho-emotional development

Amino Acids

Participate in the construction of body tissues

Important for the growth of the child


Lowers bad cholesterol

Participates in the exchange of fat

Calms the nervous system

Improves memory and brain function

Vitamins of group B

Participate in metabolic processes

Promote blood cell formation

Ensure the normal functioning of the nervous system


Important for bone system

Eliminates drowsiness, irritation and headache


Important for the work of many internal organs

Known for its anti-cancer effect.

Iron and cobalt

Important for blood formation

Prevent anemia


Gives energy to the body

Important for the absorption of certain vitamins

Influences the development and growth of the child's body


Protect against heart disease

Harm and contraindications

  • It is a fairly high-calorie product, in which there is a lot of saturated fat, so its excessive consumption can harm with an excess of body weight.
  • In its raw form, it is worse absorbed and can cause infections.
  • May cause an allergic reaction.
  • Not recommended for problems with the biliary tract.
Baby eating yolk
As with most foods, the inclusion of yolk in the diet should be dosed.

Why give?

By 6 months of age, the baby is not enough of those nutrients that are found in breast milk. It is at this age that new dishes begin to appear on the kids menu, which provide nutrients that are valuable for babies. When the baby has got acquainted with vegetables (a source of vitamins and cellulose) and porridges (a source of carbohydrates), time for chicken yolks comes. They act as a source of fat, fat soluble vitamins, important minerals and other beneficial compounds. And because they are included in the children's menu at an early age.

Why is yolk better than protein?

  • All fat-soluble vitamins found in eggs are in them.
  • The yolks contain carotenoids and lecithin, but these proteins are absent in proteins.
  • Most of the calcium, vitamin B6, zinc, folic acid, iron, vitamin B12 and thiamine are found in them.
  • Protein molecules in the composition are connected with fats, which contributes to their absorption.

How often is allergy?

Allergic reactions to it occur much less frequently than on whole eggs and egg whites, but they are also possible. They are most often manifested by reddening of the skin and rash, as well as digestive problems (vomiting, constipation, indigestion). If the baby has a tendency to allergies, the introduction into the diet should be carried out very carefully and in small portions.

Baby eating yolk
Enter the yolk into the baby’s menu with care

About quail yolks

In the yolk of quail eggs contain more nutrients that are important for the health and growth of babies. It is his advice to enter into the infant's diet, if the crumbs have exudative-catarrhal diathesis, since allergic reactions to this product are much less common. For kids who tolerate chicken yolks well, alternating in the chicken and quail menu for children is a great idea.

How many months can I give?

If the baby is breastfed, the yolk is included in its menu from 9 months of age. Babies who receive artificial nutrition, it is introduced into the diet at 7 months.

Introduce the yolk in complementary foods: how to give a child up to a year?

Boil the egg for 10 minutes, cut it and remove the yolk, trying not to capture even the smallest part of the protein. For the first sample, a small crumb the size of a match head is enough. Mash the product and mix with my mother's milk or mixture, or add to the vegetables your child has been eating for a long time. Also, the yolk can be added to the gruel. Gradually, the amount for the baby increases to the age norm.

Yolk for feeding baby
Yolk is better to knead with a fork or grind through a sieve.

How can you quickly separate the yolk from the protein, see the video of the channel "Life hacking and experiments."

Can I give raw?

The use of raw egg yolks for a child under one year is not recommended. Such a product is not only worse absorbed in the children's body, but can also cause disease (if a child is given raw chicken yolks, there is always a high risk of infection with salmonellosis). If parents want to give their baby, it is best to do it after a year, while staying on the quail yolk and wash the eggs thoroughly.

Age norms

Offer the child the first year of his life should be based on the age of the baby and the type of feeding. Recommendations for consuming chicken egg yolk before the age of one look like this:



Artificial feeding

7 months


1/4 yolk

8 months


1/2 yolk

9 months

1/4 yolk

1/2 yolk

10-12 months

1/2 yolk

1/2 yolk

As for the quail egg yolk, in the first month of introduction, its amount is adjusted to half per day, and then increased to the whole and given in such quantity to one year. Children older than one year begin to give whole eggs.

Baby eating egg
Yolks with squirrels can be eaten by children after 1 year


  • To cook yolks for babies, be sure to buy fresh eggs from a trusted seller. In this case, the eggshell must be integral, and before cooking they should be dipped in water - if the egg floats to the surface, then it is spoiled.
  • Before you boil an egg for baby food, it is important to rinse thoroughly. This is especially important for homemade chicken eggs, which can cause Salmonella infection.
  • If you are giving the yolk to your baby for the first time, it is best to choose morning feeding for this. In this case, by the end of the day it will become noticeable whether the baby has moved the new product normally.
  • If the child is prone to constipation, give it only 1-2 times a week.
Egg freshness check
Check for freshness before cooking eggs.
Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


