Propolis for children


Propolis, when used properly, can bring a lot of benefits to the body. Adults can quite safely use it in the treatment of various diseases and conditions, but is it possible to take propolis to a child?

The question is ambiguous, and it is necessary to solve it in each concrete situation individually, better together with your attending physician - the pediatrician. If the child does not have a tendency to allergies, doctors usually allow the use of propolis with strict observance of strict rules for dosing and taking the drug. But from a certain age and with extreme caution.

What it is?

Propolis is a specific product of beekeeping. It is also called bee glue or uzoy.

Bees produce a special sticky substance in order to use it to seal up the gaps in the hive and to disinfect the place where they plan to lay eggs. This glue insects are extracted from resinous plants, and therefore the color of propolis is so different - from green to dark brown.

No one still knows exactly what propolis is. According to one version, it is a product of bee digestion of pollen, that is, feces. According to another, it is a plant product that bees collect on resinous plants and buds and are dragged into a hive for specific purposes.

In terms of its composition, propolis is a real natural laboratory. There are 16 types of organic substances in it, more than 200 compounds. Generally speaking, it consists of resins, aromatic oils, wax, pollen, sugar, vitamins, aromatic acids. It contains almost all microelements known to science, as well as a large number of amino acids and enzymes.

What is used

It is unique in its properties. It is a powerful natural antibiotic, an excellent antiviral agent, a powerful immunomodulator, an effective antiseptic, and anesthetic. Propolis is a complex of minerals and vitamins that are important for a growing children's body.

Propolis is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, to improve immunity, with boils, wounds and burns, with diseases of the eyes, hearing organs, with hemorrhoids and many other problems.

Useful and medicinal properties of this bee product have long been appreciated both by traditional medicine and official medicine.

In pharmacies, propolis is presented in a variety of forms - in ointments, candles, tinctures, sprays. There are capsules and gels based on it. Some manufacturers of toothpastes declare its presence in their products.

Application for children

Before you understand what kind of children can and should not be given propolis, it should be noted that bee glue is an incredibly strong allergen, because it contains hundreds of different substances! For this reason, it can do great harm to infants and one-year-old children. Children under 1 year old are categorically contraindicated.

If your toddler is prone to various allergic reactions, the ban on propolis for him is extended at least until the slightest age of 3 years. And then - at the discretion of the doctor.

For children, propolis is used in tincture or ointment and spray for local use. Moreover, the tincture containing alcohol is not recommended for children under 4 years old.Thus, for children aged 1 to 4 years, only the spray form “Proposol", Ointment" Propoceum "and several options for the use of propolis without alcohol, as I describe below.


Propolis has several contraindications that it is desirable for parents to know about before they decide to give or not to give their child this beekeeping product:

  • Any allergic reaction.
  • Diseases of the liver in the acute phase.

How to cook

Alcohol propolis tincture You can buy at the pharmacy. And you can cook yourself at home. It should be borne in mind that propolis is practically insoluble in water, but perfectly soluble in alcohol. The recipe for a miraculous and universal drug is quite simple: for 5 grams of propolis, you need to take 50 ml. medical alcohol (70%). To bring the composition of home infusion to the pharmacy, the solution must be made 10%. At 10 grams. Propolis should account for 100 ml. alcohol.

Propolis needs to be finely crumbled, alcoholized and insist on alcohol for at least 8-10 days in a dark place, shaking the closed container daily. Then the resulting liquid should be filtered through several layers of gauze and stored in a refrigerator in a tightly closed vial. The shelf life of such a drug is more than 5 years.

How to apply

Before giving the child propolis, you should make sure that the baby has reached the required age, and he is not allergic to other bee products. You can try to give him some honey, this is a lighter and simpler bee “gift”. If the baby has not had a negative reaction to it, you can start taking propolis.

Be sure to test for propolis allergy. To do this, take a cotton pad, soak in a small amount of propolis tincture and wet the baby's elbow bend. Evaluate the result of the sample preferably in a day. If there is redness, itching, burning, slight swelling, propolis can not be taken in any form. If there are no such manifestations, you can try the drug itself.

Propolis dosage should be increased gradually. Begin the course with small doses and increase successively until allowed by age.

The dosage of propolis is calculated based on the age of the child. The main and unshakable rule: for each year of a child’s life, drop by drop tincture. So, a child at five years old with a cold is given five drops of a pharmacy (10%) tincture three times a day just before a meal, after having diluted with a drop of warm water in the amount of a teaspoon.

The course of treatment with propolis can be different, most often it is from 5 days to 2-3 weeks depending on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease, the health and condition of the child.

How propolis is applied is described in the program "On the Most Important":


Let's look at the most frequent problems that propolis helps to solve.

Natural bee product finds its application in the treatment of different profiles.

When coughing

With bronchitis, some forms of asthma and whooping cough, propolis is given to children as part of a milk drink. Per liter of boiled milk finely crumble 60 grams. propolis. Stir the obtained liquid thoroughly and for a rather long time, and then gently filter it. Store the mixture should be exclusively in glassware.

When coughing, the resulting drink should be given 3 tablespoons three times a day, half an hour after meals. Milk with propolis at night, in addition to the beneficial effects on the bronchi and lungs, also improves the sleep of the child.

With a strong and prolonged cough, you can make inhalation with propolis using a nebulizer. To do this, use the propolis tincture, diluted with saline solution 1:20. Inhalation done twice a day, morning and evening, for two weeks.

With angina

Propolis, as a strong natural antibiotic, is able to act quite effectively locally on the causative agents of larynx inflammation.To prepare a special ointment for the throat, you need to mix propolis tincture with ordinary pharmacy glycerin. In the ratio of 1: 3.

After pre-rinsing with soda water and processing "Miramistin"Or furatsillina solution sore throat should be lubricated 3-4 times a day with propolis using a cotton swab. Eating and drinking after lubrication can not be at least 40 minutes.

In case of sore throat and adenoids, you can also prepare rinses with propolis. To do this, 15 ml of propolis tincture diluted with warm boiled water. You can gargle with the resulting liquid up to 6 times a day. The course of treatment is about 7-10 days. The same rinses are very useful for stomatitis.

To enhance immunity

If the child is often sick, his immune protection needs support. Immunomodulatory property of propolis here will come in handy.

Give drops of propolis tincture in the dosage allowed for this age, after diluting the drops with a small amount of water (teaspoon or tablespoon). The multiplicity of intake 3-4 times a day just before meals. The general course of treatment is up to 14 days.

With gastritis, colitis

The ability of propolis to heal disorders of the mucous membranes, as well as a significant contribution to the normalization of metabolism make bee glue an excellent medicine for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In this situation, propolis should be taken orally, spreading drops of tincture with a small amount of water or milk. Take the mixture should be twice a day for a month. A prerequisite - propolis should be drunk on an empty stomach, before eating for 15-20 minutes.

With purulent otitis

In chronic and purulent otitis, propolis has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. In the sore ear, you can bury the solution of tincture 2-3 times a day or lay a cotton swab dipped in undiluted propolis tincture for 2-3 minutes.

With sinusitis

From a cold it was used in ancient times. Even then, people noticed that a pair of bee glue helps to regain the sense of smell of a sick person. A child can make drops with propolis in the nose. To do this, propolis tincture must be diluted with saline in a ratio of 1:10. To drip into the nostrils 2-3 times a day, for a maximum of 15 days. Usually, the course of treatment in children is less, about 8-10 days.

For the prevention and treatment of influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections, rotavirus

Antiviral properties in this situation are revealed most fully. In case of a respiratory viral infection on the background of high temperature, you can give the child drops of bee glue tincture 3 times a day, and for prophylactic purposes, you can prepare a tincture of the child and give her a drink twice a year with her for 10 days.

In diseases of the cardiovascular system

Bee glue has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, and for children who have heart problems, propolis tincture may be recommended as a general tonic.

For diseases of the genitourinary system

Acceptance of propolis drops inside has an anti-inflammatory systemic effect on the kidneys, and external use (by analogy with solutions for gargling) is important for thrush.

For topical use in wounds, burns, abrasions and cuts

Propolis exhibits excellent healing properties. You can use sprays or ointments with him in an amount not exceeding the dose, according to the instructions for use. You can lubricate the affected skin with a cotton swab dipped in propolis tincture.

Other uses

A moderate toothache will help to remove a small piece of propolis, laid on the aching tooth. With the help of a piece of pure raw materials, you can quickly cope with calluses. To do this, it is enough to attach a small part of it to the sore spot and close with a plaster on top. It will be necessary to change propolis daily. Corn should fade away within a few days. Compresses with propolis tincture can be made to children on a sore spot during sprains, bruises, sports injuries.

According to parents, pharmacy tincture is the most suitable form of propolis.

It does not need to cook, filter. In addition, pharmacies do not sell raw propolis in its pure form. You will have to order it from familiar beekeepers or buy it in specialized stores. The most useful product purchased in the spring. All these difficulties often force adults to opt for the finished tincture.

How to prepare the extract of propolis, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


