Dill water for newborns at home
Colic occurs in many newborns, causing the parents to want to help the baby in any way. Dill water is considered an effective remedy for colic. Is it really useful and how to prepare such liquid for the baby?
For baby
Do dill water note this action:
- Anti-inflammatory
- Soothing
- Antimicrobial
- Anticonvulsant
- Lung diuretic and choleretic impact
- Headache elimination
This fluid relaxes the muscles of the intestine, which contributes to the removal of gases. Applying dill water regularly, you improve the baby's digestion and relieve him of stomach pains.
For nursing mother
Dill water also has a beneficial effect on lactation. In lactating women, such a means normalizes the work of the digestive tract, calms and also stimulates milk production.
- Dill water may not help your baby with colic and even cause bloating.
- Allergies can develop to this fluid.

Recipe for cooking at home
Although water is called mostly dill, most often fennel is used for its preparation, not fennel (its other name is “pharmacy fennel”).
However, it is possible to cook dill water at home from both fennel and dill — from the seeds of these plants. Water for the preparation of this drink must be purified, and all dishes should be rinsed with boiling water before use. Children of the first month of life should be given dill water only in freshly prepared form.
With fennel seeds
In a ceramic container, pour chopped or whole dried fennel seeds (3 grams) and pour boiling water (200 ml). First, hold the container in a water bath for twenty minutes, and then insist about 45 minutes (if the seeds were used whole, then you need to insist longer). After straining give the child.
With dill seeds
A teaspoon of dill seeds should be poured with a glass of boiled water and infused for about one hour. The child is given this water after straining.
Fresh Dill or Fennel
If you have fresh dill or fennel, you can make tea from them. Dill greens are crushed, a tablespoon of raw materials is poured 100 ml of boiling water. Means insist one hour, filter and cool. This tea is used as dill water.
Fennel essential oil
Fennel essential oil is also suitable for preparing dill water. Per liter of water take 0.05 milliliters of aromatic oils of fennel. The solution is kept in the refrigerator for up to one month, and heated before use so that the liquid is at room temperature.
The initial dosage of dill water is a teaspoon. It is given three times a day, watching the reaction of the baby.If the crumb did not react to receiving dill water with negative symptoms, the number of remedies can be increased to 6 per day.
How long to give some dill depends on the child. As soon as digestion is normalized, no more fluid is needed.
How and when to give some dill?
For babies receiving breast milk, dill water is given from a spoon, and bottle-fed crumbs can be poured into a bottle or syringe without a needle, although it is still more convenient to dispense with a teaspoon.

Dill water is given before feeding. Often, the taste of her children like and newborns drink such liquid with pleasure. If the child does not want to drink it, you can stir the dill water with a small amount of the product already familiar to the child - female expressed milk or a mixture. If the mother does not want to feed the baby with any liquid, so as not to interfere with lactation, she can drink the dill water herself in half a glass before each feeding (for 30 minutes).
If the child suffers not only from colic, but also from other digestive disorders (the child has constipation, poor appetite, diarrhea), the use of dill water will not be effective. If you have these symptoms, we recommend that you show the baby to the doctor.
Modern analogue
Pharmaceutical preparation, made from fennel seeds, are pharmacy dill and known drug "PlantexThis preparation is presented in powder form. It is dissolved according to the instructions both in water and in human milk. Plantex can be given to newborns from the age of 2 weeks.
Opinion E. Komarovsky
A famous doctor recommends giving dill water to a newborn up to 100 ml per day, although Komarovsky does not think that fennel or dill give any pronounced therapeutic effect on colic. He is sure that feeding the baby with even ordinary water helps the baby to improve digestion, and dill water is quite capable of replacing plain water.
However, if a mother categorically does not want to give the baby water, she should ensure the baby to stay in conditions of an optimal microclimate. Then there will be no need to feed the baby.