Divigel IVF: instructions for use


The therapeutic cycle of in vitro fertilization implies a rather large range of hormonal preparations. Hormones allow doctors to control the processes that occur in the patient's body both at the stage of preparation for IVF and after embryo transfer into the uterus. These drugs exclude spontaneous changes in hormonal levels, and therefore significantly increase the chances of a successful onset of pregnancy.

Often appointed "Divigel." What is this drug, how and why it is prescribed for IVF, and how to cancel the tool as a result of pregnancy, we will explain in this article.

About medicine

The drug Divigel is produced in Finland and is a gel-like substance for transdermal (external) use. Packages are of two types - 28 or 91 bags in cardboard boxes. The active ingredient is the hormone estradiol, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the ovaries, for carrying a fetus. The lack of this hormone in the body of a woman leads to infertility or habitual miscarriage.

The hormone in the gel is synthetic, but it is completely identical to the natural. Without this hormone, it would be impossible for puberty girls and their further fertility. Estradiol is extremely important for the proper development of the uterus, genital tract, appendages, the formation of the ducts of the mammary glands. With the participation of estrogen in the fair sex, a functional layer of the endometrium is rejected monthly. If conception did not occur, menstruation takes place.

When applied externally, the gel is quickly absorbed and contributes to the growth of the functional layer of the uterus - the endometrium, which is very important for subsequent implantation of the embryo. Also, the hormone adapts the female body to increase the level of progesterone, which is observed in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and during the onset of pregnancy. The remedy has received widespread use in pregnancy planning, including in a natural way.


The success of the IVF protocol depends largely on how correctly the doctor determines the true cause of the infertility of the couple and on what support of the stimulated cycle is prescribed based on the results of tests and preliminary studies. "Divigel" is usually prescribed from the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, that is, approximately 10-14 days before the oocyte puncture and embryo replanting.

If the effect of the drug on the female body is adequate, then the gel should “increase” the uterine endometrium to values ​​that will be considered the most favorable. If the functional layer of the uterus is thin, then it will be difficult to implant to the implanted embryos, and all the efforts of the doctors and patients will not be crowned with success. It is for the preparation of the endometrium that Divigel is recommended to be taken.

After embryo transfer, the drug can be taken together with other hormonal support agents. Most often, the gel is prescribed simultaneously with such means as "Proginova" or "Utrozhestan." “Divigel” demonstrates excellent compatibility with the drug “Duphaston”.

The individual dosage of the drug is determined by the fertility specialist. “Divigel” for IVF is most often recommended at a dosage of 1 gram once a day.

The dosage may well be reduced by half a gram or increased by the same amount, if it is deemed appropriate by the attending physician.

The gel should be applied to the skin of the lower abdomen or forearm, or in the lumbar region and buttocks. A bag weighing 1 gram is ground to an area equal to two attached female palms. The gel-like substance is applied to dry and clean skin, changing the rubbing places every day.

The instructions for use do not recommend wetting or washing the treated skin for at least 2 hours after application. It is advisable to apply the gel every day at the same time. The duration of treatment is prescribed purely individually.

If a woman forgot to take the drug, could not rub it in time, apply the gel no later than 12 hours after the pass, if more time has passed, then you need to postpone the application until the next scheduled use and continue at the usual time.

Side effects

Like most hormonal drugs, Divigel has its own side effects. They are not manifested in every patient, but their development is quite possible:

  • increased swelling of the face, legs, hands;
  • hypertension;
  • unpleasant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating;
  • impaired visual function, signs of poor tolerance of contact lenses;
  • breast engorgement;
  • nausea and lack of appetite;
  • the emergence of so-called breakthrough bleeding from the genitals;
  • weight gain;
  • instability of mood, depressive attacks.

Often women complain of headaches, bouts of dizziness while taking Divigel, the occurrence of side effects is not a reason for the unauthorized discontinuation of the drug or changing its dosage to a lesser direction. It is necessary to inform the attending physician in due time about any changes in the condition, which, at its discretion, can replace the drug with an analogue or cancel it or change the dose.

The increase in the baseline risk of such effects of hormone treatment as breast cancer occurs only after five years of continuous use of the drug.


Instructions for use states that the drug is not intended during pregnancy, and upon occurrence of such a woman should immediately cancel the reception. This is true only for those who become pregnant naturally. Women whose pregnancy occurred in a stimulated IVF cycle are advised to continue taking Divigel. Pregnancy in such patients needs hormonal support in the first months.

The drug is usually taken up to 12 weeks of pregnancy., after which it is canceled gradually, reducing the dosage, according to the scheme drawn up by the doctor. Abrupt discontinuation of the "Divigel" can lead to hormonal shock, a drop in the level of estradiol and miscarriage.

Compatibility with other medicines

The effect of the hormone estradiol is greatly enhanced while taking barbiturates, as well as the introduction of anesthesia. The hormonal agent begins to act more actively, and the metabolism improves when taking herbal sedative drugs, which include St. John's wort. But the effect of diuretics (diuretic drugs) on the background of the use of "Divigel" is somewhat reduced.

Customer Reviews

If the drug is used correctly and the scheme is not disturbed, then there are practically no side effects and undesirable effects on the background of taking “Divigel” transdermal. This is reported by the majority of women who left their feedback on specialized forums on the Internet.

But alas, the rate of increase in the endometrium is not always the same as expected by the patient and their fertility specialists. Therefore, many say that the drug had to start taking in advance - 1-2 months before the planned entry into the IVF protocol. Some drugs did not help - the endometrium did not grow, I had to switch to another hormonal support.

You will learn more about the drug "Divigel" in the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.