Dentokind for children: instructions for use


In some babies, the first teeth appear without any unpleasant symptoms, but in most cases, the baby will soon have a new tooth, the mother learns by capricious behavior, refusal of food, fever and other signs of indisposition.

To facilitate the process of the appearance of teeth, they use various local means, among which there are homeopathic preparations. One of them is "Dentokind". Although such a tool is permissible to take even infants, before you buy it for the peanut, it is worth knowing more about its action and the permitted dosages.

Release form and composition

"Dentokind" is represented only by the solid form and is a white homeopathic tablets, in which the flat cylindrical form. They are sold in glass bottles of 150 pieces. In the form of a solution such an agent is not released.

The action of "Dentokind" is provided by several components at once, which are contained in each tablet of 15 mg. Among them are Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Ferrum Phosphoricum and Hamomilla. All of them are presented in breeding D6.


Another active ingredient in tablets called hepar sulphuris is a D12 dilution. Among the auxiliary ingredients of the agent are magnesium stearate and lactose monohydrate, as well as microcrystalline cellulose and talc.

The principle of operation and indications

Homeopathic ingredients present in Dentokind can alleviate teething symptoms.

They reduce swelling and reduce pain, helping to eliminate the inflammation of the gums. In addition, the use of tablets helps to cope with irritability, moods and anxiety. And therefore The main indication for the use of "Dentokinda" is the emergence of new teeth - both dairy and indigenous.

From what age is prescribed?

Use of "Dentokind" is possible in children of any age, but first you should consult with a pediatrician.

The drug is used for breast babies when they have the first teeth, and in schoolchildren, if changing milk teeth to permanent ones brings discomfort.


"Dentokind" is not used in patients with individual hypersensitivity to any component of the tablets.

The tool should not be given with lactose intolerance and lactase deficiency, because it contains milk sugar. In addition, tablets are not used in children with glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Side effects

A child may react to Dentokind with a rash, itching and other allergic reactions.

In this case, the pill is immediately canceled. Occasionally, at the beginning of the pill, as in the treatment of any other homeopathy, the condition may worsen, which also requires the cessation of the further use of Dentokind.

Instructions for use

The drug is recommended to slowly dissolve in the oral cavity, and if the child is less than three years old, the tablet is dissolved in a teaspoon of water. It is best to give "Dentokind" for half an hour before feeding, and if the child has just eaten, the pill should be postponed for 30-40 minutes.

To eliminate the acute symptoms, the remedy is given to the little patient every hour, but under the following conditions:

  • if the baby is not yet three years old, a single dose is one tablet, and the permissible amount per day is 6 tablets;
  • if the child is already 3 years old, he should receive 2 tablets at a time, and per day, respectively, it is permissible for him to give no more than 12 tablets.

As soon as the symptoms begin to subside, Dentokind continues to be given in single-dose recommended doses of age, but only three times a day. In total means use up to seven days and if it is necessary to give it repeatedly, it is recommended to consult with the doctor.

If after two days from the start of use no improvements are noted, the child should also be examined by a pediatrician.

Overdose and drug compatibility

The maximum allowable number of tablets in children is 12 pieces. If a child accidentally swallows more than this amount, you need to contact your pediatrician and monitor the condition of the little patient, although there have been no cases of Dentokind overdose during the whole period of using the drug.

The manufacturer also does not mention the incompatibility with drugs, but when taking any other drugs, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy "Dentokind" in a pharmacy, you do not need a doctor's prescription. The price of one package of funds varies in different pharmacies from 500 to 650 rubles.

Store tablets at home in a dry place so that a small child cannot find them. The recommended storage temperature is from 15 to 25 degrees Celsius, and the shelf life of the drug is 5 years.


In the majority of reviews that are left about the "Dentokind" parents, means praise and called effective.

According to moms, the drug helped their babies to more easily tolerate the eruption of milk teeth. Tolerability means, judging by the reviews, is good, and among its disadvantages are usually called only the high cost. In addition, sometimes "Dentokind" was powerless and instead had to use other drugs that are better suited to a particular child.


If you need to replace "Dentokind" with a similar tool, The doctor may advise:

  • Solution "Dantinorm Baby". It is also a homeopathic remedy, in which there is ivy, chamomile and rhubarb. It is packaged in portions and is used inside for children of any age.
  • A drug «Calgel». Such a dental remedy works due to lidocaine and cetylpyridine, which effectively eliminate pain and have antiseptic properties. The drug is allowed from the age of five months.
  • Gel "Dentinox". Its active ingredients are chamomile extract and lidocaine, and there are no age limits for using this product. This gel can be used when teething the first teeth in infants, and with the painful appearance of the molar teeth in schoolchildren.
  • Means «Holisal». It includes the antiseptic component of tsetalkoniya chloride and the anti-inflammatory component - choline salicylate. This gel is used not only during the emergence of new teeth, but also for stomatitis, cheilitis, gingivitis and other inflammatory processes in the mouth. In children, it is used from the age of 1, but it is sometimes prescribed for infants, but only after consulting a doctor.

      In addition, if the baby has a high fever and severe pains with cutting teeth, the doctor will prescribe the analgesics and antipyretics allowed in childhood, for example, Nurofen, Panadol, Ibufen,Efferalgan"Or" Kalpol ".

      They should be given to children only after the appointment of a doctor, since they have contraindications, and the dosage is calculated by age.

      To dissolve and prepare medicine for a child is very simple. To make sure of this is simple - the process is presented in the next video.

      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


