Edas-801 for children: instructions for use


In the treatment of rhinitis, local remedies are sometimes used that relate to homeopathy. One of them is the drug "Tuya Edas-801". Due to rare side effects, a small number of contraindications and the possibility of combining with many other medicines in the nose, such drops are in demand not only in adult patients, but also in the treatment of children.

Release form and composition

Edas-801 is produced in the form of homeopathic oil. It is sold in 15 ml in plastic bottles, which have a dropper on the cork. There are also 25 ml glass bottles for sale, but the dropper in this package is absent (when using this form, an additional pipette is required).

The tool is an oily transparent liquid, which has a yellowish-greenish color. During storage, she may have unexpressed opalescence, which disappears after shaking.

The main ingredient of the drug is called "thuja occidentalis", since it is obtained from the Thuja western conifer tree. Its dosage in 100 ml of solution is 5 gr., And the dilution is D6. As adjuvant in EDAS-801, olive oil is used.


Edas-801 is included in the complex treatment of various diseases of the nasopharynx. This oil is used:

  • in case of chronically flowing rhinitis, when the mucous membrane is hypertrophied, and the discharge is thick greenish or transparent mucous membranes;
  • with atrophy of the mucous membrane, which is manifested by severe dryness and discomfort in the nose;
  • with the growth of adenoids or nasal polyposis;
  • with prolonged inflammation of the ear, when there is purulent or serous discharge.

From what age is prescribed?

There are no age restrictions for the use of Edas-801, but it is permissible for the first years of life to drip such a remedy only when prescribed by a doctor. First, the doctor must examine the crumb and make sure that such a drug is really needed. And secondly, These drops are rarely used for monotherapy, and a specialist should select other drugs that will affect the problem in a complex way.


Drip "Edas-801" into the nose or into the ears is prohibited only if hypersensitivity to the components of this oil. And since it is very rare, the manufacturer notes that there are practically no contraindications for use.

Side effects

A child's body may react to oil with allergies, such as a skin rash or severe skin itching.

If such unpleasant symptoms appear soon after the first use of the drug "801", you need to stop dripping such "Edas" and consult a doctor who prescribed this remedy for the child.

Instructions for use

Edas-801 is used three times a day. Depending on the disease, this oil is dripped either into the nasal passages or into the ear canals. A single dosage means for one move is from three to five drops.

The duration of use is determined by the disease and the reaction to the drug, so it must be clarified with the doctor for each child individually. Since the components of the droplets do not provoke habituation, with chronic pathologies this tool can be used for a long period.

Terms of sale and storage

To buy "Tui" from "Edas" recipe is not required. The price of one bottle in different pharmacies ranges from 120 to 160 rubles.

Store the product at home should be at room temperature, putting the package with oil in the place hidden from children. The shelf life of the drug - 2 years.


Supporters of homeopathy speak about the tool "Edas" under the number "801" mostly positive. The drug is praised for its natural composition and effective action in the common cold and adenoids. According to moms, the tool helps to moisturize the mucous membrane, eliminate drying and nasal discharge.

However, there are also complaints that the solution did not help, and it is inconvenient to drip.


If you need to replace "Edas-801" by another means, The doctor may prescribe another homeopathic medicine based on thuja.

  • Tuya Ointment from "Homeopathic Pharmacy". The main component in such a domestic product is a dilution of D1 and is supplemented with petroleum jelly. The drug is in demand for purulent rhinitis and is laid in the nose with the help of turunds.
  • Oil "Tuya DN", which makes the Russian firm "Doctor N". Dilution of the main component in this product is D3, and the only auxiliary ingredient is liquid paraffin. The drug is dripped into the nose for chronic rhinitis.
  • Oil "Tuya-GF", produced by "Homeopathic Pharmacy". In it, the thuja is found in a dilution of D1 and is combined with liquid paraffin. The tool is buried in the nose of patients with chronic purulent rhinitis.
  • Granules "Tuya-plus" from the company "Doctor N". Unlike other analogues, their composition is multicomponent and includes not only thuja, but also hydrostis, hepar sulfuris, phytolacca and other substances. The remedy is absorbed under the tongue between meals. It is used from the age of 3 with enlarged adenoids.

    In addition to Edas-801, other homeopathic remedies have shown their effectiveness in various forms of rhinitis.

    • Tablets "Rhinital". Such a remedy on the basis of loofah, cardiospermum and galpium is especially in demand in allergic rhinitis. It is given to dissolve children over 6 years old.
    • Drops "Rinitol Edas-131". Such a remedy from Edas contains pulsatilla, calcium carbonate, silver nitrate, chamomile and onions. It is dropped in the nose for allergic and chronic rhinitis at any age.
    • Tablets "Zinnabsin». Although such a drug is more often used for sinusitis, it can also be prescribed for prolonged rhinitis or inflammation of the adenoids. The tablets contain hydraestis, echinacea, cinnabaris and potassium dichromate. Children can dissolve them from 3 years of age.
    • Tablets "Korizaliya». They contain Helzemium, Pulsatilla, Sabadilla, Belladonna, potassium dichromate and onions. The tool is allowed at any age and is usually prescribed for viral or allergic rhinitis.

    You can find out the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky about homeopathic preparations in the next video.

    Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


