Influcid for children: instructions for use


In winter and in spring, when the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections increases, the issue of prevention of viral infections becomes the most urgent. To protect children from the flu, some mothers resort to antiviral drugs, others give immunostimulants. But there are many parents who decide to use homeopathy, for example, the drug Influcid.

Release form and composition

Influcid is produced by the German Homeopathic Union in two forms:

  1. Pills, that need to dissolve in the mouth. They have a completely white or non-expressed yellow color, small size and flat round shape. One pack contains 60 tablets, packaged in blisters of 20 pieces.
  2. Solutionwhich is ingested in the form of drops. It is placed in a dropper bottle in the amount of 30 ml and is represented by a clear liquid of light yellow or yellow-greenish color. This means unsharp spicy sweet taste and there is the smell of alcohol.

Both types of "Influcid" contain the same active substances, which are:

  • aconitum, ipecacuanus and gelzemium, represented in breeding D3;
  • eupatorium perfolatum - substances from stevia in dilution D1;
  • phosphorus, dilution of which is D5;
  • bryonia in breeding D2.

The dosage of each of the active ingredients is 25 mg per tablet and 100 mg per gram of solution. The solid preparation also contains milk sugar, wheat starch and magnesium stearate. The composition of liquid "Influcid" includes 96% ethanol and purified water. The total alcohol content in this tool is 45 percent by volume.

Operating principle

The substances that make up Influcid have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects on the patient's body. This tool also has expectorant and mucolytic properties. Its use helps to strengthen the defenses, avoiding infection with viruses during the cold period, and contributes to a stronger immune response in infections, making the patient recover faster.


"Influcid" is used for colds, flu and various acute respiratory viral infections. The tool is recommended both for treatment and as a prophylaxis for such diseases.

From what age is prescribed?

Influcid tablets can be used in children over three years old, since the effects on children of the first years of life have not been studied enough.

It is best to give pills when the patient is already able to dissolve a solid preparation, and this method of administration does not pose a danger to him.

If a child is already 3 years old, but he has difficulties with resorption of tablets, the drug can be dissolved in water. Due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the solution, liquid "Influcid" is not used until 12 years of age.


Do not give "Influcid" to children who have shown hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients. Other contraindications, in addition to intolerance and early age, have no liquid drug, and tablets are additionally prohibited for patients with lactose intolerance and celiac disease.

Side effects

Allergic reactions may be the result of taking Influcid. In this situation, the use of funds immediately ceased. Sometimes the condition of the child in the first days of the use of Influcid worsens. This also requires the abolition of the drug and treatment to the doctor.

Instructions for use

"Influcid" in pill form must be placed in the oral cavity and slowly dissolve. If there is a chance that the child will swallow the drug, it is better to grind the tablet into powder and pour it under the tongue or dissolve in a small volume of liquid and give it to drink. It is best to give "Influcid" for half an hour before a meal.

If the patient has already eaten, then the reception should be postponed for half an hour.

3-6 years old

At this age, you can only use the tablet means, and the regimen depends on the reason for the appointment. If Influcid is used for acute illness, it is given at intervals of 2 hours, one tablet, but a maximum of six tablets per day. As soon as the baby's condition improves, they go to a triple dose of half a tablet, until the child fully recovers. If the drug is prescribed prophylactically, then a single dose is half a pill, and give it twice a day.

6-12 years old

The treatment regimen for SARS or flu provides for the start of the use of Influcid, one tablet every hour. The maximum dose for a patient of this age is 8 tablets. As soon as the symptoms of the disease begin to subside, continue taking one tablet three times a day. It is recommended to give means to the moment when the child will be completely healthy. If "Influcid" is used for prophylactic purposes, it is given twice a day, one tablet each.

Over 12 years old

The treatment regimen with pills at this age, as well as for younger children, provides for a higher dose at the beginning and its decrease after improving the condition. In the first days, a remedy is given every hour for a whole pill no more than 12 pieces per day, but as soon as the adolescent gets better, they continue to give the drug 3 times a day, one at a time or two tablets at once.

When using the solution the tactic is the same. In this case, a single dose in the first days is 10 drops, and after improvement - 10-20 drops. Reception is stopped after complete recovery. If Influcid is prescribed for prophylaxis, then it is immediately given three times a day, 10-20 drops, or one tablet each.

Overdose and drug interactions

"Influcid" does not affect drugs and can be used with any medication. About cases of overdose of such a tool the manufacturer does not provide any information.

Terms of sale and storage

Both types of Influcid are sold without a prescription. The average price of a pack of tablets is 450-500 rubles, and a bottle of drops is 650-700 rubles.

Store the product at home is recommended at room temperature away from small children and high humidity.

The shelf life of the tablet form is 3 years, and the liquid Influcid is 5 years.


About 80% of reviews on Influcid are positive and confirm its effectiveness as a preventive and therapeutic agent for ARVI and influenza. The advantages of the drug in tablets are called pleasant taste, complex action, quick resorption.

The solution is also considered effective in most reviews, but its main disadvantages include the presence of alcohol in the composition and high cost. Among the minuses of the tablets, they also mention high prices, and for some children, Influcid did not help to recover faster or not get sick during the period of the epidemic, because of which he received negative reviews.


Instead of Influcid, other homeopathic remedies with similar effects on the body can be used.

  • «Aflubin». Such drops also contain brionium and aconite, but they are supplemented with lactic acid, gentian, and iron phosphate. The tool is allowed from birth, and also comes in pills that give 5 years.
  • "Agri children". Such tablets from Materia Medica can be given to children older than a year, and granules are applied from three years. As part of "Agri" is Pulsatilla, aconite, ferrum phosphoricum, belladonna and other components.
  • «Oscillococcinum». This popular homeopathic remedy is made by the company “Buaron” in the form of sweet granules.They are recommended to give at the first symptoms of acute respiratory infections to children of any age.
  • "Viburkol". These homeopathic candles are used rectally at any age for the treatment of various inflammatory processes. They include nightshade, plantain, belladonna, pulsatilla and chamomile.
  • "Anaferon". The basis of these tablets are special antibodies to interferon. They can be used from 1 month for the treatment of viral infections, and for prevent infection the flu.
  • Ergoferon. In this solution, too, there are antibodies, but in combination with other active substances. The drug is used from the age of three, not only for influenza, but also for rotavirus, whooping cough, chickenpox and other infections. In tablets it can be given from 6 months.

For more information on antivirals for children, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


