Drops "Aflubin" for children: instructions for use
With colds and acute respiratory viral infections in young children, many parents are inclined to homeopathic medicines, among which Aflubin is very popular. Especially for children, this tool is available in drops, since the method of using liquid medicine is more preferable in childhood. Is it possible to give such a drug a month old baby? How to take it for prevention? What to replace aflubin for a small child? These and other questions about this tool are of interest to many mothers.
Release form
The liquid form Aflubina is represented by a clear solution of a light yellow shade, which can also be completely colorless. The drug has a characteristic flavor associated with the presence in its composition of alcohol and vegetable raw materials, but there is no peculiar smell at Aflubin.
The liquid is packaged in dark bottles made of glass. The volume of the drug in one bottle can be 20, 50 or 100 ml. In addition to drops, Aflubin is also available in tablets. There is also a tool called Aflubin-Naza, which is a spray in the nose. This drug has a completely different composition and is used for different types of rhinitis.
Components Aflubin in drops, providing its therapeutic effect, are the following plant ingredients:
- Gentian, denoted Gentiana in Latin.
- Aconite, whose Latin name is Aconitum.
- Bryonia, which sounds the same in Latin (Bryonia).
100 ml of the drops contain 1 ml of gentian in a dilution of D1, and two other plants are represented at the Aflubin dilution of D6 and each volume of 10 ml per 100 ml of the preparation. They are supplemented by two more active compounds:
- Iron phosphate.
- Lactic acid
Such chemicals are diluted to a concentration of D12. Each of them was added to Aflubin in a volume of 10 ml per 100 ml of such a homeopathic remedy. Additionally, the preparation has ethyl alcohol at a concentration of 43%. Aflubin tablets contain the same active compounds, supplemented with magnesium stearate and potato starch.
Operating principle
Aflubin belong to homeopathic remedies that help prevent or treat acute respiratory viral infections, colds and flu due to this action:
- Improving local immunity.
- Stimulation of the synthesis of its own interferon.
- Reduced nasal congestion.
- Excretion of toxins.
- Elimination of headaches and sore throats.
- Decreased body temperature.
- Reduction of the inflammatory process in the upper respiratory tract.
- Elimination of weakness.
- Reducing pain in the joints and muscles.
- Prevention of bacterial complications.
- Acceleration of recovery.
Since Aflubin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, this medicine also quite effectively treats inflammatory diseases and relieves pain.
Aflubin in liquid form can be administered:
- With the flu.
- With a cold.
- With ARVI.
- With parainfluenza.
- With rheumatic and inflammatory diseases, a symptom of which are pain in the joints.
The drug is used at a temperature of 38º, a bad cold, sore throat, cough and other symptoms of acute respiratory infections.Also means it is recommended to take for the prevention of these diseases.
At what age is it allowed to take?
In the annotation to Aflubin in drops it is indicated that such a homeopathic remedy can treat children from birth. However, it is undesirable to give any medicines to children of the first years of life (for example, at 6 months) without consulting a pediatrician. It is advised to give the tablet form from the age of 5, when the child will be able to dissolve the tablet without the risk of choking.
The use of Aflubin is not recommended if the child has an intolerance to any of the components of the remedy.
Side effects
Sometimes the intake of drops stimulates the secretion of saliva. In some young patients, the drug causes allergies. In addition, in the early days of Af-Depin use, some children may have a slight increase in the clinical symptoms of a cold or ARVI, but this situation does not require abolishing the remedy. This condition is not dangerous and will soon disappear on its own.
Instructions for use
Aflubinom treatment
Means is dosed in drops, which in each milliliter of liquid Af-depth contains 25. How many drops to give to a child depends on his age. In case of flu or catarrhal disease, the drug is prescribed in this single dose:
Child up to a year |
1 drop |
Babies aged 1 to 4 years |
2 to 4 drops |
Children from 5 years to 11 years |
From 5 to 9 drops |
Child 12 years old and older |
10 drops |
In the first two days of the disease Aflubin in this dosage must be taken with an interval of 30-60 minutes to improve the condition faster. In this case, you can drink the drug no more than eight times a day. From the third day of the disease go to a three-time reception until recovery.
Admission Aflubin should not be combined with food, so you need to drink drops half an hour before meals, or one hour after the child has eaten. To make the tool more effective, it is advised to keep it in the oral cavity until swallowed (optimally - from 10 to 30 seconds).
You can drink drops without dilution, but due to the presence of ethyl alcohol in the composition of the liquid can irritate the mucous. And for this reason, for kids, the Af-depth drops should be diluted in water (dripped into a spoon with water). If the medicine is given to a baby, it is acceptable to mix it with breast milk or with a small amount of the mixture.
How to drink for prevention
With the preventive purpose, Aflubin drops are recommended to be given a month before the expected seasonal epidemic of ARVI. Such use of the drug is in demand several weeks before the start of kindergarten visits in spring or autumn. The duration of the drug - 3 weeks, and the frequency of administration - twice a day. For routine prophylaxis use these dosages:
- In babies of the first year of life (for example, at 4 months) - 1 drop at a time.
- In children older than 12 years of age - from two to 9 drops at the reception.
- For a child who is 12 years old - 10 drops at the reception.

The same doses are recommended for emergency prophylaxis if the child has been in contact with a patient with a cold or flu, as well as after hypothermia, changes in climatic conditions or other factors provoking ARVI. Such prevention is carried out within 2-3 days.
No negative reaction to high doses of Aflubin was previously registered. The drug is classified as harmless and safe for children.
Interaction with other drugs
Admission Aflubin does not interfere with the absorption of other drugs, but with complex treatment with other medicines, it is recommended to take a 20-minute pause between the use of different drugs. This tool can be prescribed together with any antipyretic, antiviral or antimicrobial drugs. Also, together with the use of Aflubin, it is allowed to make inhalations and any other medical procedures.
Terms of sale
Buying a liquid form Aflubina at a pharmacy is available without a prescription. A bottle of 20 ml costs an average of 300-350 rubles, and a 50 ml bottle in a bottle costs about 450-500 rubles.
Storage conditions and shelf life
Keep drops Aflubin need to tightly closed in a carton in a place where a small child can not freely reach. Storage temperature should not be above + 30ºС. The shelf life of this form Aflubina is 5 years. If such a period has not yet come out, but the drug has a precipitate or color has changed, you can use it.
Opinions of doctors about the treatment with Aflubin are very different. Some pediatricians recommend it during the cold season and are often prescribed to babies, but most modern doctors, including the doctor KomarovskyAflubin refers to funds whose effectiveness is not confirmed. They compare such a drug with a placebo and consider its use in children, especially those under the age of 2–3 years, unjustified and unnecessary.
Parents also treat this remedy differently. Adherents of homeopathic treatment praise him and often give it to their children. Many mothers note that the use of Aflubin has helped to alleviate the flow of cold and flu in a child, reducing the severity of headache, sore throat, runny nose, cough and other symptoms.
Among the negative reviews there are mentions of both the ineffectiveness of the drug, and an allergic reaction to its use. Some kids do not have a drop of taste, and many mothers refuse to use such a tool because of its alcohol, although its content is very low.
In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky reveals the topic of antiviral drugs and their effects on the body.
If you evaluate the active ingredients, then completely similar to the depth of funds on the pharmaceutical market does not exist. However, other homeopathic remedies with similar effect and antiviral drugs can replace this drug during the flu and colds season. Child instead of Aflubin can be given:
- Viburcol. Such a homeopathic remedy is available in rectal suppositories and can be used from birth.
- Oscillococcinum. This homeopathic drug is represented by granules, prescribed to children from birth.
- Anaferon. Such an antiviral drug is in demand for influenza, chickenpox and other viral diseases. It comes in lozenges and drops. The drug is prescribed from 1 month.
- Ergoferon. This medicine contains antibodies, therefore, it is antiviral. It is produced in solution (this syrup is given from the age of three) and in absorbable tablets in the mouth.
- Arbidol. This is an antiviral medication, represented by many forms. It is used in pediatrics from 3 years of age.
- Agri children. This homeopathic Antigrippin Available in tablets (prescribed from year) and in granules (recommended from 3 years).
- Influcid. Such a homeopathic drug is represented by drops and pills that need to be absorbed. The tablet form is prescribed from 3 years of age, and drops from 12 years.
What does Dr. Komarovsky think about homeopathic medicines, see his program.