Notta for children: instructions for use


For the treatment of children, many mothers choose herbal homeopathic remedies, one of which is Notta. When such a drug is prescribed to young patients, in what dose is it used and how does it affect the child's body?

Release form and composition

Notta is sold in pharmacies in liquid form (drops, which are taken orally) and solid (absorbable tablets under the tongue).

Drops are available in bottles of different volume (20, 50 and 100 ml), equipped with droppers. Inside the bottle there is a clear liquid, which usually has no color, but can be yellowish or yellowish-greenish.

Tablets are white and yellowish in color and round shape. They are packaged in blisters of 12 pieces and are sold in packs from 12 to 48 pieces.

The active ingredients of the drug are:

  • Substances from camomile pharmaceutical.
  • Coffee tree compounds.
  • Particles of phosphorus.
  • Divorced zinc valerianatom.
  • Substances from oats.

The only auxiliary component of droplets is ethanol, which means 43%, and lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate and potato starch are added to the tablets.

The highest concentration in the drug - in sowing oats. The components of this plant are contained in 100 ml of the solution in the amount of 20 ml, in 1 tablet in the amount of 74.5 mg, and their dilution is D1. All other active substances are represented by the dilution of D12 and the amount of 10 ml in 100 ml of the liquid preparation or 37.2 mg per tablet.

Operating principle

Notta refers to homeopathic remedies that have a calming effect. Ingredients drops and pills help eliminate fears, emotional arousal, anxiety, anxiety. They contribute normalize sleep and restore its physiological rhythm.

Taking the drug also increases resistance to psycho-emotional stress.


Reception Notta children recommend:

  • With rapid fatigue.
  • With problems with attention.
  • With mental stress.
  • With fears and anxiety.
  • With the lability of the autonomic system (VSD syndrome), which is manifested by palpitations and sweating.
  • When sleep disorders.
  • With ticks.
  • With increased excitability.
  • With sudden and frequent mood swings.

From what age is prescribed?

The drug in liquid form is allowed for children over 3 years old. If the child is not yet 3 years old, such a Notta can be prescribed by a doctor, but only if there are serious indications, and the dosage is adjusted individually. Tableted drug is used from 12 years.


The drug is not prescribed if the small patient has a hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients drops or tablets.

Side effects

No harmful effects of Knot on the body of children or adults when taking and pills, and drops (even long) are not detected.

Instructions for use

The manufacturer indicates the following nuances:

  • Liquid Nott is often taken in its pure form, but if necessary, drops can be added to a tablespoon of water.
  • Before you swallow the solution, you need to hold it in the mouth for a while.
  • The tablet form is absorbed under the tongue.
  • The duration of treatment is usually from 30 days to 4 months, but in a traumatic situation, use shorter courses (from 7 days to 4 weeks).
  • The drug is prescribed three times, but if necessary, quickly obtain a calming effect or at the very beginning of the reception, the agent can be given up to 8 times a day (every 30-60 minutes). As soon as the condition improves, they switch to triple use.
  • A single dosage for a child of 3-12 years old is 5 drops, and if the drug is taken more often three times, then it is given in 3-5 drops.
  • For children over 12 years old, Nott is given 10 drops each, or 1 tablet per reception, and with more frequent use at the beginning of therapy or in the acute state, 1 tablet or 8-10 drops.
  • Reception of drops should not coincide with meals. It is recommended to drink the drug either half an hour before meals, or 60 minutes after the child has eaten. The same time limits exist for the resorption of tablets.

Overdose and drug interactions

The manufacturer does not mention the danger of overdosing or the incompatibility of Notta with other drugs. This means that a large number of drops or tablets does not have a harmful effect.

The tool can be used with drugs that act on the nervous system.

Terms of sale and storage

Notta is an over-the-counter drug and is sold in most pharmacies. The average price of a bottle with a capacity of 20 ml is 260-330 rubles, a bottle with 50 ml of solution is 450-560 rubles.

To keep a bottle with drops and a box with pills at home is advised in a place inaccessible to children where sunlight does not fall. The optimal storage temperature is the range from +10 to +25 degrees.

The shelf life of the drug in tablets is 3 years, drops is 5 years. During storage, the liquid form of Knotty solution maybe a little dim, but this does not affect its effectiveness and is due to plant components.


On the application of notta in children respond differently. Some mothers have a good sedative and hypnotic effect, as well as praise the drug for plant base and convenient form of drops.

Others say that they did not notice any therapeutic effect from the reception, but the cost of the tool is quite high.


Other drugs with a similar effect on the children's organism can replace Knott, eg:

  • Drops Valerianachel. The main ingredient of such a homeopathic remedy is valerian. The drug is permitted in pediatrics from 6 years of age, but if necessary, can be used under the supervision of a physician from 2 years.
  • Motherwort tincture. For the manufacture of such drugs used grass motherwort. The drug is allowed for children from the age of three.
  • Passion syrup. As part of this medication, prescribed from the age of 12, there is valerian, thyme, mint, hops, and other herbal ingredients that have a positive effect on the nervous system.
  • Novo-Passit solution. This drug, used from the age of 12, is also made from plant extracts. It contains valerian, hops, lemon balm, St. John's wort, and other healing herbs.

The presentation of the drug Nott, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.