Graphic dictation on the cells for children in grade 1
Graphic dictation on the cell for children in grade 1, this is an entertaining, useful and interesting game, during which the child tries to guess what kind of picture he will have in his notebook. This type of work is very popular among teachers. Many of them use the manual O.A. Kholodova "Smart and clever", where you can find a lot of such pictures in the cell. Consider more.
Drawing such patterns is offered to children in notebooks in mathematics. For schoolchildren, these moments of learning activities are interesting and are perceived by them with pleasure. For first-graders, this type of activity in a lesson or at home helps in the ability to coordinate the movement of hands, to form written skills. By coping with the task, children learn to be more attentive, perseverance, imagination, creative thinking develops, the active vocabulary increases.
Conducting lines in the cells, the child develops fine motor skills of the hand, memorizes the score within 10, the formation of initial mathematical concepts takes place. This entertaining form of work contributes to the development of spelling vigilance, contributes to an easier process of adaptation to school.
These pictures are used in various methods to help determine the level of development of the crumbs. For example, using the technique of "Graphic dictation" D. B. Elkonin can reveal how much orientation your baby has in space, the ability to be attentive, listen and follow the instructions offered by the teacher, work independently from the dictation of an adult, draw lines on a tetrad sheet in the indicated direction.
Features of the class
Prepare the workplace of the child, check that there is nothing superfluous, distracting the crumbs from work. All necessary materials should be on the table:
- notebook in a cage;
- simple pencil;
- eraser;
- performance sample or instruction for an adult.
You need to put on the leaflet the starting point from which the baby will begin to move through the cells. Next, begin to dictate. The numbers in the task indicate how many cells you need to move, and the arrows indicate the direction of movement. For example, the designation 2 →, says that it is necessary to draw a line 2 cells to the right.

Speech dictator must be clear and understandable. Make sure the child keeps pace with your dictation. If necessary, help him. It will be more interesting to study if you add riddles, tongues, tongues, tongue and so on in the process of activity.
When the baby sees the finished image, you can hold a conversation about him, tell interesting facts, invite him to color or shade him.
Ways of doing
Drawing on the cells for first graders should not be too complicated. They can be carried out in several ways:
- Dictation The teacher says how many cells need to move and in what direction. The student works by perceiving information by ear, and then verifies it with the sample.
- You can offer a finished pattern and ask to repeat it in your notebook.
- The little one will also like to draw the figures by symmetry. In this case, he is offered a half symmetrical image, and he must finish the second one himself.
What dictations will suit first-graders
For first grade students the following tasks will do:
- Camel
- Rhinoceros
- Foal
- Kangaroo
- Cat
- Squirrel
- Crane
- Flower
In the next video you can see how the dictation should take place at home.