Do-it-yourself doll houses made of plywood, boxes and other materials


Every little girl dreams of her own dollhouse. Nowadays in stores you can find a lot of them, but they are all of the same type and expensive. In this article, you will learn how to make an original dollhouse without spending a lot of money. Such a house will be unique, the child will be able to furnish it as he wants. Your whole family can have a great time making your own masterpiece.

Popular workshops

There are many very different master classes for making doll houses. The materials are taken from a variety of materials: wood, plywood, drywall, laminate, boxes, bookshelves, folders for documents. This is not a complete list of the proposed materials.

8 a photo

The front wall of the house or do not do it at all, or do in the form of an opening door. This is necessary for the convenience of the game. We suggest you choose what is right for you and get to work.

Plywood, laminate

The option of making a doll house for girls from wood is one of the most popular. The undoubted advantages of such a house are its strength and durability. It is easy to decorate it both from the outside and from the inside. However, for the manufacture of a wooden house will require male help.

If the house is built with high quality, it will not be distinguished from the purchased one. Drawings for the construction of such a house you can do yourself, but you can use ready-made. You can attach wheels to such a house and then it will become mobile.

What will be needed:

  • Laminate or plywood, the thickness is better to choose at least 7 mm;
  • jigsaw;
  • glue - carpentry, PVA;
  • self-adhesive film, which we will paste over the floor in our house;
  • wallpaper, they are useful for pasting walls in rooms;
  • simple pencil;
  • roulette.
Approximate drawing of the house of plywood

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From the sheets of plywood we cut the walls of the house, according to the dimensions on the drawing.
  2. We mark where the windows and doors will be located, and cut them out.
  3. With the help of wood glue, we assemble the structure as shown in the figure. You can use small carnations for reliable construction.
  4. Make a roof. Cover it with corrugated cardboard and paint, imitating tile.
  5. Glue the finished house on a piece of plywood, larger in size than the floor in the house. This will give it more stability. On plywood, which remains on the sides of the house you can make a lawn.
  6. Now paste over the walls in the rooms, with the film - the floors.
  7. We arrange the furniture.
  8. We decorate the interior with textiles: curtains on the windows, rugs, tablecloths for furniture.

Masturbation class for the manufacture of plywood dollhouse, see the following video.

The necessary drawings from the video, see below.

From plasterboard

Many of us after the repair remain pieces of drywall, which are no longer needed. Why not let them in business, having pleased the little princess? From it you can make a wonderful house for dolls.

A house of drywall has a lot of advantages, including: ease of working with him, his lightness. Even if you do not paint the walls of the house after assembly, they will still look neat due to its white color. A significant disadvantage of this house is its fragility. It is worth a little pressure on any part of the house, as it immediately breaks.

In order to make a house of plasterboard, you can use the scheme above, or you can simply make a cruciform partition to save space in the nursery. These partitions will divide the rooms among themselves, there will be no external walls and a roof.

From large sheets of drywall can make a full beautiful house. See the master video in the next video.

From foam

If you have sheets of packing foam lying around, you can build a house of them. For work you will need:

  • foam sheets;
  • glue gun;
  • toothpicks;
  • wooden rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • acrylic paint;
  • foam sponge;
  • pieces of ceiling plinths;
  • necessary interior accessories: pieces of carpet, curtains, furniture and everything your imagination is capable of.
The frame of the house of thin foam

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. First you need to think about what your house will be like and make a drawing. To save space in the apartment house can be built in height.
  2. Cut the foam in accordance with the drawing. It is convenient to do this with a hot knife, so the foam does not crumble.
  3. We think over where you will be windows and doors, you can make stairs between floors. Cut out the necessary openings.
  4. Begin to build the house. HKnobs cleaners in half. We need them to create a more solid structure. We glue the sheets of foam with glue gun, pre-connecting them with halves of toothpicks.
  5. We use bamboo sticks to strengthen the floor and ceiling. from Chinese napkins. Sticks are glued to the foam sheets as beams. After that, sheets intended for floor-ceiling can be glued to side walls.
  6. We stitch interfloor stairs separately. It can be made of foam or wooden rulers. We use toothpicks as a railing. After this, glue the finished stairs.
  7. The roof can be glued from foam or corrugated cardboard. The tile can be imitated by cutting the cardboard into small pieces and gluing it, and then painting it.
  8. On the outer wall you can make a balcony. We glue it out of foam plastic, use bamboo sticks as a railing.
  9. Outside paint the house acrylic paints with a regular sponge.
  10. Walls of the rooms are covered with wallpaper, the floors are covered with carpet. From the ceiling plinth cut plinths and window sills, and glue them. We create coziness with the help of curtains on the windows.
  11. We arrange the furniture, which can also be glued together from foam, and we invite new tenants.
The design of the interior of the house can be suggested to come up with a daughter

Home decoration can be very diverse. You can use a transparent plastic box, print out the underwater world and put an aquarium in the house. You can print pictures, place tablecloths on tables, add toys to dolls. Allow your imagination to express itself fully, and you get the most wonderful dollhouse for girls.

From the bookshelf / shelf

From the bookshelf or shelf you can make a great dollhouse. Make it very easy, because you already have a ready basis. For registration of the house, use cardboard, wallpaper, self-adhesive paper, suitable and wrapping paper.

Connect to this creative process and your daughter. She will be able to act as a designer for her dollhouse.

If the house is located stationary against the wall, then you can make the roof of the house using black electrical tape, gluing the contours. Similarly, glue the chimney. If you need to move the house to another place, the tape can be easily peeled off without damaging the wallpaper in the room. Furniture for dolls, you can buy ready-made or show your imagination and do it yourself.

Putting the house to the wall will increase the free space in the nursery.

From the old cabinet or dresser

Is your daughter asking for a dollhouse, and is there an old chest of drawers gathering dust in the garage? In the old, already unnecessary furniture, you can breathe a second life. Treat your child by making a dollhouse from an old locker or dresser. Such houses are very convenient for those whose children play with large or tall dolls.

First of all, you need to know the height of the dolls. This is necessary so that the dolls can be placed in rooms in full growth. You may have to combine 2 shelves, removing unnecessary partitions. Work carefully, trying not to break the inner walls of the cabinet or chest of drawers. In place of the partitions that we removed, an empty void will appear. It can be sealed with thin strips that fit the size.

After waiting for the glue to dry completely, apply a thin layer of putty to the walls of the dresser. After that, the chest must be sanded, then it will become even and smooth. With the jigsaw you can cut windows.

A house made of old furniture will look very sturdy and reliable.

The final step will be the design of your house. Outside it can be painted. Most likely, you will have to paint it in several layers in order to paint over the old color of the dresser. The walls inside can be covered with wallpaper, colored, packaging or self-adhesive paper. And you can also just paint them. We arrange furniture, hang pictures and mirrors on the walls, curtains, spread carpets and invite dolls to the housewarming party. Now in the room of your daughter dolls will always be cleaned!

From cardboard

The low cost option for making a dollhouse is corrugated cardboard. With it, you can create a beautiful toy that will long please your girl.

We will need:

  • corrugated cardboard for the framework of the house;
  • decorative cardboard for home decoration;
  • templates of parts, which will depend on the size of your future house; sweep;
  • stationery: pencil, ruler, eraser, scissors;
  • knife, paints, brushes, markers;
  • glue gun;
  • colored, wrapping and self-adhesive paper;
  • the cloth;
  • decorative elements - beads, rhinestones, stones, artificial flowers.
A girl can independently "make repairs" in a new house of her dolls

Getting to the manufacture of the house:

  1. If you have a large sheet of corrugated cardboard, then it will be possible to spread a scan on it. Size to choose based on the size of the house. If there are no large sheets, then each part must be cut separately. The front wall is not necessary.
  1. In order for the cardboard to be comfortable to bend, it is necessary to make a groove in the place of the bend, holding it with a ruler. If all the details are cut out, we glue them at the joints of the cardboard.
  2. Cut and glue interior partitions. In such a house they are simply necessary. They will perform the carrier function.

The design is assembled. You can proceed to registration.

Inside the wall is better to paste over with decorative paper or cloth. So you hide the seams in the places of gluing. Outside the wall, you can arrange to your taste: paint, glue. Decorate the house with beads, rhinestones, stones or other items at your discretion. Pay attention to the elements of the decor are well kept on the cardboard, otherwise in the process of playing the house will lose its appeal.

Arrange the furniture and invite the child to the game.

In the house of cardboard without any problems it will be possible to re-paste the wallpaper, if the old will bother

See below for master classes on making a cardboard doll house.

Out of the box

Very easy to make a doll house from the boxes. For it, you will need to find suitable boxes. The size will depend on the height of the dolls for which this house is made. The number of boxes will depend on the number of rooms you are going to make. One box - one room. Such a house can be made multi-storey, sticking boxes one on top of another. This will save room space.

It is necessary to fasten the boxes to each other so that its top is on its side, revealing the inner space of the room. This can be done in various ways: using a stapler, glue, double-sided tape. Cut windows. We make a house according to your taste. We furnish the furniture and make the girl happy with a new toy, on which you have spent a minimum of money and effort.

If there is very little space in the nursery, you can make a folding dollhouse.

A house of cardboard - one of the easiest options to please the daughter

Look at the following master class, where the process of making a beautiful dollhouse out of the box is shown in detail.

A great little house out of the boxes is easy to make! See the following videos for details.

From document folders

If there is very little space in the nursery, you can make a folding dollhouse.

For such a house we need 4 folders for documents. Each folder inside paste over beautiful paper - it will be wallpaper for the walls. Decorate the clip of the folder with a cloth, making it a kind of curtain. Print on the printer interior and stick on the wall. The house is ready. It remains to open the folder and put them vertically. Add the necessary furniture.

It is possible to make a separate room from each folder of the folders.

From fabric

Option 1

A mobile version of the house can be a folding fabric house. If necessary, it can be minimized and removed, it will take up very little space.

For its manufacture, we need a dense fabric for the back wall of the base. The length must be calculated from the number of floors and the height of the dolls. We sew a rectangle-based. Next, we sew pockets in which we put a sheet of cardboard - this will be the floor of our rooms. We sew ribbons or ribbons to the two corners of the pocket. All that is left to do is to sew the pockets on our base with rectangles with one edge, the corners with ribbons should be on the other side. Now we raise the floor in the rooms with the help of ribbons and fix them by sewing the ribbons to the base. Using a ribbon, make a handle by which you hang your house on hooks. Fabric applications can be issued to the back wall and start playing.

A fabric house is good for its mobility - wherever their owner is, the dolls will always be at home.

Option 2

House-handbag - this version of the house is more suitable for small dolls.

Materials for production:

  • plastic mesh;
  • the cloth;
  • cotton wool;
  • strings

Dimensions on the drawings are in inches. 1 inch = 2.54 cm.

Cut out plastic parts for our house. Every detail is wrapped with cotton and sheathed with the fabric you chose. Now we sew all the parts together.

On the sides of the house we sew buttons and loops. Sew handles for handbags and collect the house. In this house, all your daughter's favorite dolls will always be with her!

You can make and a book-house for felt dolls. The implementation of this idea, see the following video.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for making doll houses with your own hands. You can vary the houses by lighting the rooms. You can think of an elevator that will transport dolls from floor to floor ...

Doll houses on the proposed options can be made not only for girls, but also for boys. Everything will depend on the design that you choose. For boys, it can be a garage, a parking lot or, for example, a castle. Turn on the imagination, make a house for the child and enjoy the pleasure with which he plays ...

You can see another process for making a beautiful doll house in the next video.

And in the following videos you will see an overview of ready-made houses, made by hand.

Barbie House Decoration:

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