Educational toys for children from 0 to 1 year


First toys to kid buy before it is born. As a rule, these are teddy bears and a few rattles, as well as a groovy mobile on the crib with funny little animals. The number of toys is growing much faster than the kid himself, because every relative or friend coming to visit brings you another machine, baby doll, hare or something else.

However, not all toys are equally useful. The “right” toy should not only be beautiful and bright, but also fulfill developing functions, so today we'll talk about how and what to choose for baby up to a year to please him and bring some definite benefit.

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How can you develop a baby under one year old?

Age from 0 to 12 months is very interesting because almost all the baby does for the first time in life. At first, he begins to distinguish colors and shapes, and contemplation gives him a lot of emotions, so you need to develop a crumb in the first months with large and bright toys, preferably simple geometric shapes.

  • By half a year the baby perfectly grabs objects with pens and begins to learn the world through tactile sensations. Here on the first place comes the texture and material of toys.
  • Closer to the year the child begins to become aware of causal relationships, and he becomes interested in putting small toys into larger ones.

The extent to which the toys will cope with the developmental task depends largely on how quickly the baby will form these or other skills and learn new skills. And because the process of the game should be informative.

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Suitable toys

The newborn toys, by and large, are not needed, he still sees poorly and hardly distinguishes between colors and shapes. The whole world for him - a cluster of spots of different size and color intensity. But by the month the baby will begin to focus his gaze, and at first the favorite entertainment for him will be the contemplation of the faces of his own people - mom, dad, brother or sister. At this time, you can offer him the first toys by age.

Up to 3 months

Rattles are optimal at this age. They should be large, bright (red, yellow, blue). Closer to three months, the baby will begin to contemplate with pleasure not only a static toy that parents put in the corner of the crib, but also moving bright objects, in this case get a winding mobile on the bracket that is attached to the crib.

You should not buy a mobile with soft figures of bears and dogs, they will “accumulate” dust, and outwardly they are unable to hold the attention of the crumbs for too long.

It is better if bright colored plastic figures that are easy to wipe are attached to the mobile. Black and white contrast cubes are perfect for a kid at this age.

From 3 to 6 months

At three months, most babies can grab items with pens and, of course, immediately carry them into their mouths. That is why rattles for this age should have a comfortable handle without sharp edges. It is desirable that the main element was attached to the ring or handle with a wide base, which can not be injured.

By 4-5 months, the baby will become interested in tactile sensations, therefore, he needs fabric toys that develop fine motor skills - filled with small latex balls, it is interesting to probe them.

Solid toys should have a different texture - be in the pimples, ribbed or have a wavy surface. By half a year relevant developing mat, to which you can easily attach any of the toys of interest to the baby.

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From 6 to 8 months

Musical, sounding toys in six months come to one of the first places in the development of the child. His hearing will be improved much faster if, at the age of 6-7 months, to offer the baby pipes and tweeters. The baby, who has already begun to sit independently, needs rubber ducks and fish, because they can be started while swimming in the bath. Rattles no longer carry the developmental function, but they can be used to attract the attention of the baby, when he begins to practice crawling - the child will crawl toward the sound.

From 9 to 12 months

It's time to practice the first logical skills and hone your motor skills. For this perfect color cubes, designers with great details, as well as pyramids of various sizes and geometric shapes of parts. By 10-11 months, you can give the child finger paints and a large sheet of paper.

The baby should create the first pictures under the control of the parents, although even if the baby decides to have a snack with such paints, that's okay, because they are made with and for such an application, and therefore are food.

A child who is already starting to walk will appreciate toys on wheels.

Toy Requirements

Toys for children under one year must meet a variety of requirements.


They should not contain small parts, which the baby can swallow or inhale. They should not be easily disassembled. Since babies will definitely take the toy in their mouths, they should not be toxic. Toys should be taken only in proven network of children's stores. They are responsible for their product and at any time can provide at your request certificates of conformity for the toy, which will confirm that the plastic or rubber is completely safe, and the product made of them has passed several levels of quality control.

Age purpose

On each toy or on its packaging there is an indication of what age it is intended for children. Try not to take entertainment "for growth".

Gentle acoustics

A rattle or a squeaker should not make too harsh sounds that can frighten the child.


Toys for children under one year should be washed frequently, and therefore the selected product should be as tolerant as possible to the effects of water and soap. It is clear that the teddy hare is not suitable for these purposes, because after a couple of washes it will lose its visual appeal. But here latex or plastic cubes, balls or rattles fully withstand systematic sanitary treatment.

Tips for choosing

So, we decided on what exactly we need to buy as a gift crumbs. Now is the time to look at manufacturers who produce such toys. It is advisable to give preference to Russian factories or some foreign ones, such as "Tiny Love", "Taf Toys", "Chicco", "Playskool", "Playgro". They are expensive, and if a rattle for 500-600 rubles is too expensive for you, then pay attention to more budgetary Chinese analogues - "Smoby", "Jetem", "Rich Toys", "Lider Kids".

Feel free to ask the seller for two certificates - compliance and security. Be sure to open the package and smell the toy - it should not have a strong chemical smell. Any unpleasant smell indicates toxic impurities in the material, and it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

Try to assess the versatility of the selected toy - it’s good if it can take several of the child’s sense organs at once - sight, touch, hearing. The more functions will be in one toy, the better.

For example, a rattle whose handle has a ribbed surface with latex elements — her child can use it as a teether for teeth. Sometimes these toys have additional rings - trapezoid flowers, which can be moved up and down on this handle.

Be sure to check the age markings on the box. Children, of course, are different, and one already in half a year sits perfectly and is interested in cubes, the other is only trying, and so far only reels are happy. Still, it is better to follow the recommendations of the manufacturers, taking into account the age characteristics of a particular baby.

Examples of gifts for the baby and feedback about them

Oball Rattle Ball

In this bright plastic ball 30 holes in which the baby can stick the handle. Breaking a toy, even throwing it intensely, is almost impossible. The rattle inside sounds unobtrusive, not annoying.

Among the advantages of parents who have already bought such a ball, note the variety of games that you can arrange with him, among the shortcomings - the price, the toy is quite expensive, from 1200 rubles.

Multifunctional mobile Tiny Love Boombox

This mobile can be given to the baby on discharge from the hospital. At first, parents will use it as an ordinary mobile on a bed, although it is also equipped with a backlight and a night light. After 6 months, the mobile can easily be transformed into a night light. In addition, the toy easily becomes a “boombox” - a tape recorder into which manufacturers have downloaded more than 40 tunes.

In total, it can sound for almost 45 minutes, which is enough for the child to fall asleep.

It is a toy about 5,000 rubles. The feedback is mostly positive, however, parents complain about an ill-conceived and not too secure mounting of the mobile.

Gymnastics center Chicco DELUXE 3 in 1

This is a universal toy-transformer. First, the baby will be able to play in it lying down, then sitting, and then standing, the center will change along with the baby. The panel can at once become playable. development tableOn which buttons of different games are located, including the inclusion of music. There is such a toy from 5600 rubles and above (depending on the distribution network). Parents note a lot of advantages, including build quality.

Chicco Fruit Sucker Rattle

Since six months of life, this rattle simply cannot fail to please the baby. All fruits have their own shape and color, their rolling activates the music. Reliable suction cup allows you to attach a toy to a chair or table if necessary. Parents note the quality of plastic, from which it is made, but a lot of complaints are easily switched on music, which can not be turned down or turned off, helps only remove the batteries. It is a rattle from 1200 rubles.

Sorter B kids "Fungus"

This toy will delight a child from birth to a year, and maybe later. You can throw colored balls into the cap of the mushroom, when hit the music will play, the balls themselves will roll out again. Funny insects move, and the butterfly flaps its wings. All the gears can be moved, the hat of the fungus can be detached and only play with it. The cost of 7,000 rubles. The reviews are mostly positive, because of the shortcomings of the mother, only the price of the toy is noted.

Pyramid of Hape Ship

This is a wonderful gift for the baby from six months. Two figures from parts of different shapes and colors can be assembled from two sides, but if the child makes a mistake in the assembly, the ship will lose balance and fall to one side. The toy can be bought and twins. Children will learn to contact, collecting and analyzing the figures of funny little men on the ship simultaneously from two sides. The cost is about 700 rubles. Parents note the practicality of the toy, it is convenient to wash and dry every detail.

Training Caterpillar "Umka"

This funny bright caterpillar with a mass of multi-colored buttons will be interesting for a child under one year old and for children over. Manufacturers have put a 3+ limit on the toy, however, this is the very case when such an indication can be slightly neglected. A child in a year will be interested in pressing buttons, listening to music and seeing colored lights blinking.

When the baby becomes older, he can use the caterpillar to learn the alphabet, songs and more than 30 rhymes, as well as go into some other game modes that will allow you to practice defining shapes and colors, recognizing individual letters and whole syllables. It is a toy from 1500 rubles. In the reviews, parents say very high quality speech, good quality parts.

Educational toy + walker Fisher-Price

This manufacturer specializes in educational toys. You can pick up a musical robot that will teach you count and letters, and a big funny bear with a lot of buttons, the kid will learn the structure of the body on it, listen to songs and poems. If you take a walker of this company to a toy, the average cost of which starts from 1500 rubles, then you can put together a stunning duet in terms of functionality. He will not only train the crumbs to walk, coordinate movements, but also develop thinking, logic, and creative abilities. Feedback from parents about this manufacturer is generally quite positive.

What toys for the baby can be made by hand?

Independent manufacture of educational toys for the child can be done even before the appearance of the crumbs into the world. To do this, it is not necessary to be a skilled needlewoman or ask the future father to show the wonders of engineering thought. It is enough to approach the process from the point of view of the crumbs. What he needs at one or another age, we already know, and from here we will make a start.

Babies up to 3 months will enjoy images of triangles, circles, ovals, squares, which you draw on thick white paper or print it out on a printer. Remember that the baby perfectly perceives contrasts, in the first couple of months of life he will like black and white pictures.

Kids who have already started grabbing objects with handles can make a lot of interesting educational toys from what is at home. Large buttons of different colors can be put on the elastic. The kid will like them to move, and when moving, the buttons will also rattle. If a pair of small bells are added to the construction, the toy will ring.

To develop tactile sensations, cut patches of different materials - suede, leather, jeans, silk. It is good, if they too will be bright, multi-colored.

After six months, you can sew child bags of dense fabric and fill them with beans and peas. Sacks must be tightly and soundly stitched from all sides, so that the baby does not scatter the contents.

Bright beads can be made from pom-poms of various sizes and colors, which will first hang over the crib or in the pram, and then it will be easy to make a pyramid from them by preparing a neat fabric frame with a wire sewn inside.

Make a mobile under the force of any mom. It is necessary to take a circle (hoops or wire circle) and at regular intervals hang everything on it that is lacking in imagination. If you are able to sew - sew birds or small fish from bright fabric, if you knit, then tie something interesting for pendants. You can build very bright paper balls that will also look good on the circumference of the mobile, but remember that paper toys can not be given to a child in pens.

Developing a rug is also quite simple in execution. This, by and large, is a patchwork quilt for which all unnecessary pieces of fabric will fit. If the material will be of different textures, it is even better. The rug can be sewn round, rectangular. For arcs, use a wire that you want to sheathe with a bright cloth and using ribbons or adhesive tape to attach to the base of the mat. You can hang any toys on these arcs; for this, sew several large loops separately.

More detailed master class in tailoring the development rug do it yourself you look see see in another article.

Great educational toy - mat with a large pocket in which the grown-up little tot will be able to stack anything. If you sew several pockets at once, the search for the toy hidden in them may end in an exciting adventure.Oblate the pockets themselves with large buttons, bows and ribbons.

To create a pyramid, you can attract dad who will make neat details from wood and carefully polishes them, and you can get by with your feminine powers, by stitching or tying round colored “cakes” of different diameters. Do not forget about the hole in the middle.

If you sew or knit round colored balls and sew small velcro for clothes on them, you can assemble any length of a caterpillar that the baby can “disassemble” and “assemble” as he likes, in any order.

Important! When creating toys with your own hands, remember that all parts must be well attached so that the baby does not tear off the button or the bell and does not choke on them. The toy is destined to go in the mouth, and more than once, so it must be created taking into account the fact that it will need to be washed and dried.

A toy for a child up to one year should not have sharp corners, it is desirable that there are no corners at all. Use natural fabrics and threads of good quality, without cheap textile dyes, which can cause an allergic reaction and poisoning in the crumbs.

You will find a lot of interesting ideas on making educational toys with your own hands in the following videos.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


