Rattles Tiny Love: pros and cons, models


The rattle is the very first toy of the kid, which is designed to perform not only entertaining, but also developing role. Properly chosen suspension for the cradle not only improves the baby's mood, but also allows him to train in focusing attention, determining the distance to objects, and at a later age also helps him to work out conscious grasping movements.

Parents are increasingly paying attention to the choice of such gifts, so the popularity of brands that have proven themselves from the best side, only grows with time. One of these world-famous brands is Tiny Love.

About company

As a rule, goods manufactured in China are still criticized for their low product quality. However, it should be said honestly: most of the products of even the most famous foreign brands have been produced in this country for a long time, and if quality control is still carried out by foreigners in accordance with the best standards, the country of release should not become a problem. That is exactly what happened with Tiny Love.

The history of this company has more than 30 years. The country of origin of the brand is Israel, and although it is not North America, Europe or Japan with Korea, considered to be traditional centers of high-quality goods, there are almost no complaints about product quality. The fact is that Israeli medicine and science as a whole is known far beyond the borders of the country. Local doctors have become famous throughout the world, because they know exactly what is needed for a small child. This time, the experts decided not to limit themselves to recommendations for the development of the child, but to offer parents their own vision of what educational toys should be.

Today, the Tiny Love product range offers a wide selection of products for the little ones. The company's products are represented by music mobiles on the cradles and children's furniture, developing rugs and toys, books and, of course, rattles.

About the success of the company says at least the fact that its branches are represented throughout the world, except for Africa and Southeast Asia. This fact alone testifies to the huge consumer confidence that still needed to be earned. This was achieved thanks to active consultations with specialized specialists in children's development and great attention paid to the latest discoveries in this field.

Advantages and disadvantages

Perhaps it would be more correct to talk about each rattle separately, because even from one manufacturer, the characteristics of different models can vary significantly. Nevertheless, reviews on the Internet about the products of this manufacturer allow you to get a general idea of ​​the entire range of Tiny Love rattles. They have several major benefits.

  • Security. Rattles are designed for the youngest children who are not ready yet to monitor the purity of their own hands, but with pleasure they will pull everything they can into their mouths. In such a situation, it is completely unacceptable that the manufacturer of children's products used poor quality raw materials. Tiny Love carefully monitors the quality of the materials used, which is confirmed by the massive demand for their products.
  • Variety of assortment. A rattle will definitely not be enough for the baby, but it is unlikely that he will be pleased with many identical ones. In this case, a rattle only at first glance is simple and a toy. Just look at the model range of the brand in question in order to understand that there can be many forms and colors of such products.
  • Visual appeal. If the toy is not interesting to the baby, then there is no point in buying it, because the child is unlikely to be persuaded to focus on it just because it has some kind of developmental effect. Tiny Love experts work a lot to think through bright images of familiar things, because it helps to attract the attention of the baby to the rattle.

The disadvantages of such products are not so many, and some of them are likely to be episodic or even subjective. Nevertheless, it is worth highlighting some negative aspects with the proviso that not everyone agrees with their presence.

  • Substantial weight. According to some moms, the individual rattles of this manufacturer weigh too much, as for such a toy. Naturally, they are not so heavy that the baby could not lift them or made substantial efforts for this, if the child drops such a product on himself, this can result in tears.
  • Difficulties in the process of care. The material from which Tiny Love makes rattles often seems too labeled, especially since the kids are not trying to keep the product clean. As a result, the toy has to be washed quite often, the material also dries not too quickly, so the figure becomes slippery and even more heavy.
  • High price. Tiny Love rattles can hardly be called the most expensive, but many parents point out that this kind of toy could be cheaper. On the one hand, it is possible to purchase a cheaper analogue, but on the other hand, the high cost is due to the import origin of the product and its rather high quality, which is not always provided by Russian or Chinese suppliers.


It should be noted that the absolute majority of Tiny Love rattles have one more additional function - a teether for children's teeth. This means that the toy can always be removed from the attachment and passed into the hands of the child so that he can scratch the itchy gums with it - this will reduce the suffering of the baby and help parents keep their nerves in order.

In this case, the range of the manufacturer is constantly updated. Every month new models are released for sale, while the old ones periodically disappear after being discontinued.

Many models are also equipped with so-called wind chimes. This solution seems very successful, because it allows you to soothe the baby more intensively. Every time a toy experiences a vibration, the baby hears a light, melodic chime. For this reason Such toys are considered very useful both directly at home and during a walk on the street.

Many characters, invented by Tiny Love developers specifically for their own series of rattles, are available in two varieties - for boys and for girls.

There is no fundamental difference between such models, they just use traditional boyish or girlish colors and “dress” in appropriate clothes.

If we talk about the stylization of rattles under this or that character, then the most popular solution is to design the toy in the form of a particular animal. Such characters as giraffe, Lily the sheep or Heidi the hedgehog became very popular.

Among the new products of 2018, Mari's hedgehog, Albertina's beaver, Izi's teddy bear, Florence deer, Oscar the bat, Christopher the fox and hare Thomas are rapidly gaining popularity. In addition, vegetable motifs are quite popular, although the name of a sunflower or other flower in the form of a rattle from Tiny Love is, as a rule, already deprived.

Finally, the astronomical theme is also reflected in the company's assortment. For example, a child can be pleased with a melodious sun or asterisk.

Typically, these toys are characterized by small size, but if you want to give your baby a bigger rattle, in the model range you should choose a special Super Star, which is noticeably different in its dimensions.

About how to choose the right toys, Dr. Komarovsky will tell in the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.