Derinat's Analogs for Kids


Drugs that strengthen the immunity of the child, are in high demand in the autumn and winter. With their help, many mothers seek to protect babies from colds and ORVI, or to speed up recovery and to avoid complications if the child is still infected. Among the drugs used for this purpose, very popular Derinat. When is it prescribed for children and with which medicines can it be replaced if necessary?

How does

Derinat is an agent based on sodium deoxyribonucleinate, which has immunomodulating properties. Such an active compound affects the cells of the immune system, and also stimulates the production of immunoglobulins and other humoral immunity factors. Thanks to this, the viruses that attacked the child’s body, bacterial cells and some fungi are destroyed by the child’s immune system more quickly.

Also, the drug has regeneration properties. Topical application of the solution accelerates the healing of infected wounds, deep cuts, severe burns, traces of frostbite, trophic ulcers and other injuries. In addition, the drug copes well with damage to the mucous membranes, so it is used to treat the oral cavity and throat, and also drips into the eyes.

Derinat is available in several versions of the liquid form - nasal drops, spray and ampoules. The drug has no taste or smell. It is a clear solution without color, which, apart from the active ingredient, contains only sterile water and sodium chloride. Small children are usually prescribed drops, and from the age of 3 you can use the spray. Injections are prescribed by a doctor if there are serious indications for this.

When is it applied?

Most often, Derinat in babies is used for acute respiratory infections and flu, as well as for the prevention of viral nasopharyngeal lesions. The drug is dripped or injected with rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases. Ophthalmologists prescribe such a tool for various diseases of the eye, and surgeons - for skin damage. Rinses with Derinat are in demand for stomatitis and other problems in the oral cavity, and inhalations with such medicine are prescribed for adenoids, bronchial asthma or pollinosis.

Contraindications to treatment is only intolerance to deoxyribonucleinate. Side effects when using this tool almost never appear. The average price of a drug is 250-350 rubles, depending on the form of release. Since the drug belongs to over-the-counter medicines, problems with its purchase in pharmacies usually do not arise.

What to replace?

If you need to choose a replacement Derinat, the doctor may recommend one of these drugs:

  • Deoxinate. The basis of this medication is also deoxyribonucleinate, therefore the indications for its use coincide with the reasons for prescribing Derinat to the child. It is produced both in solution for external processing, and in ampoules for injections.
  • Grippferon. The effect of this drug on the immune system is due to the presence of interferon in its composition. The drug is produced in nasal drops, as well as in the form of a dosed spray in the nose. It is prescribed for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, as well as to prevent the flu and colds. The drug is approved for use from birth.
  • Viferon. This drug also contains alpha interferon, so it is used for various viral infections. Children most often it is prescribed in the form of rectal suppositories, because this form is allowed to apply at any age.Local treatment of the nasal mucosa can be carried out by Viferon in the form of a gel, which is also permitted for children from birth. But such a form as an ointment can be applied only from 1 year.
  • IRS-19. The immunostimulating effect of such a drug in the form of a nasal spray is associated with the presence in its composition of lysates, which are obtained from several microorganisms. In children, the medication can be applied from three months. It is in demand for rhinitis, tonsillitis and many other diseases.
  • Imudon. Such lozenges also contain lysates of bacteria and candida, therefore they are prescribed for gingivitis, pharyngitis, stomatitis and other problems. They are allowed to use in children from 3 years of age.
  • Cycloferon. This drug is prescribed to children over 4 years old. It is represented by coated tablets containing an interferon inducer. The drug is used for herpes, flu and other viral infections.

How to choose the equivalent Derinat for children

If the mother is interested in which drug is best to replace Derinat for the treatment of a son or daughter, the pediatrician will be the best decision. There are quite a few analogs of such a medicine with a similar effect on immunity. Some of them are cheaper, others are almost the same, but choosing a replacement only for the price is very risky.

Each of the immunomodulators has its own characteristics, because the active substances in these drugs are different. In addition, they all have different contraindications, and only a specialist can correctly take them into account during treatment. To buy yourself instead of Derinat any other medicine that can affect the child’s immunity is not worth it.

And now we will listen to Dr. Komarovsky about immunomodulatory children

Each child's immune system is different from other children, as well as a predisposition to allergic and other adverse reactions. That is why in the selection of any drugs for children is best to rely on your doctor.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


