Candles "Korilip" for children


Often sick children or toddlers who have suffered serious illnesses need to be supported by various nutrients. It is especially important to provide such support in case of malnutrition, increased stress or stress. In such situations, appointed funds that strengthen the children's body. They help prevent diseases, even if the child is healthy, and also speed up recovery if the disease has already developed.

One of such strengthening means is Corilip, which is produced in the form of rectal suppositories. How is it useful for kids and when used in children?

Release form

In suppositories, the Corylip has a torpedo shape and yellow coloration, sometimes with orange patches. They are placed in cell blisters of 5 candles each and are sold for 10 pieces in one pack.


Corilip contains 3 active ingredients:

  • Cocarboxylase in the form of hydrochloride. In one suppository, the amount of such a compound is 25 mg.
  • Riboflavin. This vitamin is presented in each candle in a dose of 2 mg.
  • Alpha lipoic acid. This substance, which is also called thioctic acid, is contained in one candle at a dosage of 12 mg.

Solid fats or cocoa butter are added to these ingredients to impart density and shape. There are no other additional chemicals in the medication.

Operating principle

Candles Corilip celebrate tonic effect. Such a drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes in tissues, and its components enhance the effects of each other:

  • Cocarboxylase is a coenzyme involved in the conversion of keto acids, carbohydrate metabolism, the synthesis of protein molecules, fats and nucleic acids. Such a compound is noted for its ability to activate metabolism in tissues, eliminate cellular hypoxia and metabolic acidosis. Cocarboxylase is useful in diseases of the heart, kidneys, or liver.
  • Riboflavin, which is also called vitamin B2, also plays the role of a coenzyme in redox reactions. Such a useful substance is involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. In addition, this vitamin is important for maintaining the condition of the mucous membranes and skin, visual function and the formation of hemoglobin.
  • Lipoic acid is necessary for oxidative reactions and the exchange of keto acids, as well as for the regulation of metabolic transformations of carbohydrates and fats. Such a connection is also important for the formation of energy and improves liver function. This acid protects liver cells from both external toxic effects and toxins formed inside the body.


Corilip is claimed in different pathologies:

  • In case of hypotrophy (if the child does not receive enough nutrients from food or does not gain weight well).
  • In chronic pathologies of internal organs.
  • With viral infections.
  • With reduced immunity.
  • With chronic tissue hypoxia.
  • When acetone.
  • With infections caused by bacteria.
  • In the period of recovery after a serious illness.
  • With chronic intoxication.

In addition, candles are recommended for the prevention of health disorders, for example:

  • During active growth.
  • With high mental stress.
  • With vaccination.
  • With strong physical exertion.
  • In a period of stressful situations.
  • During epidemics of ARVI.

From what age is assigned to children?

The drug is considered harmless to children, so it can be used even in newborns and babies up to a year.


Suppositories do not apply:

  • With intolerance to any of their components.
  • When bleeding from the rectum.
  • With proctitis.

Side effects

In children with hypersensitivity to any component of suppositories, urticaria, bronchospasm, or another form of allergy may occur from the first use of the medication. If the child's body reacted to Corilip like this, then further treatment should be abandoned and show the baby to the doctor.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • Corilip should be injected only into the rectum. First, the candle is released from the packaging, and then after emptying the bowels, the drug is gently injected into the anus.
  • For a newborn baby or infant baby, the optimal dosage will be a half of the candle, which is administered once a day. A 1-6 year old child is administered the drug once by a single candle. Children older than six years old can be prescribed Corilip 1 or 2 suppositories per day.
  • The duration of the drug is usually 10 days. After 20 days, the course is often repeated. Total therapy provides for three or four courses and lasts for 3-4 months.


Information about the harmful effects of suppositories, if used in too large a dosage, the manufacturer does not give.

Interaction with other drugs

Corylip does not have any negative effect on other medicines, therefore it is often used together with other drugs. For example, a child may be assigned together by a corilip and Elkar - means in the form of a solution on the basis of left carnitine.

Pharmacy sales terms

To purchase suppositories, you must first obtain a prescription from a doctor. On average, a pack of 20 candles costs 250-280 rubles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

The drug should be stored in a place hidden from the rays of the sun and moisture, where children do not have access. Since the storage temperature recommended by the manufacturer is below +9 degrees, the candles are kept in the refrigerator. Corilipa shelf life is 2 years.


On the use of candles Korilip in children there are a lot of positive reviews. In them, mothers call this tool an excellent alternative to injections and note that there are practically no adverse reactions to suppositories. To use such a medicine, according to moms, is quite simple, even for the youngest children. The drug is praised for its composition and beneficial effects on the children's body.


A complete analogue of the drug are candles Korilip Neo. They are also represented by yellow elongated suppositories of 10 pieces in one pack, which are sold by prescription. They have the same indications for use and the same contraindications. The drug is approved from birth and is often used with insufficiently active weight gain, reduced immunity, somatic diseases or infections.

The main difference between Corilip Neo is the lower dosage of the active ingredients, therefore, such suppositories are most in demand in children up to a year. Riboflavin in one candle Neo is represented by a dosage of 1 mg, lipoic acid is contained in the amount of 6 mg, and cocarboxylase in a dose of 12.5 mg.

The use of such a tool eliminates the need to cut the candle Korilip into halves. The drug is introduced into the anus to a child younger than a year every day for 10 days once a day. After such a course, as with the use of Korilip's candles, a 20-day break is taken, after which the remedy can be applied again (another 2-3 courses).

Instead of Korilip, a frequently ill child or during the recovery period, the doctor may also recommend various immunomodulating agents, for example:

  • Candles Galavitwhich apply from 6 years of age.
  • Drops or spray Derinat, appointed at any age.
  • Nasal spray IRS-19, allowed from 3 months.
  • Tablets in the shell of Cycloferon, used from 4 years.
  • Candles Imunofanwho are discharged from 2 years of age.

Such funds and other drugs that affect the immune system should not be used without consulting a doctor, because they have different active components, and the child may have contraindications to their use. Therefore, all doctors (and among them Dr. Komarovsky) advise not to give any immunomodulators without a pediatrician examination.

You can learn the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky on antiviral drugs by watching the following video.

We offer to watch a video-practical manual on how to put candles to a nursing child.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.