Primer of Hope Zhukova


The kid, who, it would seem, was only born, is growing up very quickly and very soon will go to school. Parents understand that the time has come to teach the child to read so that he is prepared for this important stage of his life. Of course, teachers in kindergarten and teachers of additional education will provide all possible assistance in this.

However, not always a crumb can cope with this difficult skill without the help of parents. When choosing the first textbook for their baby, parents often opt for the classic Bukvare by Nadezhda Zhukova. I propose to get to know him better.

about the author

Nadezhda Sergeevna was born in 1924. In 1976, she successfully defended her qualification work on the topic “Processes of systematic mastering of her native (Russian) language in speech disorders” and became a candidate of pedagogical sciences.

More than 30 years of his life N.S. Zhukova has devoted speech therapy activities and has become quite a well-known specialist in this area. Under her authorship, not a single million copies of manuals were published that provide parents with assistance in teaching children.

From 1960 to 1990, she worked at the Moscow Children's Mental Hospital. Nadezhda Zhukova carried out special studies on the progressive processes of speech development in preschoolers. Publications of her scientific works can be found both in Russian editions on her profile, and in foreign ones.

Nadezhda Sergeevna acted as an activist in public activities. In the 1960s, she and her neuropsychiatric colleagues in the initiative group addressed how to organize specialized groups for children with speech disorders in preschool institutions.

The result of this activity was a list of indications, according to which the children are enrolled in the speech therapy group. The initiative group also developed all the necessary documents for this and set the rules for the work of selection commissions. Thanks to the work of N.S. Zhukova and her fellow activists across the country began to create speech therapy groups and entire children's speech therapy gardens, which were subordinate to the Ministry of Education.

About the technique

Nadezhda Sergeevna created her special teaching methods for reading children. It is based on the traditional approach, which is a continuation of the work of well-known speech therapists and practitioners E.F. Rau, A.G. Ippolitova. In "Bukvare" N.S. Beetle such an approach is harmoniously combined with an unusual way of studying letter combinations that a child takes for a single graphic element.

Thus, syllables act as a unit of reading and writing. Using the method of N.S. Zhukova baby is much easier to learn the skills of correct reading and then it is easier to move on to competent writing.

Primer N. Zhukova will be a good tool for preparing for school


This well-known textbook is a model of a classic textbook, which is already familiar to three generations of children. By compiling it, the author tried to combine her original methodology with measures that prevent the occurrence of errors in writing that appear in schoolchildren. With this, the kid, who has learned to read, can gradually move to learning to write.

This popular textbook for preschoolers is published by EKSMO. Workmanship is excellent. Hardcover, bright cover, large print, which is just suitable for teaching preschool children, high quality paper - all this is the main characteristics of the book. The price of the "Primer" ranges from 250 rubles. Initially, it was called "Speech Therapist."

There are no moments of play, entertainment in the book. - nothing that could divert the attention of the child from classes. This textbook is designed not only for fun learning of letters by the child, as in the alphabet, but also for quick learning to read preschoolers. For parents at the bottom of the page offers guidelines for conducting classes.

Parents can teach children to read when the child’s speech and phonemic hearing are sufficiently developed. In order for the training to be more successful, it will be better if the child does not know the letters before they become acquainted with the textbook. Nadezhda Zhukova accepted the sound-letter method of teaching as the basis for learning, which has become traditional for several generations of students.

The kid first gets acquainted with the sound that designates the letter (not EM, but M, not BE, but B). The correct name of the letter can be introduced later. This is thought out so that the crumbs do not have confusion in the head when you start learning to read by syllables. He will not understand how BA can be obtained from the letters BE and A, he will read BE-A.

The level of difficulty of tasks in the "Bukvare" increases graduallythat gives the baby the opportunity to understand the principles of reading and to learn them well, applying them in practice. In the process of learning, one should not chant syllables for a long time. It is necessary to explain to the child that between words, sentences it is necessary to pause, as well as to observe punctuation marks.

Note the student on small words (conjunctions, prepositions) in the sentence. Tell him about the need to highlight them with short stops while reading. Try not to use several different methods at once, this may confuse the child in the learning process.

To clarify the material well chosen pictures that correspond to the topic being studied, and can be used in the educational process. When the child starts reading, it is recommended to close the read text at first with a ruler or a blank sheet. This is necessary to avoid returning the child’s gaze to what they read, which can greatly hinder him. And, most importantly, do not rush the crumb. Every kid learns at his own pace. Do not force him to read texts if the crumb is still not reading the syllables. This you can only harm him.

The main hero of the benefit is a cheerful boy running from one letter to another.

The kid should accompany the boy, accompanying him along the path from the first letter to the second finger and pull the first letter, pronouncing it until it reaches the next one. It turns out a kind of singing syllable.

The order of learning letters - not alphabetic. At first, several vowels are studied and, at the same time, the child begins to learn to read the letter combinations of them. Starting with letter combinations of vowels, it will be easier for him to understand the meaning of folding syllables with consonants. Further, consonants are gradually introduced. The general procedure for studying letters is: A, U, O, M, C, X, R, W, S, L, N, C, T, I, P, Z, Y, D, B, D, B, F, E, b, i, yu, y, h, e, t, f, y, b.

Nadezhda Sergeevna suggests teaching the child to read not only in line, but also in bars. The finger must be strictly under readable letter or syllable. The red line indicates the reading direction from left to right. Considering the pictures, ask the baby to highlight the first and last sound from the title of the depicted items. It will be easiest for a crumb to do this if the first vowel is under stress. It is more difficult to cope with the selection of the initial consonant, and the most difficult is the final vowel sound.

In addition, Nadezhda Zhukova suggests using magnetic alphabet and write to the "Bukvare". With their help, the process of teaching the child will be much easier. The entries also suggested comments for those who teach the child. After you have finished the “Primer”, you can continue on the “First after the Primer Book for Reading” by the same author.

See a brief video review of the primer N. Zhukova.


In general, feedback from parents and teachers about this manual is positive.Parents like the method of folding syllables, which offers N. Zhukov. Many people also note the high quality of printing, good illustrations, well-chosen texts, large print, interesting tasks for children and useful guidelines for parents.

Many note the acceptable price of the book. Most parents say that children have learned to read easily and quickly. Teachers, narrow specialists recommend purchasing this textbook for lessons with parents who want to teach a child to read.

However, among the shortcomings can be noted that This manual is not suitable for every child. There are children who are engaged in the "Bukvary" do not want at all due to the lack of entertainment moments. They learn from this book seems boring and uninteresting.

Parents were surprised by the selection of names, for example, the female name Moore. Children, without encountering such names in life, did not understand what they were reading.

Studying reviews, you can meet such adults who simply could not teach the child to read on their own. At the same time, they used not only the Zhukova technique, but also others. Only teachers of additional education could cope with this task.

In the next video, see a small review-review of parents about the primer.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


