How to teach a child to read quickly and correctly?


In recent decades, the percentage of literate people in the state is one of the objective criteria for assessing the development of society, and in our country there is hardly any at least one adult who could not read any language.

Learning to read is considered one of the main milestones in the process of teaching a baby, and if a child has already mastered this wisdom, this fact always becomes a subject for his parents' pride and a topic of conversation for everyone around. It is not surprising that many parents tend to teach the child to read as early as possible, so it is worth a closer look at how this is done.

Why is this necessary?

In general, a person needs reading at least in order to discover the tremendous possibilities of self-education. As practice shows, the one who reads a lot and correctly, often has a much higher level of knowledge than graduates of the best educational institutions, and the latter also pay money for their knowledge, whereas there are many ways to free access to books.

Without the ability to read even with amazing teachers, a person is unlikely to learn everything that is necessary for success in the modern world, because then he would have to memorize 100% of the information without the possibility of subsequent repetition from his own notes.

Moreover, a huge amount of text, including numerous statistics and information provided through social networks, can only be obtained today if you can read.

In addition, under the onslaught of modern technology, people have gradually begun to forget that reading is not only a way of self-education, but also a good hobby, that is, killing time for the benefit of itself. Even if literature does not carry any special moral and aesthetic content, it can still help pass the time, and if, in fact, you are not interested in books, comics can come up as substitutes for them.

In the end, even if reading as an activity is clearly not yours, it will still come in handy in life. At least in order to read signs, signs on houses or even maps on the phone to navigate in an unfamiliar place. In order to maintain contacts in social networks and e-mail, or to read the instructions or the legend for the passage of a computer game, in the end!

In a word, without reading in the modern world it is so impossible to live that a person will literally fall out of it, unable to read.

However, reading as a lesson not only allows you to extract information from the read, but also significantly develops many other useful skills that will definitely come in handy in life.

Child development specialists say the benefits of such an activity are as follows:

Developing attention and memory

A very important moment in any training is the ability to concentrate attention and selectively memorize information. It may seem strange to an adult, but for a child such a task is not at all simple, because he is constantly distracted by any noise, dreams, and so on. While reading, he has to concentrate on the text in order to catch some meaning and to memorize at least one sentence in its entirety, or better, the whole paragraph at once.

Increase the volume of the operational field of view

Even the field of view on which the child focuses is much smaller than in an adult.Of course, the child will see any sudden movement in front of him, even if at that moment he was not looking directly at this point.

In general, child psychologists claim that to “capture” the whole word with a glance It is difficult for the beginning reader, in fact he sees only 3-4 letters. At the initial stage of training, this phenomenon is considered to be quite normal.However, in the future, the kid will learn to quickly process in his head the information received from a larger surface.

Expansion of vocabulary

Proficiency in any language is always relative, because even when reading this article in Russian, you definitely do not know all the words in this language - at least, highly specialized terms that are not related to your occupation and do not know any dialectal words.

The child begins to learn the language from scratch - as if you were learning a foreign language, so that it even reaches a certain intermediate level gradually. Some words in every language are everyday, and children learn them literally immediately, for example, “mother”, “eat”, “sleep”, “warmly”, “toys” and so on.

However, the majority of words are in no way connected with the child’s life, they are not used daily by the overwhelming majority of people, and the baby cannot see them at all.

For example, the word "eternity" is known to everyone, but it is not used very often. Such a concept is not easy to explain even to an adult, if suddenly he somehow does not know him by some miracle, but how to explain it to a child? What should a child talk about in order to get an idea of ​​eternity? But from the books he will sooner or later find out this concept, and the situation described there, probably, will allow him to also grasp the meaning of the word.

Articulation Development

Without knowing the language, newborns, naturally, do not speak the pronunciation either. Everyone who dealt with small children probably noticed that they speak very vaguely, and it is not easy to understand them from the first time. At the same time, the development of a speech apparatus is somewhat hampered by the fact that the kid speaks only for himself about basic needs such as eating and sleeping, and parents who are accustomed to indistinct babbling and the general simplicity of a child’s phrases learn to distinguish the slightest sound, which does not encourage a little to speak more clearly.

Speaking, of course, would improve the pronunciation, and it is reading that can thoroughly help in that. The fact is that young children first learn to read aloud, and only then master reading in silence. Speaking what they read, they gradually approach the purity of oral speech.

Fluent reading program

Theoretically, it is possible to force a child to learn letters at a rather early age, but the point of learning lies not only in knowing the alphabet, but also in the ability to turn individual letters into words, but the main thing is not to mechanically voice the text, but to understand what it is about.

Naturally, it is expected that the child will spend relatively little time on it, and although it’s still very far from the best examples of adult speed reading, it is important to train him for the speed of information perception.

Especially for this purpose, child development specialists develop their own cursory reading programs - a set of exercises that purposefully stimulate the development of skills in a child that will help speed up the process.

There are many such techniques invented, and each of them has the right to exist, but if parents want to teach a child to read not just somehow, but quickly, coherently and intelligently, then he must have a certain level of readiness for this.

To determine the moment when learning to read quickly is already possible, one should pay attention to the following skills of the child:

  • Difficult speech skills. Unless the baby is mute, he must first learn to speak, and only then quickly read.

What is meant is not the ability to pronounce individual words and build extremely simple sentences from them, but speaking at the level to be able to make complex sentences, and even short stories. Roughly speaking, if a child is able to tell in a few sentences how his day was spent or how they played in kindergarten, then this is already that level.

  • Phonemic hearing. In order for letters to logically form into words and not read as a set of separate sounds, the child must be able to break the words in his head into separate phonemes. Of course, no one forces a child who cannot read at all to write full-fledged transcriptions of spoken words - A simple ability to name a sound that is at the beginning or end of a word is usually tested.
  • Lack of serious speech therapy problems. In fact, bad or incorrect pronunciation is not an obstacle to learning to read, but child development experts believe that a child who cannot speak correctly will then retrain for a very long time if he is taught to read without correcting speech defects. At the same time, parents often believe that speech therapy problems are something like the impossibility of uttering the sound "p", however rhythm and melody disorders are also considered a problem, because then it will be difficult to explain to the child what punctuation marks are needed for.
  • Spatial orientation. It would seem, how does this factor relate to reading? Even as it relates, the child, after all, needs to read not at random, but to have a clear idea of ​​the direction of reading.

At a minimum, you need to remember the rule: first - from left to right, and if the line is over, then search for the next line from top to bottom. In order for this rule to have any meaning for a child, he must at least understand where is “right” and where is “left.”

Of course, on the signs and in some other cases, the order of writing may be different. However, the child will master such wisdom by himself, when he will be able to read well in the usual manner for the Russian language.

Usually, experts recommend teaching children to read no earlier than they reach the age of 5 years. However, if the parents of the child are not forced, and he himself shows clear progress in this matter, then of course you should not hold back the baby.

What is fast reading: the benefits and harm of technology

Some techniques do not just offer to teach a child to read, but promise impressive results, allowing the kid to master huge chunks of text as soon as possible.

For example, a rather well-known trick is reading obliquely, when the reader literally glances through the page from the upper left to the lower right, actually picking out not complete sentences, but individual words that are already formed in his head into certain related thoughts. However, The opinions of scientists about the benefits of such "life hacking" for children are divided.

The main advantage of such methods is obvious - a modern person literally has to pass through a sea of ​​information, so the higher the reading speed, the better.

The ability to quickly find the main thing in the text and draw conclusions allows you to leave more time for other classes, among which, in particular, there may be additional self-development. Among other things perseverance as well as attentiveness increase - The qualities required to perform most complex tasks.

Usually, increases and reading - it is much more interesting to talk with such a person, he understands most of the phenomena of modern life.

There is also a purely psychological point: if a child has a habit of mentally communicating with himself (and there are up to 15% of such children), then he is less open to communication with other people.

Speed ​​reading due to the high speed of information processing completely closes the possibilities for mental reading of the read and promotes its discussion with others.

However, not everything is so rosy. In particular, speed reading is considered normal practice exclusively for high school students and adults, and children do more harm than good. The child is simply not ready for such a test - he is not able to quickly absorb information in such volumes, and also cannot highlight the main thing, immediately rejecting the superfluous.

An attempt to force him to achieve the expected result leads to the fact that he begins to get nervous and is under stress, which in no way contributes to his health.

This leads to incorrect reading speed motivation - the child wants to read more quickly, but it’s not at all the fact that at the same time he properly analyzes the information and assimilates the necessary knowledge. In addition, in an effort to read faster, the child will begin to “swallow” the end of words, which will eventually reflect on oral speech.

Experts advise not to start the reading speed training earlier than at the age of 7, however, this age is not an axiom, because you should start from the level of the child’s individual development.

Evaluate at least his conversational skills - if a small person does not have time to pronounce 60-70 words per minute or does it with great difficulty, then for such exercises the time has not exactly come yet. You should not think that reading speed at an early age does not need to be developed at all - such exercises will still bring certain benefits, just you do not need to immediately demand from the child an immediate and obvious result.

Methods and exercises

Classes in teaching reading and increasing its speed can be conducted for children aged 5-6 years. Ideally, this should be a daily workout, but in order To achieve maximum efficiency, you need to organize them as a game. - this is the only way to interest your child and push him to the voluntary improvement of his own skills.

Techniques for quick reading and memorization of information are often collected by teachers in special books, a complete study of which with a child, according to the author, should give a noticeable result.

For example, Shamil Akhmadullin offers a textbook called “Fast reading for children. How to teach a child to read and understand what he read ", training in which involves only one hour of classes per day, however allows you to reach the goal in just ten days. Very similar manual offers and Guzel Abdulova, whose creation "Fast reading for children" does not set such global tasks for the short term, but contains materials very similar to those of her colleagues.

Very popular to speed up the reading process is also Fedorenko systemwhich looks like a very wide table with a relatively small number of random letters scattered over it through large blank spaces. There is no meaning in what has been written, but the author of the methodology suggests that the student simply relax, sit as comfortably as possible and try to cover more text with one glance.

Since the text in the table is not thick at all, the task is not difficult, because there is no need to concentrate attention on one point to read as many as one letter, but with time a reflex is produced, making him perceive in a similar way even large textswritten in small print.

However, this technique is not at all like a game, so it is suitable only for teenagers, and even then, only for those who themselves understand the importance of fast reading and are ready to devote their time to this.

Since this process does not contain any signs of fascination, the exercise is designed for approximately ten minutes a day, but the time and situation should be chosen as calm as possible so that nothing distracts.

Sometimes children are also taught to read not by individual letters, but immediately by syllables or even in whole words, which makes it easy to read a child who does not think about how the combination of letters is pronounced correctly. However, this method is criticized for the fact that unfamiliar words, for example, of foreign origin, can be stumped by such a kid, not trained to play together unfamiliar combinations of letters.

Many other targeted techniques can be found, but most parents who are not teachers by profession are not ready for a systematic approach.

In this situation, it would be much more sensible to use separate game exercises, which can give a result even with occasional use:

  • Reading together. Children still love to be read out loud to them, but if a child can already read a little, you can sometimes, referring to fatigue, now ask him to read a little himself — for parents.

The main thing here is not to accelerate the speed, but to provide reading out loud without errors, because with time, having mastered this mastery at a small pace, the child will suddenly notice that he could do it much faster.

You can interest a child either by playing on his desire to please his beloved parents, or by clearly demonstrating genuine admiration for his success.

  • Useful reading. The child, perhaps, will not be interested in the book - it can lose cartoons in beauty and frighten by large volumes. Whether the case - a note! Create such written messages to the child that he cannot receive in any other way. This includes to-do lists, postcards, and everything else that mom and dad's imagination is capable of.
  • Presentations. Children love any bright images, but they are curious enough to want to know more about painted. In this regard, presentations that do not accompany the pictures with voice comments, but contain concise signatures, are very useful for developing reading skills. Something similar in effect are other things popular among children - children's illustrated fairy tales, encyclopedias, and even comics.
  • Speed ​​reading. Children generally love any speed games, because this is a challenge: can you make it or not? It is quite possible to adapt the reading for this scheme, but it is important to remember two things: you should not get carried away and make the game a routine, but the established time frames should be adequate and not seem unreal to the child.
  • Buzz reading. A great way to stop a child from reading exclusively out loud is to ask him to read the text, while making a buzz. Such a simple sound does not burden the brain too much, at least, the activity of immediately dubbing the read would take much more effort from the child, which could instead be aimed at increasing the speed of reading.

To learn how to teach a child to read, see the next video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.