Cough Kalina - recipes for children
Cough is a symptom of respiratory infections and colds, giving the child severe discomfort. Some mothers are in a hurry to alleviate the condition of the crumbs with pharmaceutical preparations, but many prefer to use time-tested and experienced folk remedies. One of them is called Kalina. What is useful for viburnum for a child, is it possible to give it for colds or for bronchitis in children to fight against cough and what recipes with viburnum are most effective in childhood?
The benefits of viburnum
Kalina can be called a unique plant, very useful for humans. Medicinal properties of note in almost all parts of the bush - and the berries, and the bark, and flowers.
- Red viburnum berries are rich in vitamins and polysaccharides. They contain various microelements, organic acids and other compounds, due to which a strengthening and anti-inflammatory effect is noted in viburnum. That is why red viburnum is so popular at cough and temperature.
- Viburnum also has a diuretic and choleretic Effect. In addition, its berries contribute to faster healing of wounds and have a slight sedative effect.
- Virtually all recipes from viburnum are useful for immunity and strengthen health. Given the effect of this plant, its berries are often used in the cold season to strengthen the body's defenses to prevent respiratory diseases.
- Despite the bright color, Kalina belongs to the hypoallergenic berries. It is even advised to give for atopic dermatitis, since regular use helps to get rid of allergies in childhood.

Although viburnum is very useful, it can not be used when:
- Prone to thrombosis.
- Individual intolerance.
- Reduced blood pressure.
- Peptic ulcer or acidity.
- Increased blood clotting.
From what age can viburnum children?
An acquaintance of a child with viburnum berries can occur as early as infancy, since viburnum in the form of fruit juice or fruit drink can be offered to children up to a year. For the first time to try such diluted drinks in small quantities is acceptable from 6-8 months of age.
How to give viburnum to children
The easiest way to include Kalina in your child’s diet is to cook compote or tea with the addition of its berries. Such drinks are suitable even for very young children, as they may not include sugar and other additives.
Compote may include other berries and fruit pieces, as well as dried fruit. The drink will have a tonic effect and give the child a lot of useful substances.
Children older than a year from viburnum can prepare mousses, jellies and jelly. Juice from the berries of viburnum in the age of 2 years give a diluted form. Also, a child older than 1.5 years old can be offered fresh viburnum berries in an amount of not more than 10 per day. A child of 3 years old viburnum can be added to pastries, as well as to cook from it candy and other sweets.

How to stock and store
Berry harvesting is recommended in the late autumn, when the first frosts began. Viburnum flowers are harvested and dried in May-June, and the bark - in April.
In order to cook a child of viburnum at any time, its berries can be preserved or frozen.
Viburnum cough berries
Natural juice
When making cough viburnum products, the recipe for children often includes sugar or honey. Many children refuse viburnum juice without the addition of such sweet ingredients, because it turns out quite sour. If the child does not mind not sweetened viburnum juice, this option is great for treating cough.
To prepare it, clean berries are passed through a juicer, and the resulting juice is poured into sterilized glass containers, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator. Before use, the juice is diluted 1: 1 with boiled water, and if the child is less than a year old, take more water (2 or 3 parts). Such natural juice can be added to tea, as well as to make the basis of kissel or juice.
Each mother is able to quickly help the child with a cough, if she knows how to make a viburnum decoction:
- Take 2 tablespoons of berries and rub them in mush.
- Place the pounded berries in an enamel container and pour a glass of boiled water there.
- Put the pot in the water bath, then warm up for about 15 minutes.
- Strain the broth and let it cool.
- Add warm boiled water in a volume of 200 ml.
- Give to a coughing baby 1/3 cup three to four times a day.
Kalina with honey
You can prepare a child a remedy from viburnum berries with the addition of honey according to one of these recipes:
- Loop and rinse fresh viburnum. Dip the berries in warm honey (heat it to 30 degrees) and place the container in a warm place for a week. This tool is taken both for prevention and for the treatment of teaspoon cough before meals.
- Scald 100 grams of viburnum berries with boiling water, and then wipe them using a sieve. Mix the resulting gruel with 100 grams of fresh honey and leave for 1 week. Give the child such a fasting remedy on a tablespoon to eliminate a chronic cough.
- Combine 50 grams of viburnum berries and 100 grams of honey, heat over low heat for five minutes. After cooling, let's take a teaspoon up to 5 times a day for children under 7 years old, and schoolchildren a single portion can be increased to a tablespoon.
- Dissolve 100 grams of honey in a liter of warm water, add half a glass of natural viburnum juice, mix, and you will get sweet juice.
- Pour 500 grams of washed berries of Viburnum 500 milliliters of honey and keep this mixture in the refrigerator for three days. Next, heat the viburnum with honey over low heat, stirring constantly. Boil the syrup boiled for 2-3 minutes, remove from the heat and wait for cooling, after which you can offer this tasty emollient and antiviral "medicine" to children with cough.
- Dried viburnum (2 tablespoons), pour 500 milliliters of boiling water, tightly close the container with a lid and leave to infuse overnight. In the morning, strain the liquid and squeeze the berries, then add 4 tablespoons of honey to the infusion. Take this remedy for the treatment of cough should be 75 grams four times a day.
Kalina with sugar
Cough effectively help these sweet recipes with viburnum:
- Sort, wash and dry 500 grams of viburnum berries, and then squeeze the juice out of them in the juicer. Fill the resulting husks with 100 milliliters of water and boil for about 10 minutes. Strain the broth, add the juice and 100 grams of sugar, mix well and allow to cool.
- To prepare the syrup, take 500 milliliters of natural juice of viburnum and 1 kilogram of sugar, combine them and heat so that the sugar is completely dissolved.After removing the foam, boil the syrup for five minutes, then strain and pour into a sterilized container. Keep this product in a refrigerator.
- Collect the berries of viburnum after the first frost, rinse and pour sugar (usually viburnum and sugar take in the same proportion). Keep such a remedy in a glass container in the refrigerator and give the child when the first signs of a cold are detected. Every day, eat a little such viburnum with sugar and advise to prevent diseases in the winter.
How to make tea
To prepare a child such a drink in several ways:
- Mash 2 tablespoons of fresh viburnum berries and put in a pre-brewed plain tea (green or black). When the drink infuses 10 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey.
- Take 1/3 cup of natural juice from viburnum berries, pour boiling water and add sugar to taste.
- Take a tablespoon of grated viburnum with sugar, pour 200 ml of boiling water and insist a little. Giving the child warm when the temperature rose, cough and other cold symptoms appeared - up to 3-5 times during the day.
Bark and flowers of viburnum cough
Decoction of inflorescences and leaves of viburnum will help get rid of colds, sore throat and temperature. To prepare it, take 100 grams of flowers with leaves and 2 liters of boiling water. Mixing the ingredients, bring them to a boil, boil for about 5 minutes, and then infuse for 1 hour. Drink this tool instead of tea 1 cup three times a day, adding, if desired, a little honey.
Decoction of viburnum bark is effective in sore throat, because this tool helps to eliminate strong cough and hoarseness. The crushed bark should be mixed with boiling water at the rate of 50 grams of bark for 500 milliliters of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, and then let it brew for 5-6 hours in a warm place. Take this tool after filtering a tablespoon after each meal.
Moms who used viburnum in the treatment of cough in their children, confirm that the products based on this healing berry really very effectively help to get rid of both cough with SARS or a cold, and from a long cough. They emphasize that after taking viburnum, it becomes easier for the child to cough, discomfort in the throat disappears, and the mucus is better for expectoration. According to parents, most children do not give up viburnum if honey or sugar is present in the recipe. Allergic reactions to viburnum, judging by the reviews of moms, are extremely rare.