Cough cakes for children
In an effort to cure a child’s cough, many parents try to use medicines to a minimum, referring to popular recipes. Among the long-used medical methods that help in getting rid of cough, flat cakes are very popular.
Operating principle
Cough cakes can be called an affordable and simple alternative to a compress with a more gentle action than cans and mustard plasters. She noted anti-inflammatory and mild warming effect.
It is one of the most popular tortillas used to combat cough in children. Such cakes can be used in babies from 6 months of age. However, an obstacle to their use can be an allergy to bee products, which are often found in children.
To eliminate the allergic reaction to the honey cake, before applying it a small area of the child’s skin should be smeared with honey. If itching, swelling or redness occur, honey compresses should be discarded.
Most often for the preparation of honey cakes mixed in equal parts (for example, a teaspoon of each ingredient) liquid honey, sunflower oil and wheat flour. To enhance the warming effect, you can add salt or mustard powder to a classic recipe. Also, there are recipes in which honey is mixed only with table salt or only with flour, and after mixing honey and flour, the mixture is heated in a water bath.
The recipe for cakes of honey and flour, you can see in the next video.
How to make a cough cake using honey, mustard and vegetable oil can be viewed in the next video.
Such a cake effectively warms the bronchial tree and almost never causes allergies and burning. One tortilla requires four tubers of potato. Potato pellets are washed and boiled, and then crushed together with the peel (kneaded or rubbed), after which three teaspoons are added to the potato mass, as well as a teaspoon of honey.
The second variant of potato tortillas will be the addition to a crushed potato on a tablespoon of vegetable oil, honey and mustard powder. Still warm, the mass in the form of cakes is placed on the fabric and make a compress. The procedure is repeated until complete elimination of cough.
This tortilla, made from mustard, warms the bronchi effectively, so it is in demand for bronchitis, manifested by a dry, painful cough. If we compare it with mustard plasters, this cake is softer, and the procedure is longer. At the same time, remember that the cake, of which mustard is a component, should not remain on the body of the child for more than two hours. In addition, it is not recommended to use in children younger than a year.
A standard recipe is to mix dry mustard with vegetable oil and wheat flour. Each component you need to take a tablespoon. After rolling the finished mass, place it on a plastic bag and attach it to the child’s chest with the bag out.
Since the mustard cake may cause reddening, it is advised to periodically remove and apply the dressing again during the procedure, and if the skin is very red, wash it, and do not apply the mustard cake anymore.

To make a cake from rye flour, you need to take a glass of such flour and a teaspoon of mustard, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and honey to the dry ingredients, and then gently pour boiling water on it, stirring until a pasty mass is obtained. In the form of heat such a mass is applied to the body of the baby, and then covered with polyethylene and a warm cloth.
Instructions for use
- The skin of the child must be prepared for the procedure by smearing it with baby oil or liquid cream.
- Stir the ingredients until a thick mass is formed.
- Place the mass for the cake on several layers of bandage or gauze or on a cloth napkin.
- Lay the cake with the fabric side on the baby's body and fix with cotton fabric, and then additionally wrap with warm material, for example, a scarf.
- Cover the child with a blanket and leave with a cake for 2 hours or longer (sometimes they are left overnight).
- Remove the bandage and wipe the skin with warm water.
- Wrap the baby up again to maintain the warming effect of the procedure.
Where do I put the cake?
The flatbread with antitussive effect can be applied to the chest and back of the child. On the chest, a cake is applied to the lung area so as not to affect the heart area. When carrying out the procedure on the back, the pellet is placed directly on the bronchial area.
Make the procedure better at night?
Treatment of cough with lozenges is carried out once a day. In this case, the procedure is recommended in the evening. Compress can be done at bedtime for 2-3 hours before the baby goes to sleep. Also, the cake can be applied to the body of the child just before falling asleep and leave overnight. In this case, the duration of the procedure will be 6-10 hours.
- Before trying out on the child's coughing action made according to any of the above-described pellet recipes, consult your pediatrician.
- Strictly follow the recommended proportions of the ingredients for the cakes.
- If you are making a honey cake from thick honey, you should melt it to make a compress. To do this, a jar of ingredient is immersed in hot water.
- Refuse treatment of cough with a lozenge if the baby’s skin is damaged or inflamed.
- You can not use the cake if the body temperature has increased (more than + 37 ° C), as well as with individual intolerance of its components.
- The duration of treatment with lozenges is 3-5 days.
Moms who have tried the cakes from honey, flour, potatoes or mustard on their children, note that the procedure effectively eliminates the protracted cough left over from SARS and the common cold. Flapjack often helps out in situations where the acute phase of the disease is over, its main symptoms have disappeared, but the cough lasts longer than a week and does not go away. With a mild cold, sometimes two or three procedures are enough at the very beginning of the illness, and the cough goes away completely.
Most often resort to honey cakes, and mustard treats are wary, because there are cases of skin irritation under the action of mustard powder. Some mothers prefer a potato wrap because it is more affordable and safe for babies.

How to treat cough in the opinion of Dr. Komarovsky, see the following video.