Characteristics and features of the choice of strollers Doux Bebe


Every mother wishes her child only the best. This provision applies to all aspects of his life throughout its length. However, in the period of infancy the child does not need so much. Well, those things that are essential (for example, a stroller) should have a fairly high quality, be comfortable and convenient to operate, not only for the baby, but also for his mother.

At the moment in the modern market presents a huge variety of strollers. In the variety of types, sizes and shapes, which provides a wide range of shopping centers, it is easy to get lost for young parents. That is why experts advise to pay attention to popular models tested in practice. One of the most popular and widespread brands of strollers is the brand Doux Bebe. Consider more strollers of this company.


It should be noted that the country-manufacturer of vehicles for babies of the company Doux Bebe is Russia. However, the brand itself is English. Warranty service life of products - 3 years. In general, all the strollers sold under this brand are a fairly universal and modern means of transportation for your baby. They are made from natural and practical materials that are durable, practical and wear-resistant.

Of particular importance in the children's vehicle has a seat. This fact is known to Doux Bebe manufacturers, which is why they paid particular attention to this component.

So, the seat here is transformed (with a flick of the wrist, the chair turns into a comfortable and cozy cradle) and ergonomic (perfectly supports the child).

In addition, you will be pleased with a comfortable handle, which freely spreads, and wheels that can turn 360 degrees around its axis. In addition, they provide a secure fixation and passage on any off-road. It should also be noted that production of these wheelchairs meets all the necessary technological and technical standards. Thus, your baby will be in complete safety, and you can not worry about his comfort and convenience.

Popular models

Doux Bebe launches a line of modern models. One of the most popular is the Doux Bebe (V4). This model is made in several colors (purple, black and red), and this means that each parent will choose the most appropriate option depending on the sex of the child. The weight of this model is about 12 kilograms, it is suitable for children from 0 to 3 years old (the maximum permissible weight of a child is 15 kilograms, the maximum height is 85 centimeters).

The set of this stroller includes many components: chassis, walking unit, raincoat, umbrella, mattress, mosquito net, tab for a newborn and much more. Such a variety of accessories for the stroller allows you to make the movement of the baby as comfortable as possible and turns an ordinary vehicle into a real “home on wheels” for babies.

Parents also often purchase Doux Bebe strollers under the names FinFin, Oviella, Wave, Sleepcode.

  • Finfin - an elite and stylish carriage. It is worth looking at her parents-travelers.
  • Oviella - a transforming carriage. Its size can be customized to the size of the child, it expands.
  • Wave - pretty portable and easy to store device.
  • Sleep code - one of the safest strollers, since all the materials from which it is made do not contain any chemical impurities or artificial additives.


Reviews of parents whose kids ride this carriage are generally positive.For example, many praise the interesting and modern design of the device, reasonable cost, as well as convenient technical solutions. At the same time, not everything is as perfect as it seems at first glance. Some mummies complain about the weak depreciation of the stroller and the rather short period of its operation (which is associated with the growth of the child) - only 1.5 years.

At the same time, when assessing such an indicator as value for money, many parents put up a solid 5 Doux Bebe stroller, noting the good quality of the fabric and comfortable wheels.

Review the stroller company Doux Bebe, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


