Pram models 3 in 1 for twins and tips on choosing


Even one child in a family involves significant expenses, and in the case of twins, it will simply require huge financial injections. For many parents, such an event, though very joyful, but at the same time very costly, so they try to choose such children's products that could perform several functions at once, so cheaper. In the case of prams, it is very beneficial to choose a 2 in 1 transformer, and even better - 3 in 1 at once.

What it is?

In the course of his growth, the child, as a rule, has to change the stroller: in the first months of his life, he needs an ordinary cradle, while as he grows and learns to walk, the lightweight stroller with a sitting place will be more practical. If parents have a car and they want to ride on it with a child in their first years of life, then a car seat will also be needed, in fact, the same stroller, only without a chassis, but with the possibility of mounting in the cabin. All this can not be bought separately if you buy a 3 in 1 stroller.

Components may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer, but in general it is about the same. The chassis of the stroller implies a simple replacement of child seats: there you can install both a cradle and a sitting chair, which can be supplied in the kit or bought separately. Such a removable seat itself can also be installed in a car instead of a car seat, although here you should first study the method of attachment and the possibility of using this particular model in your personal car.

It turns out that instead of two successively purchased wheelchairs and car seats, you can buy everything together at a significantly reduced price.

Models of this type are interesting not only for parents of twins: thanks to the design features, such strollers are also popular with parents of the same age. Most transformers 3 in 1 allows you to simultaneously install one cradle and one walking unit, so that you can carry children of different ages in one wheelchair.

Criterias of choice

In pursuit of profit, it is very important not to buy an unsuccessful transformer, otherwise, instead of saving, you can run into additional costs. Reviews show that even a good, but incorrectly chosen stroller is useless. To avoid failures when choosing, you should pay attention to the negative experience of other parents.

  • It is not for nothing that a transformer can acquire various forms - it is bought for a long time and for all operating conditions without exception. Respectively, no extra features can be ignored He must meet any daily challenges, in particular, be warm in winter and cool in summer.
  • Placing two kids with proper comfort suggests a considerable amount of space, however will have to find a compromise between comfort and compactness. It is very important to understand in advance where in the apartment to store a large enough stroller with separate removable blocks. The design itself should be easy to get into the elevator, and if you plan to go with it by car, its seats should fit the fixtures in the car, and the chassis should be conveniently folded to fit in the trunk.
  • Transformer is not only used for many years, but also has to withstand the weight of two growing kids at once. This is a huge load, because when choosing great attention should be paid to the reliability of the frame, and any rolling squeaks and backlash can be a logical reason for not buying.
  • Weight greatly affects the maneuverability and maneuverability of the stroller, after all, a weak woman, who is usually a young mother, is unable to roll for a long time a structure that will pull on a good 20 kilograms, and even lift them up the stairs. Therefore, the weight of the stroller itself should be as small as possible, but the rotation of the front wheels around its axis will help not to make incredible efforts at every sharp turn.
  • Continuing the theme of terrain, It is worth paying attention to the diameter of the wheels: the more they are, the less time and energy will have to be spent on the detour of small bumps in the road.
  • In pursuit of comfort and convenience, you should not forget about security. Even the most comfortable stroller should not be seriously considered by parents if it does not provide reliable five-point seat belts for each baby.

In addition, it is imperative to have an easily accessible rear wheel brake, which ensures that the structure does not suddenly roll off the slope itself.

  • Some transformers do not imply separate seat removal.they go with a double set, that is, both children either lie or sit. This option is not very convenient even for twins, which can develop at different speeds, and even for the weather, it is absolutely not suitable, because they have different needs completely. If parents nevertheless gave preference to double blocks, then they should at least imply a separate regulation for each backrest and footboard (in the case of walking blocks). It is also important to estimate the size of each place: it is unacceptable that the children be cramped
  • An adjustable knob is not the most indispensable, but still a desirable element of convenience. It must be height adjustable, because even if the fixed height is convenient for the mother, she will not be able to entrust the walk to higher or lower relatives. In addition, the ability to expand the handle around the stroller allows parents to determine for themselves how best to carry the child - in the direction of movement or in front of him. The first option will appeal to curious kids who like to explore the surroundings, the second is better suited for those children whose behavior is best monitored closely.
  • The children of the first years of life are unlikely to have a high concern for cleanliness, However, the latter is very important for their health, because the purchase of those wheelchairs, covers of which are easily removed for washing, is welcomed. It is advisable to pay attention to the fabric itself: if it repels moisture, you can walk with children in any weather, even in the rain. For summer walks, hoods made of such a fabric that would reliably protect from the sun while letting in fresh air are very useful.

Top Rated

Model lines of wheelchairs 3 in 1 for twins are constantly updated, manufacturers are trying to offer more and more new and comfortable models. In this case, each consumer may have their own preferences, so we decided not to arrange the presented carriages in places, but just to highlight a few of those that are popular among domestic consumers in the spring-summer season of 2018.

  • Bumbleride Indie Twin For several years now, it has been considered one of the best of its kind, since the development was done exclusively by those engineers who themselves have several children. The welded aluminum case of this design is able to withstand 41 kg (not only children, but also things in the basket). The textiles used for sewing covers consists of half of bamboo fiber and half of lavsan, which ensures a constantly comfortable microclimate inside, and the fabric is very resistant to wear. Completion is also very convenient: there is not only a basket for things, but also special pockets for bottles.

The weight of the stroller is not so great - only 16 kilograms, the width is suitable for passing on most modern doors.The cost at the level of 90-100 thousand rubles can scare away so many potential consumers, however, choosing this model, you can not read the section on selection criteria at all.

    • Tutis terra in general, offers the same level of comfort as the previous model, but costs about twice as much - about 45-50 thousand rubles. It is fully equipped with everything you need: in addition to the chassis, in the store, happy customers will also be given two cradles, two walking blocks and two separate car seats, as well as small additional accessories. Buyers often praise this model also for the substantial spaciousness of the basket for things, which allows you to go shopping with your children.

    The creators of this stroller have taken a lot of care for its cross-country ability, since it is not just equipped with large wheels for better flotation, it also has good cushioning springs and, very importantly, inflatable rubber wheels.

    • Esspero duetto - This is a model with a price averaged compared to previous models (at the level of 70 thousand rubles), but its undoubted advantage is the minimum width of the wheelbase, which is only 58 cm. not only at the door, but also into the elevator.

        The creators took care of the latter separately, specifically placing separate blocks - the rear one noticeably rises above the front one, slightly overlapping it, thanks to which, even with two cradles, the design is not that great in length. The cradle, by the way, can be installed both in the direction of travel, and against it, and it is also equipped with carrying handles.

        Review the stroller for twins Bebetto 42, see the following video.

        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.