Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich: biography and reasons for the popularity of the pediatrician


The children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky is the favorite of hundreds of thousands of modern mothers. Only he knows how to so easily and clearly convey to his parents, far from medicine, all the necessary information about the treatment of children and the prevention of diseases. He is valued for his amazingly subtle sense of humor, for his great love for children.

The official website of Dr. Komarovsky - www. komarovskiy. net.

What is the secret of the popularity of the famous doctor, we will tell in this material.

About childhood

Biography of Yevgeny Olegovich Komarovsky in many sources is set out rather sparingly - he was born, studied, worked. In fact, and he himself loves to talk about it very much, his life has been rather interesting since childhood. He was born in the family of engineers in Kharkov on October 15, 1960. In 2018, Evgeny Olegovich will celebrate his 58th birthday.

Eugene's parents worked at the turbine plant, and his childhood at first glance was not much different from the childhood of millions of Soviet schoolchildren - pioneer, demonstrations, collecting scrap metal. Prior to working as an engineer at the plant, mother Eugenia received her first education in the field of culture and worked as a librarian. Due to this, in the standard apartment of Komarovsky there was a rather large library that was completely non-standard for that time. The boy's passion for reading woke up early. When parents were forbidden to read, he hid with a flashlight under a blanket and continued to study another adventure novel or story.

When his wife was 10 years old, his younger sister was born, and this event indirectly determined his future profession.

For some reason, the boy was so afraid for the baby, he was so worried that nothing would happen to her, which constantly and quite voluntarily helped his mother to look after the baby.

My sister was sick, recovered, all this was happening with the direct participation of the elder brother, who knew how to feed the hated medicine and put the banks on. Therefore, by the time of graduation with a choice of profession, there were no questions.

About the profession

School Eugene graduated from the most ordinary, secondary. It was rather difficult to enter the medical institute in the late 70s - the profession was prestigious, noble, there were many people who wanted to wear a white robe, and there were few places in the educational institution. Considering that there were no relatives-doctors in the Komarovsky family, there was no protection from anywhere. But in the summer of 1977 at the Kharkov Medical Institute, which was famous throughout the USSR, the rector unexpectedly changed. The old, according to rumors, was fired because the facts of bribery were revealed in the selection committee.

With great hope for justice during the exams, Eugene went to take the entrance tests. He received two fours and two fives and was enrolled in the pediatric faculty. Happiness knew no bounds.

Evgeny Olegovich doesn’t tell so much about the students, he refers to the fact that he was very tired to memorize some bright moments, because studies were not easy.Relations with teachers, who did not know how to tell the essence of their subject in an accessible language, were especially difficult, but only read the lectures on the word-for-word books. Towards the second course, attitudes toward learning began to change — real enthusiasts of their work appeared in Eugene’s life — enthusiastic doctors and nurses who loved the profession, patients, and knew how to infect others with their ideas.

So under the patronage of friends, Yevgeny Komarovsky, a second-year student, was taken to a local hospital. Worked for free. I just came every day after class to help the nurses, doctors, and at the same time I received a practice that was so invaluable for a medical student.

In the third year, he already worked for a small, but his own salary - by a nurse in the intensive care unit of the children's hospital, and later in the intensive care unit of the emergency surgery institute.

More than once, Yevgeny Komarovsky admitted that it was the intensive care unit that “made him a person” - there he learned to appreciate life, to rejoice at every little success, to understand what the mistake of the doctor and the patient really cost.

The institute years were over, and with a diploma of higher education, Yevgeny Komarovsky in 1983 came to the resuscitation department of the Kharkov Regional Infectious Children's Hospital. Until 1991, he worked as an ordinary doctor, and then received the first promotion in his life - he became head of the intensive care unit.

In 1996, Komarovsky became a candidate of medical sciences. In 2000, the reserve of patience in the confrontation with the state health care system ended, and Komarovsky left the hospital. For some time he gave consultations at a private medical center, and then opened his own clinic by the “Clinic”.

About television

Now Komarovsky proudly bears the title of “The Most Beautiful Man of Ukraine”, his parents and not only Ukraine know his smile and muster. And the first appearance on television happened quite by accident. One of the Kharkov TV channels asked the doctor for an interview about diphtheria. It happened in 1992, this year in Ukraine a real epidemic of this infectious disease raged.

Usually the doctor in front of the camera is a bad dream of any journalist and director, because people who treat well are often afraid of cameras and very embarrassed, even completely impossible to express their thoughts in human language. Komarovsky turned out to be the exact opposite, and very soon he was often invited to comment on certain issues of childhood morbidity or the prevention of infectious diseases.

When Yevgeny O. began to work independently in his own clinic, he began to accumulate rich material for discussion. Parents often asked the same questions, they were interested in the same problems. Immediately, to tell everyone that he needed to know about raising healthy children, Komarovsky decided from the TV screen, because by that time the media connections and the experience of television performances had already accumulated. So in 2010, the program “School of Doctor Komarovsky” started on the “Inter” channel.

An example of the transfer of Dr. Komarovsky’s School you can see below.

Since 2017, Komarovsky has also been working on the radio - on the "Russian Radio" leads the project "Mixtura Show". Since 2018, Yevgeny Komarovsky accepted the offer to become a TV presenter on the children's channel "Carousel". He leads the column “Ask Dr. Komarovsky,” which is part of the “Navigator” program.

Evgeny Olegovich considers his success on television to be quite natural and explainable - young moms, grandmothers and all those who sympathize with them are more inclined to believe “an authoritative mustache from a television” than a doctor of the highest category who tells them something in the clinic or hospital room. Therefore, television, according to Komarovsky, is an excellent, affordable way to convey important information to those who need it - to their parents.


Evgeny Komarovsky was not trained in writing, the children's experience of uncontrollable reading of everything that could be reached in my mother's home library affected. Therefore, when in the early 90s there appeared a desire to transfer onto your paper, by that time already quite impressive experience as a doctor, there were no particular problems with word selection and stylistics - well-read people, as a rule, know how to express their thoughts in the text.

The first work was the monograph "Viral croup in children." The monograph was written not for solid scientific circles, but more for patients and numerous friends. Therefore, the doctor allowed himself to choose a somewhat informal tone of the monograph, to laugh somewhere, to get sad somewhere along with the readers. But the main thing he reported - informed about the virus croup and how to prevent it. It was unusual and new, and there were no problems with the publication. The monograph saw the light. By the way, three years later, work was assessed both in professional circles and Komarovsky was awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Since then, the doctor writes almost constantly - books, articles, notes, online publications. The first truly popular and loved by the masses was the book "The Beginning of Your Child's Life", which came out in 1996.

In 2000, the continuation of the first book, “Child Health and Common Sense of His Relatives,” saw the light of the day. Since then, this book is constantly being republished, supplemented, corrected, because there is a new experience, new letters from readers and new situations that must be conveyed to the common sense of adults who raise babies.

So, at the time of the first edition, disposable diapers were not common. And now every second question from parents about the care of a newborn concerns precisely them - those “diapers”. New medicines, cosmetics for children, food and mixtures have appeared. That is why the project “Child Health and the Common Sense of His Relatives” has no end in sight - as new information is accumulated. Already there were 15 reprints of the project.

Komarovsky intends to write further. He himself claims that he is simply obliged to do this, because his work reaches someone, and these people reconsider their attitude towards caring for a baby. Modern medical science is far from reality, says Yevgeny Olegovich. More and more illiterate doctors, more and more parents who blindly trust these illiterate doctors, respectively, more and more sick children become.

The overwhelming number of babies, according to Evgeny Komarovsky’s deep conviction, are born completely healthy. They are made sick by improper care, greenhouse conditions, strange standards. providing medical care in maternity hospitals, children's clinics, simply the manic passion of parents and pediatricians for prescribing pills, medicines, syrups and injections to a poor child on any occasion.

Continuing to write, Komarovsky is trying to convey to his parents (and if he is lucky, and to his fellow pediatricians) that children's health should not be crippled, but maintained. And how to do this, he tells in his books and articles.

Over the past 20 years, Yevgeny Komarovsky received more than three hundred thousand letters from his readers from 89 countries of the world. Someone with the doctor agrees and thanks him for the practical advice that helped the child, someone disputes the principles and opinions of Komarovsky, and this is also completely normal and natural. With letters, something amazing happens at all, asserts Komarovsky - among the total number of complaints, 2.5 thousand messages were sent by doctors, 50 letters were written by eminent professors, deserved and important figures of medical sciences. In this case, a single letter never wrote the officials from the health! With officials, Yevgeny Olegovich somehow did not work.

Doctors are afraid of responsibility, officials, punishment, so such a phenomenon as overdiagnosis has become widespread. And the responsibility for the health of the child is not really doctors and officials, but parents. It is the family - the first front line, which stands guard over the health of the child.

To take care of his health, parents must have at least basic knowledge of how to do this. Modern medicine does not provide for such "education" moms and dads. This took over Evgeny Komarovsky, who believes that his main task is not to even treat babies, but to teach their relatives how to raise the child properly so that there are no reasons for treatment, that is, healthy, strong and happy.

The basic principles of the doctor

Many mothers note that all books by Evgeny Komarovsky are written with such a flashing sense of humor that women unwillingly begin to feel a surge of optimism even in situations that, at first glance, do not inspire optimism at all.

Among the parents in the thematic forums there is even such a thing as "Live according to Komarovsky". What does this mean, what are the basic principles of the famous pediatrician parents take note of?

The best doctor - the child’s own immunity

This principle is central. It is based on the conviction of Komarovsky that almost all children are healthy from birth. Nature itself has taken care that their immunity can cope with viruses, bacteria, common childhood ailments. Attempts by parents to feed a child with pills are a barrier to immunity. Medicines are needed, but only in extreme situations. In 90% of cases of childhood diseases, it is enough to create conditions under which the immune system can mobilize faster and begin to fight infection.

In this case, there should be a minimum amount of drugs and each drug should be justified. Most pediatricians prescribe 6-7 medications for a baby with ARVI (“from virus, temperature, cough, rhinitis, headache, insomnia and diarrhea” at the same time). The doctor fears for unforeseen complications, he does not want to take responsibility without assigning such a list of drugs. Parents do not want to take responsibility and follow the recommendations.

As a result, the pills-fed baby begins to hurt with enviable regularity, as his own immunity is diligently destroyed and oppressed by caring and irresponsible adults.

The best healers - air, water, the right situation

Komarovsky claims that immunity will work better only when the child spends enough time in the fresh air, drinks enough liquid, and the situation in his home or in a kindergarten group meets the requirements of his body. The air temperature for the health of the baby in the room should be maintained at 18-21 degrees above 0, and the humidity should be in the range of 50-70%.

However, the sanitary norms do not allow the caregiver in the kindergarten to open a window in winter to air the room, and the temperature in the group of norms compiled by the officials should not fall below 25 degrees. Therefore, it is not surprising that during the seasons of mass morbidity children begin one after another to get sick with viral infections.

If at the same time and at home mom puts an additional heater and saves on the purchase of a humidifier, then the sick person is more likely to get complications in the form of bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other unpleasant diagnoses.

Hardening a child “in Komarovsky” is necessary from the first days after discharge from the hospital, not to be afraid to make cool baths for him (27-30 degrees), to arrange sun and air baths, to do gymnastics.

Allergy is not a disease, but a reaction to disturbances in the environment.

Komarovsky recommends that parents take care not to buy hypoallergenic products and allergy medications for a child, but to ensure that the baby does not conflict with its environment from an early age. Daily wet cleaning, the absence of dusty books in the child’s room, and the presence of a cat or dog in the house (or both) can increase the chances that the child will not have any allergies. The more it is protected from wool, flowering pollen, the more "greenhouse" the child grows up. And every new substance in the outside world can cause him an allergy.

Most children allergies outgrow, that is, with age, an inadequate body response to the allergen disappears without a trace. Therefore, it is an erroneous way to make an allergy a problem and begin to treat it with aggressive medicines.

The child can not be the head of the family

In raising a baby, starting from establishing the day’s regimen after discharge from the maternity hospital and ending with his whims at preschool age, Komarovsky’s rule is considered to be the priority rule - the child cannot command the pack, but he must immediately learn to adapt to the interests and laws of this flock to survive successfully. Therefore, Yevgeny Olegovich, unlike many foreign pediatricians who advise to fulfill all the desires of the infant or preschooler, argues that the child must live according to the regime established by adults, and not vice versa.

Then, with nocturnal sleep in babies, problems do not arise, just as there is no hysteric and uncontrollable antics in preschool children.

In the end, the refusal of parents to tune their lives for the child's “Wishlist” is beneficial for him both in terms of medicine and in terms of pedagogy.

The child can not be overfed

This is a very common mistake of parents and grandmothers - to feed the child with all his might at every opportunity. If the baby does not eat or begins to eat selectively, naughty, adults begin to look for the causes of such behavior, turn to doctors and try to treat. You do not need to do anything like this - the child should eat when he is hungry. In this case, do not panic, if he did not eat now - eat when he wants.

Special attention should be paid to trying to feed the child during the illness of the child. Fasting during these periods will only benefit - the body will have more strength to fight the disease, because the body will not spend energy on digesting food.

The child should be given the opportunity to be closer to nature.

This means that in the summer the child should run barefoot in the country or in the village with the grandmother, swim in open water, get dirty in the mud and sand and drink water from the well. In winter, the child should play snowballs, sledding and skiing, and at home he can and should stomp barefoot all year round. Not all parents can afford to abandon woolen socks, carefully knitted by their grandmother, or mandatory slippers.

But those who want to see a child healthy and strong, without flatfoot and problems with posture, should try - the result is already verified by thousands of guys.

The father must participate in the child’s life not only financially.

Komarovsky argues that the development of the country is possible only when fathers will no longer be interested exclusively in news, oil, money and sports events and will begin to be interested in their own children. Dad should be aware of what the child is eating and drinking, where and how much he walks, what problems he has in kindergarten or school. Mom should inform father about all this.

Together, parents are the decisive link in the decision chain regarding the child. Relatives, friends and neighbors with their advice should be ignored. Only mom, dad and pediatrician are able to decide how to treat and what to do.

Every child is a person; you cannot compare it with others.

Yevgeny Komarovsky regularly appeals to mothers and grandmothers with a request to stop comparing their child with their neighbors children, with certain norms and standards of development that they read about on the Internet or about which the doctor tells them at the clinic. Each baby develops according to its own individual scenario, in its own time, at its own pace.

You should not consider it a deviation, pathology or lag. Just everything - its time.

Vaccinations are Good

Vaccination is necessary for the child. And that's it. Vaccinations can save a kid's life from the most dangerous human diseases.

About family and hobby

Yevgeny Komarovsky married a student at the same university where he studied himself. At that time he was a 4th year student. His favorite was the pretty girl Catherine, a classmate who, after graduating from the institute, became a pediatric oculist. In 1982, Komarovsky's firstborn, Dima's son, was born, and six years later, in 1988, the second son, Andrey, was born. In 2013, both adult sons at the same time made the father a grandfather - the grandson and granddaughter of Yevgeny Olegovich were born. Twice grandfather claims that he would not mind becoming a grandfather for the third and fourth time.

In the house Komarovsky is always a lot of guests. Friends come, grandchildren and sons come, neighbors run in, so the two of you and your wife have to stay infrequently. Yevgeny Olegovich grows birch and oaks and spruces on the plot. He has a cat and a dog.

The real passion of Evgeny Komarovsky is fishing. He gladly devotes all his free time to her. Because of the passion for fishing appeared concomitant hobby - SUVs.

Evgeny Komarovsky loves to travel, but not to noisy tourist countries, but away from people and closer to untouched nature. He enjoys taking all his adventures on photos and videos, generously sharing his impressions and pictures with his subscribers on social networks. Reading also remains one of his favorite activities in his life.

Interview with E. O. Komarovsky, see the following video.

Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. At the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor.


